July 18, 2007

Why care about the Bilderbergers

Last year's detention of Alex Jones in Canada during the Bilderberg "do", produced a result that the Bilderbergers did not want .. PUBLICITY.

I am no fan of wikipedia .. I KNOW that the government messes with it. I also know that I submitted very good information to it that was REJECTED - stuff on cognitive dissonance. This is an area all global people need to understand, but the entry is nearly impossible for the layman to read (and it is also misleading, btw) So wiki and I aren't bossum buddies ...

However, as the Bilderberg, Inc. group is hard to summarize, and becuz I got this via email, I decided to publish these bits for your consumption. (The ruling elite consume, consume, consume, why shouldn't we at least get some bites..? All the world's resources, beauty, sacred sites, animals and every other living thing are considered sandbox toys for THEM). There is plenty of material on Bilderberg on this blog; just run a search on the box above for the blog to bring it up .. not all of it is linked.

Last year, someone, somehow got a transcript of what took place out on the web, but they gave you a teaser for free and wanted $25 or so to read the lot. Lots of us in the wrong side of the tracks on the digital divide couldn't afford to read it. TOPIC: Iran. The point: someone paid someone working in the hotel to "tell all" and I have spent nearly a year wondering WHO. There were major photos last year showing all the security required to protect the Bilderbergers from people "like us" -- and this in a "democratic" country. Who paid .. the Canadian taxpayer.

This year, it's TURKEY .. and I noted no less than FOUR of the members have something to do with Turkey, and I would guess many more coming this year do, too, it's just that what they are listed as covers up their "interests" there. (The point to be made here: The US cannot make Turkey an ally for many reasons, historic and recent. It really needs as military haven as they get kicked out of Europe and it isn't going to IRAQ or TURKEY that provides it. The US ruling elite has a very vested interested supporting Kurdistan ... which infuriates the Turks, who want the Kurd oil for themselves!!)

All too obviously, CANADA was a big topic this year at the Turkey confab, as those great resources, they think, cannot be developed by CANADA by itself. At this point, due to mismanagement and outright neglect, they may be right. But at least give us a chance to do it as a nation, not as ruling class/corporate puppets of the New World Order, OPP! Meant to say North American Union.

A quick google search will net you the MANY internet journalists and groups that track the Bilderberg "phenomena". A visit to www.prisonplanet.com should be enlightening to those interested as well!

ps."influence" - now there is a word!!

Bilderberg Group From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg conference is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of business, media, and politics.

Owing to discussions by public officials and powerful business leaders (and others) being off the record, these annual meetings are the subject of much criticism (for circumventing the democratic process of discussing issues openly and publicly) and numerous conspiracy theories.

More at Wikipedia ...

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