July 27, 2007

INFO re buses from TO and other directive stuff ...

To an email buddy,

Yes, it is closer than DC AND

1. ensure you have proper ID before you come up guys assuring that they cannot keep you OUT as I suspect they will have border agents looking for potential protestors and will CERTAINLY be looking for vans with more than five people in them .. we've been given THAT clue. UGH!

They will be looking for signs and placards, DON'T carry them with you as I read the White House Protocol for all events that Bush attends and they are always looking for such things. Even watch what teeshirts you bring. ( I still have WHP available if anyone wants to read it ... I know what they are up to!!!! They even go out and recruit sorority and frat guys as volunteers at such events to help them out. Leave these telltale signs (bad pun) behind you.

2. Lots of groups have buses going .. war resister groups, OPIRG, etc. Cost runs about $60 but bursaries are available. I can get better info on this for anyone that wants it .. just park in TO and go up en masse which will be right fun! for those staying over. There is a housing committee in Ottawa already, which will function rather well, we hope or I hope.

3. If you need a parking space here in TO, I have one and you can stay here coming and going. At a stretch I can put up maybe six people ..? I did this for a drupal camp this spring to save hotel expenses for people. The guy turned out to be a jerk! but hey! for this event, I open my arms again.

4. See if you can get a pre-event forum/teach in going! I have videos you could show on a laptop (see below). or hold a post summit teach-in, all you would need to do is put up flyers in food coops, start a Meetup group (and boy! up here the one is ACTIVE, runs about $12 a month which you can recoup real fast) and put a little blurb in your local paper .......... no need to have "experts", just print up some fact sheets off the web and xerox them and hand them out to interested parties who show up. Expect a vast array of very very differing folks politically.

5. Get on some activist websites like OpEd News and just keep on blamming away at them. I am a real good role model fo this .. LOL. I just keep it up over at OpEd as they seem to be in a holding pattern expecting Cindy S. to lead them .. as she has in the past . she has other fish to fry like getting Nancy Pelosi OUT OF OFFICE just now.

But there is a change of direction happening like a focus on the role of transnationals happenin' .. I don't forward all the research I do every single day to this group on this . but just let me say, we are going to have to get REAL specific against all of these greedy global players and point out what they have been doing for DECADES.

As I say, WATCH OUT! YOUR landlord is stealing YOUR apartment.

Read Mohawk Nation News (www.mohaknationnews.com) if you can, they know the score! Great archives and regional items.

Post to firedoglake and other very very progressive US internet websites. Also follow www.globalresearch.com and wsws.org for updates and worldnetnews.com. I post as MANY items as I can on my blog each day, but sometimes get sick of google's interference in my posting - yet there is a wealth of info you can USE for a teachin regularly put up on there .. NO NEED TO BE AN EXPERT. Maybe some others on this list can make some suggestions ..? we can be a force for good ...
Here is one real good list for info
and this is very recent

this is list of videos and so on, posted on suicide girls ...

One World Government, Loosing your rights, Loosing your freedom... watch this video first then take a look at the additional links below:


Here are a few links:

Here are a few video links:

6. Watch for develpments in CONgress, H of R, who are really achieving things right now, under the radar. Info about that posted on my blog already and you can digg it . The actual demo (our resistence) starts NOW! We CAN DO STUFF NOW.

5. Post to digg and other social networking sites. This becomes easy with OpEd News actually if you post there. They take news items, articles, dairies, quotes and have great software including a handy dandy tool for your web browser that allows you to post items with just a couple of clicks. Let them know how this is affecting you personally over the next few weeks.

OpEd is now the No. 5 internet news site! for good reason .. a very user friendly format has been developed and is good for Canadian and US postings . and I suspect Mexican ones eventually as well! I think so highly of it I got myself a purpose built server for the future to handle Canadian postings LOL "they".org cannot crash should the internet get all wanky. Now if I could just run it! LOL.

If anyone knows drupal.org on this list (??!!) setting up a Civic space would be a real possibility. This is the platform Kucinich is now using and was develped by the Dean people awhile back .. but Rob Kall's ingenuous php technique may work out just fine. I do not know. I just picked a direction I thought I could (handle to run with this spring. I dont' expect yahoogroups to be very stable as "things"/action pick up and lots of bigger groups are going to find way too hard to handle their :"traffic" and postings SOON. Google is really no better, as i have discovered.

Last but NOT Least . we ARE the leaders, expecting others to lead is a nonstarter - it's US that are being evicted by our (haha) LANDLORDS as the SPP comes into its own and we must all SCREAM as if our lives depended on it. This is a totally, entirely unholy alliance between government opportunists who wish to expand their departments and careers (and are totally ignorant) and Big Business interests who wish to GRAB resources wherever they can in the western hemisphere as you probably know.

Prosperity and Security for WHO ....?

What a backward slogan but oh! so! very apt!


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