July 02, 2007

Lessons from Panic

A dazzling FLASH! of inspiration overtook me at last. Let's talk about SCREAMING!! Let's get raw and ROUGH. And find an instantly gratifying way to deal with that monster emotion, panic! AAAAAAWWWWKKK!!

Screaming! is a great exercise any time you are not *too* well entertained, or contemplating being being well entertained sometime quite soo

is fun no matter how often you try it and as we all know, practice makes perfect, so

SCREAMING! should be done frequently.

Saaaa-SCREAMING! is the antidote to all that "stuff" -- slick as it might be -- that people are attempting to get you to swallow. You know, all that manipulative, c
ontrolling, ego centric, power obsessed, money oriented junk we all LOVE TO HATE. (That is when it is done by someone else.)

Everyone talks about dealing with their "stuff". S
tuff is a code word for unfinished business. Stuff can be dealt with by SCREAMING!

Still got "issues"? Give them the SCREAM! treatment and see how puny the issues can become.

I believe that SCREAMING! is a sacred act; given
to us by The Gods to take our power back and get us where we need to be . back into the love, the reverance and the play in life. Yup! This is one POWERFUL tool. In fact, it is so bloody good and effective, I think I will give that a SCREAM!, too.

And just think, this week you are spared a worksheet! Just go for it! SCREAM your lungs out. See where it takes you. Track that scream and see how it opens up everything .. your voice, your chakras, your meridians, your aura, your coZmic connection.

All the toxic slugginess just vanishes, doesn't it ...?

No more stuffin' it for the *right time* to say something, gorging yourself on some foul food instead of speaking UP! ARG!

No more morose moodiness as the energy just won't move in your body. The mind, the body and the spirit just mesh, as they should, could and would!!

When you are "sitting around at work, here's a little scream provided by a business card artist named Hugh Macleod, found at www.gapinghole.com. This screaming buddy is free! You can print up as many as you like and keep them handy if you need a place to put a scream during a day when immediate relief via vocal screaming is not available. But pocket him and have a great scream! together later.

Without a good inner scream available our imaginations go as dead. Rather than clutter up your mind with further images, I leave it up to you to find out what is vivid on your inner screen after you indulge that big fat SCREAM! you want to get out ...

If you are already having problems with this week's lesson, I URGE you to think of a place to go and practice. A nice sandy beach, in your car with the windows rolled up, and/or in front of a mirror so you find out how distinctly attractive it IS. It's a really fine emotive device, and it's FREE, FREE, FREE! It's good, safe, noncriminal activit
y. I used to go to the beach with my kids and have them draw monsters in the sand and routinely SCREAM! at them. We aren't speaking of unleashing inappropriate anger and rage; we are talking about getting all the emotion out into the open where it has the chance to heal us, as it was meant to happen.

As I've stated, PANIC! is nothing new under the sun. It's been with (wo)mankind since the first dinosaur tried to eat off someone's head, I would guess. But the difference between now and then is that we are subtlely programmed to be so .. so .. "nice" .. repressing every little thing until we have mountains of prehistoric dinosaurs living in our heads! So let's rattle their cage a big, fat bit and let them know, we are going to survive!

NO matter how annoying, cloying or downright genocidal something is, we can give it a death rattle with a big enough AAAAAAAAAAWWWWW! Just pick any vowel and let it F
LY! This is your pathway to pleasure! You have 10 million, 10 million breaths per year to use up on this exercise. The sweetness and light fairies are getting far more share of your time than they deserve: SCREAM to release the power of your imagination.

Yup, yup, yup! Remember, shaman carry and use rattles for a reason! It's to scare OFF them demons. Our demons like to know we are boss. So,

Picture by Sarah Zecchini

as if your life depended on it.

It just might!
