July 05, 2007

War trauma set to increase in the UK

These wars are illegal and immoral. Afghan to grow more heroin for WESTERN drug dealers - Iraq to suck out more ill-gotten oil.

There is no justified reason for murdering 1 million Iraqis. Veterans suffer for completely unreasonable "reasons."

And there is no  solution beside dealing with the cause of the problem - psychopaths in power. Hopefully this development will FINALLY make clear that none of us can live in an era of perpetual war, wars that are only happening to divvy up the last of the world's material resources.  PEOPLE are the most invaluable resource and they having their souls DESTROYED.

Health & Wellness

Disturbing! War trauma set to increase in the UK

The University of Nottingham
2007-07-03 14:42:00

The number of UK veterans suffering the debilitating effects of war trauma is set to increase, according to a University of Nottingham academic.

Research by Dr Nigel Hunt, Associate Professor in the Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, shows that, with no end in sight for the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, more and more veterans will return home suffering the effects of war trauma. The condition covers a variety of problems relating to stress and emotion, and memory, social, work and family difficulties.

Comment: Of course. Because normal people can't be forced to kill or witness atrocities without facing their conscience. You know... this thing that their leaders lack.

But by looking at the varying ways that different countries cope with their afflicted veterans, Dr Hunt hopes to identify the most effective ways of treating the condition. He has already visited Finland to examine the country's well-established infrastructure for supporting veterans. And after speaking at Tehran's First Annual Congress of Social Security and Justice in May, Dr Hunt hopes to further explore support networks in Iran.

War trauma is a psychological condition caused by experiencing a traumatic event during conflict. The memory of the event triggers strong emotions, causing any number of reactions - from depression and self-harm to anger, violence and drug addiction. Often, the symptoms will be so extreme that the veteran will be unable to live a normal life. Work prospects, family life and other relationships may be affected, exacerbating the symptoms and leading to an ever-increasing sense of isolation and worthlessness.

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