July 21, 2007

Sharbot Lake Rejects Offer

n Sharbot Lake within the past couple
of months a small number of the Algonquins from the Ardoch First
Nation repatriated their unceded traditional lands, still currently used by
Natives and Non-Natives for hunting and fishing.

In the same area in Northern Ontario, a corporation called FRONTENAC
VENTURES has been "testing" the area for "possible" uranium mining for a
few years. The area they repatriated is currently under negotiations
with CANADA. However these negotiations are "on hold" by CANADA. Yet
FRONTENAC still has a license to carry on with their "testing".

Yesterday Frontenac Ventures made a financial offer to the Algonquins
of Ardoch First Nation. This financial offer was flat out rejected by
the Algonquins. No amount of money can ever compensate them for the
likelihood of death, cancer, mutated births, still births, sterilization and
other health risks that will arise as a direct result of uranium

The health risks are too great for our future generations. The
environmental damage will be substantial and unstoppable. Why take the risk
with any of our children? The responsibility of our people is to maintain
life for our future generations. That's all aspects of life. The plant
life, animal life and human life.We are born with a responsibility to
protect life, no matter what the cost is to us.

The Algonquins need our support as they are undertaking a HUGE
responsibility. They are fighting to protect practically the whole watershed of
Northeastern Ontario. Everyone connected to that watershed will
benefit, when the Algonquins are successful.

When asked about the financial offer one Algonquin stated, "...we can
not be bought. (the land repatriation is) Not about money..."

Janie Jamieson

To help contact:

Chief Paula Sherman 613-279-1970 paulasherman@trentu.ca;

Bob Lovelace at 613-374-5598, Cell 613-532-2166;

Harold Perry 613-479-5534;

Lynn Daniluk 613-268-2746 Cell 614-267-0539;

Ormond Lee of the settler committee 613-267-7584].

Post by MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com.
July 20, 2007.poster: katenies
