July 05, 2007

Robbery! King Hemp: Mother Nature's Answer to
Non-biogradable plastic


King Hemp

from ladybroadoak.blogspot.com

The sordid tale of hemp prohibition in America is a superlative example of power working against the population, of corporate profits trumping We The People ...

In actual fact, the lack of hemp oil production is causing many of Mother Earth's problems. Rand Clifford is tackling some important background here. But this is not *just* an American problem. The production of plastics with chemicals is causing this planet to lose its food chain. These articles may be a good start to turning that around. Think Dupont, think lobbying of CONgress and we might see why this torturous prohibition continues. We need biodegradables, not more war machines ...

Ron Paul's campaign is heavily focussed on this issue.

I don't think of this an WE THE PEOPLE issue, I think of it as a corporations/warmongers versus Mother Earth issue, personally.

King Hemp

By Rand Clifford



Part 1: From DEA Deadly Birdseed, Toward Power To The People


Popular Mechanics magazine ran a cover story, February, 1938, hailing hemp as "The New Billion-Dollar Crop". Imagine the wealth a billion dollars meant in 1938. Imagine the wealth William Randolph Hearst had amassed by 1938. Twenty years earlier, Hearst had seen hemp looming on the horizon as a threat to his paper-making empire. As soon as new machinery made superior hemp paper competitive, Hearst, as well as Pierre duPont, owner of patents for the sulfuric-acid process for making paper from wood pulp, both stood to loose vast profits to hemp. Through connections to the very core of American politics, their stealth campaign of sensational lies and propaganda, manipulation, racism and even terrorism, culminated with an illegal tax law essentially outlawing hemp in 1937—yes, the year before Popular Mechanics published their "New Billion-Dollar Crop"


Also, the exact definition of “industrial hemp” versus marijuana is included.


King Hemp- Part II
Battle Lines: Natural, Or Synthetic...Life, Or Death?
By Rand Clifford


Will We The People find the wisdom, coordination and motivation to take back what CorpoGov stole from us through lies and manipulation seventy years ago...lies and manipulation still robust today?

We Got Mugged,So Let’s Get Hemp Back

King Hemp Part-3
By Rand Clifford


Prohibition of cannabis hemp was a mugging, a twisted and diabolical assault on the rights, health and well-being of Americans unparalleled in our history for sheer scope of lasting impact. Never has brazen self interest cost so many people so much for so long. And the number of entrenched industries with profits threatened by hemp have greatly multiplied in number, and political influence ...

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