Hi People of Canada:
I have made available on my website for download in pdf form the motion that
Peter Julian MP for Burnaby-New Westminster
Room 178, Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
intends to present for the Fall Session of Parliament
also on my website is the petition to be used for gathering signatures to support the motion
instructions for printing the pdf files are on the same page
the page is presented in both english and french to the best of my abilty
using an online translator as I do not speak french, but I have made an attempt.
Please excuse any errors in translation
I would encourage everyone that is opposed to this integration to read the motion to be presented and if you agree download the petition - print it out in whatever quantities you need and go out and get some signatures
I will be gathering signatures in Sault Sainte Marie Ontario Canada
I would also encourage all Americans and Mexicans to launch similar petition drives if you oppose this integration
This is something that all North American people should get behind irrespective of boundaries
This is not an anti-american or anti-mexican or anti-canadian thing - it is about government not doing things in a manner that our respective constitutions tell us must be done
We voted them in - they did not vote to have us as constituents
They are there in public office as our guests not the other way around and their jobs can be given to someone else that will do things in a constitutional manner
Please if you think this is important - get involved - now is the time
If there are any problems with the site or downloads let me know
nother link to my website so you won't have to hunt for it
The petitions can be found at ----
Please excuse the French translation - it was done with an online translator as I do not speak French
But this matter is of interest to all canadians
A message from Peter Julian NDP - MP for Burnaby-New Westminster
Room 178, Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear friends,
This is my latest update as NDP Trade Critic as part of our ongoing efforts in the House of Commons to expose and halt the SPP agenda.
Please find attached a Motion I have submitted to the Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT). It is the first in a series of Motions which I will be submitting on behalf of the NDP to the CIIT. We hope that your response and support will help us increase pressure on the Harper government to suspend SPP implementation; and organize a full legislative review and meaningful consultations with civil society, culminating with a full debate and a vote in Parliament.
You can help.
Please send a message to Members of the Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT) asking them to support the NDP Motion (enclosed), with a cc to the Clerk of the Committee, Normand Radford and to my office. I have included the list of names of the Members of CIIT as well as their contact information.
Attached you will also find a petition for distribution over the summer time. Pls note: when you are ready to print the petition, under Print, pls go to page handling, where you will need to check off (if not already checked off) "choose paper source by PDF paper size".
Once the signatures have been collected, please return (postage free) original petitions to my office:
Peter Julian MP for Burnaby-New Westminster
Room 178, Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Together we can expose the SPP agenda and its implications for Canada.
Thank you for your support!
Peter Julian
D�put� de Burnaby-New Westminster
Member of Parliament - Burnaby-New Westminster
Tel: (613) 992-4214 Fax: (613) 947-9500
TTY: (613) 992-4249 ======================================================================================
NDP Motion to be debated at the Standing Committee on International Trade in the Fall
Session of Parliament
That the Standing Committee on International Trade report to the House of Commons
urging the Government of Canada to stop further implementation of the Security and
Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) with the United States and Mexico until
there is a democratic mandate from the people of Canada, Parliamentary oversight, and
consideration of its profound consequences on Canada's existence as a sovereign nation
and its ability to adopt autonomous and sustainable economic, social, and
environmental policies, and that the Government of Canada conduct a transparent and
accountable public debate of the SPP process, involving public consultations with civil
society and a full legislative review, including the work, recommendations, and reports
of all SPP working groups, and a full debate and a vote in Parliament.
Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT)
Chair: Leon Benoit, MP (Vegreville -Wainwright) Benoit.L@parl.gc.ca
Room 613, Justice Building
Vice-Chair : Serge Cardin, MP (Sherbrooke) Cardin.S@parl.gc.ca
Room 318, West Block
Vice-Chair : Lui Temelkovski, MP (Oak Ridges-Markham) Temelkovski.L@parl.gc.ca
Room 315, East Block
Members :
Dean Allison, MP (Niagara West-Glanbrook) Allison.D@parl.gc.ca
Room 163, Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Guy Andre, MP (Berthie-Maskinong) Andre.G@parl.gc.ca
Room 313, Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Navdeep Bains, MP (Mississauga-Brampton South) Bains.N@parl.gc.ca
Room 774, Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Ron Cannan, MP (Kelowna-Lake Country) Cannan.R@parl.gc.ca
Room 461, Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Peter Julian, MP (Burnaby-New Westminster) Julian.P@parl.gc.ca
Room 178, Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Dominic Leblanc, MP (Beaus-jour) Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca
Room 558 D, Centre Block House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Pierre Lemieux, MP (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell) Lemieux.P@parl.gc.ca
Room 509, Justice Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
John Maloney, MP (Welland) Maloney.J@parl.gc.ca
Room 723, Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Ted Menzies, MP (Macleod) Menzies.T@parl.gc.ca
Room 256, Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Clerk of the Committee: Normand Radford
Mailing Address: Standing Committee on International Trade
Sixth Floor, 180 Wellington Street
Wellington Building
House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Email address: ciit@parl.gc.ca
Fax: 613-973-0307
Message from whitestone7:
Please download and print the pdf documents below so you can collect signatures of people in Canada that oppose the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) .
Commonly referred to as The Continental Integration of Canada, The United States, and Mexico
or North American Union.
Please note: when you are ready to print the petition, under Print, please go to page handling, where you will need to check off
(if not already checked off) "choose paper source by PDF paper size".
The above hyperlink is to the pdf file of the NDP motion that can be printed out containing
the wording of the motion to be presented
The above hyperlink is to the pdf file for the petition that can be printed out to collect signatures
for Canadians supporting the motion
Thank you for your support in this matter