August 12, 2006

Truly a compelling and straight forward telling are MacElveen's strengths.

I particularly recommend a a viewing of WHY WE FIGHT. It's a about an hour and half of TRUTH TELLING .. Link is in the copy below.

There's only one successful
solution to the Middle East crisis! commentarist Mary MacElveen writes:

After yesterday's terrorist plot was foiled by MI5 and Scotland Yard thru good ole fashioned police work, which revealed that fluids could be brought on planes scheduled to fly to the United States and then blow them up, I've been trying to think of how I felt.

At several points yesterday, I just shook my head, shrugged my shoulders and thought "Hey, they are up to it again."

Who are the they I refer to? Bush and company!

I also wondered if my fellow Americans would go running back to Bush almost saying, please save me. Oh please!

Plus ... Bush is on vacation (again!) and things tend to happen that put our country on alert when he goes on vacation. But, not to condemn Bush for taking yet another vacation, Blair is also on one ... to the Caribbean. In fact a news reporter for BBC Channel 4 news even commented on the fact and was quite miffed, so to speak. He even stated that "If the Prime Minister knew, in general terms, of the nature of this threat, he wouldn't have gone on holiday."

Again, as I shrugged my shoulders, not able to formulate into words how I felt about how this terror plot that was foiled, a reader (who is often one of my biggest detractors!) emailed me: "Hey Mary ... So what did you think about the terrorist plot that was stopped yesterday? I'm sure somebody on the Chavez side will proclaim that it was a CIA hoax or something. I was just curious what you thought."

First of all, I was not even thinking of what President Chavez thought yesterday since any attack would have happened to my fellow Americans. They, not President Chavez were my main concern. The pulse of Americans, as we draw closer to the fifth anniversary of 9/11 were in my mind as well.

What was also on my mind were the mid-term elections coming up and where the editor of another e-publication asked me if they would be "show elections!" You know, just going through the motions.... I wonder if this will have folks running back to the Republicans saying "Okay, you get to stay in charge" Wake up, people.

So, here was my response to the reader: "I have my own independent thoughts that have nothing to do with President Chavez. But, I will tell you that I find it circumspect that Lieberman ... a pro-war Democrat (?) ... lost to an anti-war Democrat in Lamont. That primary alone told this government that folks wanted to move ahead and take this administration to task. That primary emboldened all that this is the most incompetent administration to date.

Hey, even Lou Dobbs has spoken out about its incompetence as he just did concerning the response by NORAD leading up to the attacks.

Bush fears that we are all forgetting the war on terror ... which in my opinion can never be won since there will always be those that hate us.

Hey, even Ned Lamont stated, in his acceptance speech, that we have to start treating the world with “respect” ... and for a long time we have not.

Right now, the Middle East is bogged down in so many wars and people have seen the White House’s inaction to stop it. Well, now all of a sudden, a threat was foiled, almost begging the American people to come back to Bush.

Will Americans cower once more and stand behind Bush ... and if they truly believe in fighting this war on terror, why aren’t our young men and women signing up in droves at their local recruitment offices?

Congressman Charles Rangel once called for the draft to come back and, while, originally, I raked him over the coals, I rethought my position and now hold that it should come back so that all Americans can share the burden.

Let's see if Americans are truly for these wars on terror.

Independent of Chavez, I just do not trust the Bush administration ... and have not since day one that it came into power.

I really want readers to watch all three of these videos: “The Power of Nightmares” You will see that these videos are not on any conspiracy theorist page... Then see what the war on terror is truly all about ... feeding the military industrial complex and again, please watch the video called "Why we fight."

One more thing ... as a result of my op-ed pieces on, one group that tends to believe what I say, and are my biggest supporters, is the patriot movement which includes former military personnel. One former Marine I have spoken with time and time again, has given me tips on how to survive should civil war break out in this country, USA."

But, to get back to the seriousness of this threat ... have any of you hit a hornet's nest?
Well did they retreat? No, hornets will come after you, and rightfully so.

At the present time, we're taking a battle right to the doorsteps of the Arab world. Are they just supposed to cower, raise the white flag and say "We give up"? We are killing their fellow citizens in the "Bush War in Iraq" and funding the Israelis in their attacks on the Lebanese and Palestinians.

If you think that all Jewish people are for this Israeli offensive, on "Jews Against Zionism --The Hijacking of Judaism by Zionists" you will see the Israeli police beating Rabbis. You will also see devout Jews against this offensive.

Why isn't anyone listening to them?

No, we would rather listen to the right-wing religious fanatics in this United States of America calling for the end times. Forgive them God, for they know not what they do. They think that YOU want Bush to wage war, but how wrong they are!

If you think we are going to win any war on terror it is a fallacy!

Israel receives weapons from the US, so why shouldn’t Iran or Syria give weapons to Hezbollah?! In the first paragraph: "America, allied with Israel, is on a mission to gain control over the world. America is waiting for the day when Cuba will be theirs. Fidel Castro the leader of Cuba has stepped down and left his successor, Raul Castro, in charge due to a medical sickness. Even though the Soviet Union no longer exists, Cuba still has a powerful ally, Venezuela. Venezuela is also a producer of oil along with Middle Eastern countries."

I find it interesting that this writer mentions Venezuela ... not because President Chavez has severed ties with Israel, but for the sheer fact that it is an oil producing nation. Shades of Iraq in the future? You be the judge.

Now, read on: "Hezbollah is considered a terrorist group by the Americans and the Israelis. But if you stand on the other side ... Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine and others consider America and its best friend Israel terrorists. So who is the real terrorist?"

As you will see, the Arab world sees us as threat as we see them.

Quite frankly, I wish we had a competent administration in Washington, D.C. that was better able to get their hands on this situation so that there is no further blood loss on either side.

Should you wish to read how many Arabs were killed by the Bush administration, Why George W. Bush is The World's Leading Terrorist written by, is one that everyone should sit down and read. We have killed off more Arabs than Americans that were killed on 9/11.

Is the Arab world just supposed to take this on the chin?

They are as angry as hornets ... and again ... this is just another blow-back to our foolish thought that we own this world ... this is the 'respect' issue that Ned Lamont spoke of.

Please pay close attention when the writer states "George W. Bush, in his unprovoked attack against the sovereign nation of Iraq, openly violated the UN Charter, to which the US is a signatory. The Charter's core principles contained in Article 2(4) and Article 51 prohibit one nation from attacking another except in self-defense or with the authority of the UN. In effect, George Bush launched an unlawful use of force against persons and property."

Wouldn't you call that terrorism?

He (Bush) broke the law and yet no one is holding his feet to the fire. I find that to be unconscionable, my fellow Americans.

To further anger the Arab world yesterday, Bush called those that would attack us "Islamic fascists." He also made mention that "make no mistake that we are at war" ... then if we are truly at war, why not reinstall the draft and let all Americans share the burden? No, we have military personnel serving extended tours of duty through the "stop-loss" program.
Is that really just to have only some shoulder this responsibility than all?

To those of you that support Bush and his policies, come on, go down to your nearest recruitment office and sign up to serve. Put your money where your mouth is. Nascar will be there when and if you come back and so will 'American Idol.'

There are no conspiracy theories out there as to why this is happening ... it is all in the news and not just the mainstream media, but in the alternative media. We in the alternative media write of provable facts often left out by the mainstream media and, to my dismay and anger, the American people often sit clueless as to why the Arab world is angry with us.

This is what incompetence by your federal government has gotten you.

This is why we have a bull's-eye on our backs.

To the Arab world: You want this to stop ... then tell the American people to somehow impeach Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, et al.

That is the only successful outcome that I can think of...

Mary MacElveen
