August 14, 2006

After Years In Limbo --
More Immigrant Detainees Choose 'Voluntary' Deportation

New America Media, News Feature, Camille T. Taiara, Aug 07, 2006
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Editor's Note: Disappeared in America is a new, regular feature profiling immigrants who've been detained or deported and whose cases illustrate unjust or inhumane features of the Department of Homeland Security's immigration and detention systems. The first report chronicles the story of a Sikh man who chose to be deported back to India, where he had been tortured, rather than languish in limbo in detention in California. Camille T. Taiara is editor of NAM's "Disappeared in America" series and reports on immigration and post-Sept. 11 civil liberties issues.
SAN FRANCISCO--On April 30, U.S. agents removed human rights lawyer and prominent Sikh nationalist Harpal Singh Cheema from his Yuba County jail cell, told him to change into the musty old clothes he'd been wearing when he was taken into custody in 1997, and transported him, turban-less and barefoot, to the San Francisco International Airport. Not allowed to call his wife, Singh, 48, was placed on a plane to New York, then to Delhi, India -- a country where local authorities had detained him without charge and tortured him on four separate occasions years before.

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