I read stuff from many many blogs, websites, newspapers, magazines all day long, nearly 24/7.
While things have definitely polarized since this spring (which side are you ON --- the spiritual or the political ...), I am seeing a resurrgence of REAL discussion I had not anticipated. As "awful" as some of the things people are saying seem to be .. at least things are being met with HONESTY. We can The Good Old Days as we knew them were full of secrets, isolation, denial and DESPAIR. This new fresh wind of speaking UP!, even when saying "politically incorrect" ideas is a profound indication that things are getting better .. we cannot get better as a planet without it. - this dialogING process. It shows that we trust our Creator to be in charge and give up the manipulation/ control rackets our addictive society promotes when we offer up what we are feeling, thinking and imagining ...
I am GRATIFIED to see that many many activist things are taking place .. costly ads are appearing in the major papers against the war -- bought by COLLECTIVES of people!! This is far better than the constant railing that was going on for so long on the internet (the iway). Perhaps humanity's new neural system is paying off!! This past two weeks I have finally seen some real LOVE in action around the internet .. people are putting money where they love lays, not just ranting about what is WRONG. It feels great, as so many antiwar demonstrations have been grave disappointments. Spiritual activism is alive .. and WELL ... Six months ago these ads would have been unthinkable.
I think on my empowerment "list", we are being called into very high levels of truth .. and our bodies are feeling that. Mine sure is. As we go into the astral and ethertic realms we ARE changing the collective consciousness .. we really are.
The real rEVOLUTION is a call to LOVE. As much of an activist as I have been, I can see now how every little act I perform is adding or subtracting from the need to uplift this planet. The entire ONEiverse is conspiring to help us out.
I did the first 11:11 exercise in England in 1991, opening the inner chambers of the pyramid .. and so much has come to "LIGHT" since then. This entry into the portal at Borabadur was something I had no way of "predicting" or understanding at ALL. I just know that this is something we "programmed" ourselves to accept a very LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago. I thought I would be waiting until July 2007 to enter a portal and begin firing the LOVE grid ( www.firethegrid.com ). NOT SO. The power is being owned in the NOW. ( I have persistent perception that this is becuz Gaele and Jag are so ADVANCED. I always wonder who Jag has been, don't you ..? We all have our destinies, too! And while I doing this aside -- send some light out to Jag, Gaele and Amanda and everyone else .. they need our love strength on this go round.)
This may sound negative ... BUT it is not. Humanity's survival depends on us all working together
.. that is what the Aquarian Age is about!! We are all being bonded to work with like souls now as the energy is streaming in. We have to own our OWN vibrations so we can work with all the other people who will be coming our way. I find that the real-izations I had during the process this past two weeks are becoming REAL in everything I am doing. I am rereading David Hawkin's Power versus Force and totally "getting it"!!
As I see it we are part of a vast CONSPIRACY!! A conspiracy of LOVE about to erupt. With wonderful healers like Jag and Gaele, we have been given a power (not force) boast. And we all know it feels great sometimes, and not so great others. But what we are feeling is ours and it is DIVINE. I love Amanda telling me about IGNITING .. instead of feeling divine sparks, I now know that this energy we get when we IGNITE is taking us to HIGHER REALMS together!! We are so POWERFUL, not forceful, that we, us, this fantastic group is helping us accomplish what we could not do on our own, not matter how motivated or well intentioned.
And here is my point -- after that longish "rant" ...
The group I am in just took in a huge DOSE of light, we are becoming (w)holy and healed of our own past ILLUSIONS. These little daily healing crises we are experiencing are FANTASTIC! [When I went to Findhorn community one time, I stayed in a house across the road .. outside was a sign that read "Peace, meditation, healing" -- and I laughed my ass off! With healing, sometimes there appears to be very little
it's not as gentle "process"!!]
We can, and will, help facilitate lasting peace ...
But as I read the new posts .. and forward some of them on .. teach people the mantras and make contact with people to make sure I am doing them to their best __expression, I do know that HEALING IS TAKING PLACE, I really do. I wasn't looking for some HUGE cathartic experience here ) - I am paying attention to the
the little _expressions of LOVE all around me
and the _expressions of GRATITUDE, which means we are AWARE.
I think that in coming days we will all be more aware of this higher energy octave affecting many, many people .. and war will become an anathema. These victims on ALL SIDES are our relations .. How can we allow them to DIE ...? for resources (oil, water, gas) and religious fundamentalism on all sides (Rapturism, patriarchy, revelations that never were) ..?
I am making a HUGE SWITCH in bringing my own vibrational statement UP! I am seeing that loving community is where it is at .. not just counting how many signatures are on well thought out petitions. It is a sacred duty to let LIGHT shine all the time. I still am collecting and posting my rants against injustice and ponerology (the exposure of psychopathic thinking in the political realm) and so on .. but I am doing it now with more gentleness and LOVE behind each and every post I make on my blog and in my group. And THIS, I know will help others see how how powerful this experience we are having IS.
We are being rebirthed COSMICALLY . and our new "beings" are going to show others how to end war, the rich/poor divide, to create magical and divine reality and find spiritual security ... Alot of the pollution will go away when our dependence on fossil fuels is healed ... We must save these resources for ALL future generations.
This Cosmic Dance we are doing goes on FOREVER .. and we can make it much more harmonious .. and we are doing a great job at it, imho. I am great full and grateful you are all on my "space craft" .. that is for SURE. Don't forget to boogie as you dance the cosmic dance. LOVE TO ALL.
Does anyone on this list have an idea of how high the calibration is on this fantastic, cosmic experience we are having ....?
neverending infinity affinity ...