August 13, 2006

No. 31 hexagram shows up ...


Success. It is advantageous to persevere. The strong subordinates itself to the needs of the weak. The two energies resonate together and encourage each other, stopping to delight in words. The masculine yields to the feminine, persevering to understand the feminine. When heaven and earth stir each other up, the myriad beings evolve and give birth; when the sagely person stirs up the hearts of the people, the world attains peace and justice. Through contemplating the stirrings of one's own heart and the passions of heaven and earth and all the myriad beings, it is possible to see clearly. One who follows the Way makes peace with people by virtue of emptiness.


“The men of the present age, if they occupy high office and are honored with titles, all think only of how serious a matter it would be to lose them. Eyes fixed on profit, they make light of the risk to their lives. Are they not deluded indeed?”-- Zhuangzi (Burton Watson)
