August 10, 2006

Thread of the day ...


From: awakened_1_consciousness
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 17:23:45 -0700 (PDT)

Terror Plot: How Long Before It Turns Into BS Like Every Other Example?

right on V!

Its getting down to the wire now, these punks are trying to figure out how to keep control of the govt here with elections, i have a feeling we will see plenty of "terror" alerts in the next 3 months

...maybe more than that, lets hope not,

the consensus of the people I talk to is that people are just waiting now,

getting ready for any "surprises" that may occur.

Peace and Love to every being on this planet


"Virginia S." wrote:

Living in so-called democratic countries most of us . and that includes you, too, (although your head of state in Denmark is developing a bit of a backbone, or least a healthy survival instinct) .. we really fail to understand just how the alliance military is viewed by the rest of the world unless we WORK at understanding.

The military industrial complex has TAKEN over I doesn't spend billions protecting itself. Trillions are spent, but to pay for these weapons, taxpayers' money is used. The RICH GET TAX BREAKS. We are protecting very conservate interests with our dimes and precisely what good has that wrought now or during the cold war ...?

The world is literally on the brink of nuclear was on a daily basis these past few weeks.. NO JOKE, it could happen at ANY time. Meanwhile, nuclear proliferation and testing is ESCALATING, in the arena are India, the US (now about to explode in Hawaii, but not Nevada which is merely on hold, not stopped), North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, ad naseum.

9/1 WAS shocking at it was presumed with all these weapons and defense systems PLUS heavy surveillance of individuals going on, who believed that somone might really attack NYC and Pentagon!! The unthinkable HAPPENED. Of course we have more evident it was a set up now, but still .. It was a shock to NORTH AMERICANs and a surprise to the rest of the world.

What I am trying to suggest here is that the effect of living in strange times where the unthinkable happens is taking its TOLL.

Many more people are dieing daily in IRAQ, but deaths in the HOLY LAND get more coverage. we seem to be being set for a new crusade!

The earth is unstable and warning systems are NOT in place (since we've lost contact with paying attention to animals, humans are pretty hopeless to protect themselves in these events) All you say is TRUE.

The conclusion, to my mind, though must be to appeal to all sides to get with the PROGRAM that all is lost if this age of CONFLICT is not ended. We are all tolerating the intolerable .. genocide is an extremely nasty thing no matter who does it or (?)why .. It is doing the totally unacceptable ..

In some ways these katusha rockets and street bombs are symbols of spiritual fear!! We can only stop all this when the planet becomes SAFE for everyone.

A ceasefire right now would be a good step in the right direction.

The manipulation by the Powers that be that make money on armaments and strident war mongering. Notice how no ever suggests going after arms DEALERS ...?

Every single one of this terrorists plots has proved to be a DUD. Who thinks them up? It has been suggested that MOSAD sets them up, so that they can get their allies to fight their battles for them. Interesting that gas goes up and up in price, yet taxpayers are sending ca$h for jet fuel for Isreali planes. Who voted for that ..?

What people are going to be driven to do when the New World Order gets more firmly entrenched is anybody's guess .. however, it seems unlikely that ANY current government (save Lebanon which will probably be out soon!) would work along side people determined to have have self determination in this age of religious and resource wars.

The current Lebanonese war is about WATER so far .. there are more water wars to come if the human race cannot find a way to work together. and lots more fear bombs going off ..

T wrote:
It is strange that there is a terror plot when we see what happen in Lebanon, what happens there is accepted by the government in the western world.

If we count the numbers of dead people because of so called terror and compare them to the numbers of dead in natural disasters, we can see that the numbers is 100 times or more higher here.

Yes who can we trust. remember we can make a bomb out of anything and every one can do that if they will.

LOve and light to all,


And a healer writes:

Re: Terror Plot: How Long Before It Turns Into BS Like Every Other Example?

The 1st thought I had when I heard was that it's a distraction - from Israel's Nazism, from up-coming elections in the U.S. of A., Iran's "wicked" atomic energy programme - from whatever the PTB have on their agenda that they wish to accomplish as "invisibly" as they can.

It's also a huge dose of fear from which the unseen can feed. For info. about the unseen, read Laura Knight-Jadczyk's writings at

I simply don't believe that the terror attack on planes is for real - but DO believe that MI5, CIA & other alphabet soup barstewards are HAPPY to make it happen if it serves THE CAUSE.

Those arrested will, IMO, just be more patsies - as was Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy J McVeigh & too many others to name.

The obscenity of the reality of 3D is a challenge I'd be happy to dispense with. The tragedy [to me] is that this is a surpassingly beautiful planet that all REAL human beings should be able to treasure & enjoy.

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 7:29 AM
Subject: [earthlings_anonymous] Terror Plot: How Long Before It Turns Into BS Like Every Other Example?

Terror Plot: How Long Before It Turns Into BS Like Every Other Example?
Prison Planet August 10 2006

Government enforcers and frightened slaves are all hot and bothered about the latest supposed terror plot targeting UK flights inbound to the US. How long before the whole saga turns out to be hoaxed BS like EVERY SINGLE OTHER major terror alert there has been?

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