August 01, 2006

Perhaps we should have thought of setting up one in OTTAWA!!

When will our lovely Prime Minister call for a P E A C E conference ...?

Send This to Everyone Not in Washington

Submitted by davidswanson on Tue, 2006-07-25 13:31.


At Long Last...

Can you name the one country on earth where the government can steal elections, strip away basic rights, spy on citizens, and launch wars based on lies, but where the people do not take over the nation's capital in protest?

If you said the United States, you'll be wrong on September fifth when Camp Democracy begins on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

At long last, Americans are preparing to say "Enough is enough," and to do what Ukrainians, Mexicans, or any other people not drugged into acquiescence would do when things got this bad: occupy the capital city to demand peace, justice, and accountability.

Share a Ride to Camp Democracy, Share a Room When You Get Here!

Camp Democracy will be held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., from September 5 to 21. This will be a camp for peace, democracy, and the restoration of the rule of law. Camp Casey will move from Crawford, Texas, to Washington to create a larger camp focused not only on ending the war but also on righting injustices here at home and on holding accountable the Bush Administration and Congress.

Your travel to Camp Democracy is part of the camp and should be a community-building experience. Do you have two people in your car but four seats? Can you bring a van? A large bus? Or do you want to fly on a plane together with others bound for Camp Democracy? Sign up here to offer a ride or to ask for one:

Do you have or need a room in the Washington, D.C., area?Sign up here to offer a room or request one:

We Need Your Help!

Camp Democracy is a grassroots effort and will only succeed with the help of many, many people contributing the small amounts they can afford. This is our opportunity to do what the citizens of the Ukraine, of Mexico, and of other countries do when their democracies are taken from them. This is our chance to say "Enough is enough!" Can you help us?

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