Tell me WHY the powers that be (PTB) let this man assume office and stay there. They are privy to all this stuff, same as us. Merely to convince us they are TRULY OUT of THEIR MINDS .. so that we stay very, very afraid ...? HEY, GUYZ, it ain't working!! Some of us have a life, a mind, an intellectual and a heart ... and guess what! There are many, many of us.
But please! Have heart and spare us another bozo/bully cowby who adores "playing" Commander/Decider-in-chief. We give! We don't want the karmic lesson!
George Bush Astrology – A Major Karmic Moment In the Destiny of the US
by Robert Wilkinson
Since the President is directly responsible for 1/7 of the total karma of the US, it’s useful to examine Dubya’s chart from time to time to see just how badly he’s messing up our collective karma and destiny. Right now his progressions and transits indicate he’s a miserable person in a situation of his own making, and there are major events of global importance coming, none of them good. Today we will consider the progressions, since there are several that show his life is sinking into a miserable morass of dysfunction in the immediate future through the rest of his life.
Astrologers should consider these factors, as all of them are recently separating and therefore within the “hot zone” of volatility, or are forming, showing things to come in the fairly near future. In 2005 (and therefore still in effect) his progressed Mars paralleled Jupiter while progressed Jupiter contraparalleled his natal Mars, while at the same time his progressed Venus squared Saturn and biseptiled his Sun.
These Mars-Jupiter aspects exaggerate any potential hassles, while the Venus-Saturn aspect teaches some very hard lessons about expectations and relationships involving control issues. Taken together these are fairly difficult, and tend toward overdoing things to excess with accompanying irrational and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. They’re all highly active as you read this. He of course has a choice to change his behavior, but he is guided by forces of desire mind and delusion that are out of control.
Even now there are calls in numerous State Legislatures for his impeachment, his domestic and foreign policy agendas are in shambles, the US economy is beginning to show signs of leakage and fraying at the edges, both political parties are in open revolt against his illegal and fascistic domestic spying and international torture policies, and his innermost advisors are jumping ship or under legal scrutiny and/or criminal indictment. There are more “real-world” things indicated by the progressed aspects, but from here we’ll take it back to the astrological factors at work in the chart of our Incompetent-In-Chief.
Because Venus is so unstable and depressed, it is definitely affecting his Libra stellium, and therefore his Moon, ruler of his Cancer planets. He is not doing very well at present, emotionally or socially. There is probably a very large imbalance between what he wants to see and what is presenting itself, and without a doubt he’s hassled almost every day at present. It is safe to say he probably needs to grow up and stop being so touchy, smug, proud, and inflexible. A sketch of Bush's natal chart at this link.
Another factor is his progressed Mercury moved into Virgo in Summer 2005. He was supposed to be learning discernment, but he doesn’t seem to have taken that to heart, giving his overwhelming arrogance. The second degree of Virgo is particularly difficult, if we are to believe the Sabian Symbols. Mercury began its transit of that degree in early April, and its influence will last through early 2007, promising him an ordeal and/or a “crucifixion” of some sort.
Added to the above influences, his progressed Saturn is about to conjunct Trans-Pluto, or Percephone, showing he has a rendezvous with “Divine Mother” in his near future. This will definitely change his life forever. Either he becomes a redeemer of the promise of a life-affirming planet, or he will probably wind up in the proverbial “underworld” for a period of time, never an easy thing, but necessary if we are to become people of depth rather than superficial children in adult bodies.
More news that is not good for our Incompetent-In-Chief. His progressed Moon is about to conjunct his South Node this July, usually showing a time where he needs to lay low, say little, and follow through on things rather than push. That’s not exactly what we can expect from his dysfunctional personality.
Then we find his progressed Sun is exactly semisquare Saturn at the same time his progressed Mars conjuncts his ruling Moon in September 2006. This would indicate that as the Summer progresses, Bush’s presidency and his personality are going to crash, and he’ll be prone to rash behaviors, conflict with authority figures, and fairly depressed and anxious at the same time. Emotionally rash while struggling with the load of responsibility all add up to a big mess in the very near future.
An aspect is most volatile just after an aspect is exact, so be alert to what’s up beginning August, as it won’t be pretty for Bush and his criminal agenda from that point on. The Mars/Jupiter parallel and contraparallel gave him just enough rope to hang himself, and now the world sees him being hoist on his own petard. He will be prone to radical thinking and feelings that will be difficult, perhaps even violent, so we can only hope someone is able to put a leash on what may become a reprise of Captain Queeg disintegrating in “The Caine Mutiny.”
Bush is going through perhaps the hardest and most volatile period of his entire life over the next couple of years, and I hope he learns he needs to change, becoming more emotionally mature and stable enough to handle it. As it is, expect our country also to go through an incredibly destabilizing, volatile, and revolutionary period, where a new order will challenge the willfulness of the old order.
Looking ahead to 2007, we see that Bush’s progressed Mercury is exactly semisquare Jupiter in May 2007, capped off by the slow-moving progressed Saturn exactly semisquare volatile and unpredictable Uranus in November 2007. All of these multiple difficult aspects indicate this is a major point in Dubya’s life, and as none of the aspects look particularly favorable we can deduce that the man is going to go through the dark night of his Soul, what little he seems to have functioning. And that really is more to be pitied than censured, even if he did volunteer to be the most mean-spirited, selfish, and incompetent President the United States has ever suffered.
What he's been going through here. I wrote it January 23, 2006, so examine what's been happening these past 3 months in the light of what was written. It dovetails with this article.
April 27, 2006