I am still experiencing this limiting formatting tool bar
And I am still having problems posting pictures to enliven and color the experience of reading this blog.
Fortunately I am getting back my will to keep it eclectic and diverse and as broadly helping as I can.
The below I would think might be beyond the beyond to some people, and I would NEVER send someone to a Drumvelo workshop, as I think that it is cultish and cliquey to charge that sort of money for truth, did I mention GREEDY? No, that could never be, eh?
Yet I read it, and based on my EXPERIENCE, I know that there is GREAT truth in it, something so magnficient, something synthesized between hermetic but with ancient tantric yoga!
From http://www.energeticsynthesis.com
Maharic Seal
Advanced Seal of Protection
Start with getting used to the Eckasha Maharic Seal of protection as
below. Imagine pale silver light sealed around you. See outline below.
Muscle test and ask if you have any implants, astral , scalar tag,
meta tag, etc. If you get a "yes" response", Ask your Higher Self,
Master Guides to sweep your field and cleanse, clear and remove all of
the mentioned items. Ask for a grid auric seal and support to keep
your mind steady in the light, in perfect harmonization with oneness.
Imagine Silver Rain or a Platinum Net sweeping thru your field
holographically from Spiritual, mental, astral, etheric and physical
bodies. If appropriate ask 7th ray Violet Flame to purify all of your
energy matrix, transmuting all karmic cords into god purity and
oneness. Visualize a violet flame saturating every pore of your being
into purity and perfection.
Do a check am and pm. Until certain Dna is activated and you have set
your 12th dimensional Christos Avatar template and anchored it into
the biosphere it is difficult to remain impenetrable without doing
your spiritual and field housecleaning.
Blessings and NamasteL
The Eckasha Maharic Seal Technique*
Advanced Keystone for Personal & Planetary Healing
A Brief Introduction
The Teachings of the Azurite Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order are
all based upon the Law of ONE which recognizes the interconnection and
interdependence of all dimensions of reality and recognizes that the
Living God or Spirit is alive within all things. All Azurite
Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order teachings are state of the art and
specifically acknowledge the scientific and energetic foundations of
The Law of One. The practical purpose of these teachings is to truly
free and empower all, through expanded consciousness and educated
enlightenment, through which reverence, respect, love and co-operative
co-creation are fostered within the Global Community. These
perspectives fully embrace geophysical planetary healing as an
intrinsic consequence of personal alignment and expansion.
The Maharic Seal technique is a keystone tool of such importance that
it is made freely available to all. Like all Azu rite MCEO techniques
and tools, the Maharic Seal is grounded firmly in Universal Unified
Field Physics, ancient Merkaba mechanics and Matter Template Science
(aka the Divine Blueprint). These techniques are known as
Bio-Regenesis Technologies that were once common knowledge, taught in
the pre-ancient Ascension Schools of advanced Human cultures, and
regarded as standard, as well as essential, daily practice.
The Maharic Seal, like all Bio-Regenesis Technologies, implies
specific application of conscious energy directed to, and within, the
core manifestation template of the body. This technique directly
activates the specific mathematical-geometrical relationship within,
and between, the Angelic Human and planetary, organic, evolutionary
blueprint, utilizing the pre-matter hydroplasmic frequencies of the
10th, 11th and 12th Dimension Mahara Current.
The Maharic Current was fully re-anchored on this planet for the first
time in over 2 10,000 years, at the GRU-AL point, Sarasota USA, Signet
2 of the Planetary Templar Grid, on January 1st 2000. During the first
12 months or so after this time, the 6-pointed pale Silver Star or
Hierophant was used in the Maharic Seal exercise. This symbol
represents the electro-tonal program for the 11th and 12th Dimensional
aspects of the Universal Kathara Grid. When we use this Hierophant
Symbol in the Maharic Seal exercise, we trigger the activation of the
dormant 11th and 12th frequencies within Earth s and our own
bio-fields. When we trigger the activation of these frequencies, we
can begin the process of resetting the Original Divine Blueprint
within our entire energy structure, DNA template and physical body.
The Maharic Current is also the all important carrier wave for all the
symbols and tones used in all subsequent exercises.
As more and more Humans worked with the Hierophant and the Maharic
Seal during the year 2000, the 11th and 12th dimensional
frequency-holding capacity of the Earth and of Humans increased. This
allowed us to use more and more complex forms of the 6-pointed
Hierophant symbol in the exercise. For example, instead of visualizing
the 6-pointed star, we visualized a 12-pointed star. As a consequence,
we brought more and more Maharic current into our bio-fields, and were
then able to use the image of 24-pointed stars, then 48-pointed stars
and even 144-pointed stars. This, in turn, triggered higher and higher
levels of activation of the Maharic current within the planets and our
own bio-fields. Then, during another momentous occasion in 2001,
Indigos and Humans helped anchor the next level of frequency called
the Eckasha into the planetary energy bio-field.
The Eckasha is also called the Eckasha God Seed and carries the
mathematical frequency corresponding to the underlying structure of
key aspects of our Universal system called the Ecka and Eckasha
Universes. (More information on these levels of our vast Universe can
be found in the Voyagers II book, the Dance For workshop series and
The Science of Spirituality and creation Seattle 03). This beautiful
symbol holds highly complex and powerful God World frequencies in
addition to the frequencies of the 6-pointed pale Silver Hierophant.
When first doing the Eckasha Maharic Seal, it is not unusual to have
difficulty in visualizing the colors and symbols within the Eckasha,
so it is often initially visualized as a flat 2-dimensional black and
white image. As you become accustomed to the symbol and the exercise,
you may find that your ability to visualize it as a multi-dimensional
and colored symbol increases. If you have difficulty visualizing any
symbols in any of these techniques, simply INTEND that the Symbol is
there. An equally valid experience of visualization is known as
see-feel , where one can see every detail and yet not see
anything, in the usual sense of the word, where you know what you are
seeing even if you don t see it! People who tend to experience more
from a feeling level (kinesthetic) rather than visual or auditory,
very often function on this see-feel or even hear-feel level. In
this context, visualization is akin to imagination, and is an equally
valid and powerful mode of experiencing any of the techniques
presented in KS.
Since the anchoring and activation of this Eckasha symbol, the amount
of frequency that the planet has accreted (drawn into its bio-field)
has increased greatly. As a consequence, the frequency-holding
capacity in Humans has also increased. In view of this exciting
development, anyone now starting these techniques can begin by using
the Eckasha symbol instead of the 6-pointed pale Silver Star or
Hierophant in the Maharic Seal exercise. The original Long Version of
the Maharic Seal using the 6-pointed (or more pointed) Hierophant can
still be used as an initial step before the Eckasha symbol if desired.
. Begin the process of activating the 8th thru 12th chakras of the
personal Kathara Grid.
. Assist the opening of the Crystal Seals in the body (which otherwise
block DNA activation).
. Open the Planetary Bio-Feed Interface within the personal body,
enabling the body vehicle to become a truly effective tool for lasting
planetary grid and sacred site work.
. Trigger DNA Template activations which progressively and
automatically activate the full 12 dimensional Merkaba.
. Enable healing facilitators to transmit 12D frequency sub-harmonics,
providing more powerful, longer lasting, often permanent, healing
facilitation -free of personal and client energetic field distortions.
. Protect users from disharmonic energies associated with Healing,
Astral and Dream Time projection, and other potential sources of field
. Assist fractious "Indigo Type 3( children (administered via parent).
. Amplify results of all spiritually focused activity.
. Harmonize personal and environmental energies.
. Create Morphogenetic Re-Patterning, clearing Karmic/ Miasmic
Imprints, which otherwise block DNA template activation and the
attainment of true consciousness expansion and full embodiment of the
Christos Principle.
. Realign, revitalize and regenerate all aspects of the physical and
Subtle-Energy Body Systems.
. Prepare and equip practitioners to receive and hold the increasing
flow of higher frequency energies flowing into the Planetary Grids and
personal morphogenetic fields arising from the intensifying Stellar
Activations Cycle now under way (2000 - 2017).
When regularly practicing the Eckasha Maharic Seal, the supply of high
frequency energy that can be drawn into our bio-fields from the
Planetary Maharic Shield is limited only by our own energy holding
capacity. Our frequency-holding capacity can be progressively
increased with consistent use of the Eckasha Maharic Seal as well as
other recommended Keylontic Science technologies.
The Technique
This is what the Eckasha Code looks like and the circles in the center
are the Reuche.
Prior to use: Read through the steps and practice the visualizations
and their sequence slowly for familiarity.
1. Imagine the 2-dimensional image of a "Eckasha Symbol Code", as if
the image is drawn on a black background on the inside of your
forehead. The Eckasha is the Cap Stone Symbol or God Seed Code for the
Time Matrix. It's colors denotes the frequency spectra of the
Triadic, Polaric & Eckatic levels of the Energy Matrix and 15
Dimensions of frequency. It will be used as the Key Code to unlock the
12th Dimensional Maharic Shield in the personal and planetary scalar
2. INHALE, while visualizing the Eckasha Symbol at the center of the
brain in the Pineal Gland.
3. EXHALE, while using the exhale breath to firmly move the Eckasha
down the Central Vertical Body Current (energy current in the center
of the body), then out between the legs and straight down into the
Earth's core (13th Chakra).
4. INHALE, while imagining that you can see at Earth's core a huge,
Disc-shaped Crystalline Platform of Pale Silver Light, that extends
outward on a horizontal plane through the entire body of the Earth and
out into the atmosphere. Visualize the Eckasha suspended in the center
of the disc (this image represents the Planetary Maharic Shield, the
scalar- wave grid composed of dimension 10/11/12 frequency, with the
Eckasha positioned to activate the Planetary Shield. )
5. EXHALE, while pushing your breath outward Into the Earth's Maharic
Shield, imagining as you exhale that the force of the breath has made
the Earth's Maharic Shield begin to spin.
6. INHALE, using the Inhale breath to draw Pale Silver Light from
Earth's spinning Maharic Shield, Into the Eckasha positioned at the
center of the Planetary Shield.
7. EXHALE, using the exhale breath to push the Pale Silver light
throughout the entire Eckasha, making the Eckasha glow and pulsate
with Pale Sliver light.
8. INHALE, imagine that the glowing Eckasha momentarily flashes
Crimson Red and then returns to normal, then use the Inhale breath to
draw the Eckasha vertically up from its position at Earth's core, to a
position 12" below your feet (the position of your dormant personal
Maharic Shield scalar-wave grid). As you inhale the Eckasha upward
from Earth's core, Imagine that it trails a thick cord of Pale Silver
Light behind it; one end of the Silver Cord remaining attached to
Earth's core, the other attached to the Eckasha (the Cord represents
an 'Energy Feed Line, through which you will draw energy up from the
Earth's Maharic Shield into your personal Maharic Shield)
9. EXHALE with your attention on the Eckasha positioned 12" below your
feet, and use the exhale breath to push a burst of Pale Silver Light
outward on a horizontal plane from the Eckasha. Imagine that a
Disc-shaped, Crystalline Platform of Pale Silver Light, about 4' In
diameter, extends on a horizontal plane 12" beneath your feet, around
the Eckasha at its center. (this image represents your personal
Maharic Shield.)
10. INHALE, while using the Inhale breath to draw more Pale Silver
Light up through the Pale Silver Cord from Earth's Core, into the
Eckasha at the center of your personal Maharic Shield.
11. EXHALE, using the exhale breath to push the Pale Silver Light from
the Eckasha, out into your Maharic Shield. Imagine that your Maharic
Shield now pulsates, as it fills with the Pale Silver Light from
Earth's Core.
12. INHALE, again drawing more Pale Silver Light up from Earth's Core
through the Pale Silver Cord, into the Eckasha, and Imagine the Pale
Silver Cord expanding to 4' in width, forming a Pillar of Pale Silver
Light running up from Earth's Core directly into your 4' diameter
Maharic Shield.
13. EXHALE, again using the exhale breath to push Pale Silver Light
from the Eckasha outward into your Maharic Shield, while imagining
that your Maharic Shield "takes on a life of its own", the disc
suddenly "folding upward' with a "popping" sensation, to form a 4'
diameter PILLAR of Pale Silver Light all around and running through
your body (this is your Maharic SEAL. a temporary scalar-wave pillar
of dimension 10/11/12 frequency light~ that blocks out disharmonic
frequencies from dimensions 1 through 12 and begins to realign
disharmonic frequencies in your body and bio-field to their original
perfect natural order)
14. INHALE, Imagining that the Inhale breath draws the Pale Silver
light from the Pillar encasing the body Into every body cell; sense
the tingling feeling as the Pale Silver Light moves through the
physical body.
15. EXHALE, Imagining that you can feel the energy of the Pale Silver
Light expanding Into every crevice of the body and then outward around
the body into the Bio-field.
16. Breathe naturally for a minute or two, as the feeling of the Pale
Silver light moves through you, while sensing the energy presence of
the Maharic Seal Pale Silver Pillar 4' around your body. The more time
you spend breathing and sensing the energies, the more dimension
10/11/12 frequency you are drawing into your Pillar, which will
increase the length of time the Maharic Seal Pillar will remain in
your bio-field.
17. Return your attention to the Eckasha still positioned 12" below
your feet.
18. INHALE, using the Inhale breath to draw the Eckasha up through
your Central Vertical Body Current, then out the top of your head (the
7th "Crown" Chakra), to a point about 36" above the head (the 14th
19. EXHALE FORCEFULLY, using the exhale breath to rapidly expand the
Eckasha outward on a horizontal plane at the 14th Chakra, until the
Eckasha suddenly "disappears" from view, with a mild "popping" sensation.
20. Breathe normally, while visualizing for a moment a brilliant 4'
Pale Silver Pillar of Light extending from the Earth's Core upward,
fully encasing your body and extending far above the head, into
Earth's atmosphere and to a single Star of Pale Blue Light far off in
deep space. Your Maharic Shield is now temporarily activated and your
Maharic Seal Pillar is temporarily manifest within your Bio-Field. The
Maharic Seal will remain in your Bio-field anywhere from 20 minutes to
1 hour at first. The more this exercise is practiced, the longer the
Pillar will remain.
21. For quick reinforcement of the Eckasha Maharic Seal, once the full
process has been run within 24 hours: Simply Imagine a spark of Pale
Silver Light at the Pineal Gland, exhale it rapidly down to Earth's
Core and imagine the Earth's Maharic Shield spinning, call to mind the
Pale Silver Cord and Inhale the 4' diameter Cord all the way up around
you, forming the Pillar, attaching it "out in deep space" to the Star
of Pale Blue Light
1318 2nd Street, Ste 15
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Tel. 310.897.8705
Cel. 619.787.0795
April 26, 2006
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