April 06, 2006

PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN April 5, 2006 by MW Mandeville (Black Canyon City, Arizona)Advertising above is not connected to the Bulletins. To access the Yahoo Archive and Membership Control Site, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/earthchange-bulletins To subscribe to the Earth Change Bulletins: mailto:earthchange-bulletins-subscribe@yahoogroups.com unsubscribe by clicking on: mailto:earthchange-bulletins-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Watch the possible wrap of URLs onto a second line - any segment which dangles on a second line must be copied manually into the browser after clicking on the first line.

Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of April 5 2006

(ECB April 5, 2006, MWM)

The Polar Motion Anomaly of 2005/2006
The Wobble Continues To Appear To Recover, Maybe.

The Earth’s wobble appears to be still moving at a fairly brisk pace southeast towards Europe. For the past three weeks now there has been relative motion in the wobble on both the X and Y dimensions. However, motion on the Y Axis is still highly “cramped”. The Spin Axis is moving on the Wobble Tracker plots far too vertically. On the IERS Y plot, the Spin Axis continues to be far more horizontal than it should.

All in all, not much change from the last two weeks: the track remains substantially distorted from the previous 7 year cycles and the wobble has lost or gained (it is not really clear which is which at the moment) at least 4 months of a normal 14 month spiral around the average center point.

AS PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED: For the time being I am going to stay with my earlier guess: a phase shift of AT LEAST 3.5 months has occurred. The wobble may actually have abruptly ended its normal cycle in November 2005 after a large hop in the average location of the Spin Axis which began in December 2004 with the Great Tectonic Plate Rupture in Sumatra.

We may be in a new cycle emerging from the new X low and beginning the first spiral track (an X MIN track) for the next seven year wobble cycle. For the moment this is pure speculation, stay tuned, it will take another few months to resolve what is happening.For the wobble tracker graph of Polar Motion as of March 21, 2006, see


See the background and previous reports on the pause in the wobble at the website michaelmandeville.com


For the latest IERS waveform plots of polar motion which show a flat line motion (no relative motion) rather than the spiral waveform of the Earths normal wobble, scroll down the following page to find the X and Y Plots..


For The Changes In The Earth 2006-2050

Have the Earth Changes begun, the ones predicted by Edgar Cayce and many other psychics and prophets. Yes. They began within a year of Cayce’s 1998 date, during the peak of Solar Cycle 23. For a standing summary of what the Earth Changes are and how they are unfolding, time-lines, and scenarios, see the Earth Changes Predictions Standing Summary at


This webpage will be slowly updated from new text which is developed here in the Earth Changes Bulletin. Newbies should give this priority.

New This Week For 2006: (ECB April 5, 2006, MWM)

All weather patterns and ocean temperature patterns strongly hint that the increased ferocity of storms this year will move right on schedule, perhaps slightly early this year. The Gulf Coast and the entire Mississippi Watershed region up to the Great Lakes is quite obviously going to be hit very heavily with tornadoes and hurricanes with many more super strong systems than normal. This is the Global Warming reality, the new Climate Syndrome. Adapting to it will require a different agriculture and a radical conversion of construction to reinforced concrete and all construction heavily anchored into the Earth.

Looking at past cycles, this could last a minimum of another 10 years to play out previous hurricane cycles. But this is the Global Warming Trend, which will not return weather patterns to a previous level. The forced adaptations will have a huge impact on the economy of the Mid West, Plains States, and the Gulf area. The new economic industry for the Mid-West is ”adapting to CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES”. Go with the flow, let go all past patterns, realize everything really is changing, and rapidly.


Generally, solar MIN conditions have nearly claimed the Sun. Information on this front will generally be minimal during the next three years.

STANDING FORECAST: New dimensional modeling of the solar vortex confirms Walter Russell’s model of the Sun, as delineated during the 1930s. From recent findings in the torus modeling of the flow of Solar Activity, researchers in Colorado predict, on an historical statistical basis, that the next cycle of Solar Activity, Cycle 24, will begin in 2007 and generate activity which is 30% to 50% greater than the last cycle.

I regret to predict that, IF this is true, the Global Warming Syndrome will be accelerated into greater extremes than we have seen yet and dare not even imagine at this time. Everything of the last seven years, in spades, beginning in about 2010 and lasting through to about 2014. The impacts of course will be on the weather, on the climate, on the species, and definitely as well on human violence. DEFINITELY ON HUMAN VIOLENCE AND POLITICAL IRRATIONALITY – a 30% to 50% increase in stimulation of activity and _expression between 2010 and 2014 – think about it!

Sunspot activity this past few days sailed much higher than I anticipated.

Date Flux Sunspots Area

2006 04 03 100 79 550
2006 04 04 100 62 850

The Sunspot Count rose from nearly zero to 79 on April 3 pushed by a flux of 100 which was up a full 30 points on the Index. Flux was firm at 100 on April 4, but the Sunspot Count sank to 62 and it probably will continue to sag downwards for the next two to three weeks. This no doubt was the peak for the March 31 Planetary Alignments which connected and coupled most the of inner planets. NASA predicts for the next 48 hours that the odds of flares are at 25% and that the odds of magnetic disturbances are at roughly 20% in the polar zones.

The Fluxgate Monitor in the Arctic confirmed the amazing activity with a VERY chaotic, peg-pounding graph display, especially during the past 12 hours. Amazing auroras graced the Northern latitudes last night and probably more can be expected tonight.

NASA ALSO REPORTS: “A solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole could reach Earth on April 9th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras then.”

AS PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED: On April 28, an Earth Jupiter alignment will form and this will likely produce another increase in Solar Sunspot Activity beginning about April 21. [UPDATE: This might actually form right on the alignment date.] This peak should be similar to but probably not as big as the modest one we had in mid March or early April. Complicating this alignment will be a Mars Saturn alignment on about the same schedule. This will have the tendency to pull the peak activity out in two directions which are nearly 90 degrees apart. Naturally the Earth Jupiter connection will be the strongest.

AS PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED: The alignments of the past several years have obviously exhausted the Sun and the peaks are now quite low on average, at least so far this year.

AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: Solar MIN could happen anytime this year, most likely it will not happen until after the next transit by Mercury of the other inner planets during March. This is not rocket science, this is weather science, ahem, thus conditions on the Sun and thus in Earth’s weather could change rapidly at any time.

IS A MONTH IN 2006/2007 GOING TO BE THE POINT OF SOLAR MIN? Could be. NASA predicts the rise of Solar Cycle 24 as early as sometime in 2007. I ran the Home Planet software as an experiment to see if a month is VOID of alignments involving the inner planets. Such a month, I reason, must produce a zero average sunspot during the month. But I cannot find such a month during the next 18.

The next step is to run Home Planet for the time frame of the last Solar Min. Look up the year, run Home Planet in equal orbit projection for all planets, and then try looking for a month with no alignments between the inner planets and none of those with Jupiter. Ignore the outer four. Can you predict a zero month?

Then look up the Cycle charts by Jan Alvord which are linked on the Earth Monitor. Can you confirm Solar MIN month by planetary alignments alone? I have not tried this. Anybody want to do original scientific research and report a finding? As far as I know on one has ever published such a correlation. Maybe it is because it is not there. Maybe it is because nobody has gone down that rabbit hole yet.

NASA SUGGESTS: “SATURN AND THE MOON: The Moon is approaching Saturn and, on Thursday night, April 6th, the two will be side by side. This makes Saturn easy to find: sky map. If you have a telescope, point it at Saturn and behold the planet's spectacular rings.”


We be twixt syzygies at the moment. Except little in the way of new tectonic activity during the next week.

Next Full Moon is: 2006 Apr 13 16:42
Next Lunar Perigee is: Apr 25 10:39 363735 km N-2d 9h
Next New Moon is: 2006 Apr 27 19:46

Syzygy Period To Watch For: Begin early on April 23 for the Perigee of April 25 and extend watch through April 29 to encompass the New Moon. This should be a weaker New Moon than the last one.

Next Major New Planetary Alignment is: Approximately April 28

This is a Double Header at a Right Angle formed from:Mars Saturn sq Earth Jupiter

This double header likely will produce a sunspot peak of substantial size, perhaps as large as the last few days, and it may land right on the date of the alignment on April 28, in the same way that the last Sunspot Peak landed on the date of the most averaged out approximation of alignments between five planets on March 31.

Here is the list of the remaining Super Moon Syzygies for 2006, meaning a New or Full Moon at Perigee or within 90 per cent.

SEP 07, 2006 06:43 PM FULL MOON
OCT 07, 2006 03:13 AM FULL MOON

In accordance with Hotno’s remarks, the October Full Moon may be the deadliest during 2006, esp. through the Medit-Himalayan Belt.

Oh boy, its cold here. How wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! It is literally a dark, windy, and wet morning in Black Canyon City as I start the day updating the Bulletin. Completely unexpected, it normally is dry here this time of year with a 95% certainty. But it’s Global Warming Syndrome and who knows what the chaotic changes in the weather will bring from month to month!!!

I love that Rain Song. Play it some more, the native flora are setting up to play a riotous Spring of flowers.

I hardly need to advise anyone that a vast expanse of energetic storms are still marching across the continents during this early Spring month, delivering a late Winter in many mountainous areas and an early tornado season in many a flat land. Welcome to the amazingly wacky world of the Global Warming Syndrome with more contradictions than a circus.

For the record, let me opine that Global Warming is occurring at a much faster rate (no shi*t Sherlock, I can hear a lot of readers moaning) THAN (pay attention here) is being measured by the climatologists and computed as the increasing “average temperature”. I think the figure is essentially meaningless and in fact there is no human-caused trend apparent in that figure.

Essentially, most of the hoopla of global warming has generated an enormous amount of research which has diligently proven, get this: that the Earth shifts its climate regimes chaotically in as little as 20 years, a few researchers even go further and claim evidence of major shifts which occurred in as little as a year. The scientific bodies have not yet come to terms with how to deal with the real realities which the growing piles of evidence are documenting. A great many researchers are still looking for human caused global warming and they are going to find it or else!!!!

In my view, most greenhouse gas global theorists look a lot like Richard Hoagland. He is going to find the ruins of those pesky aliens, no matter how obscure the data, or else!!!

As with Richard, people are finding what they are seeking. Both are making mountains out of fuzzy lines which wiggle around in the noise level when you stare at them long enough.

In reality a minor shift of 0.8 Centigrade in the average annual temperature of the Earth means very little. It especially means very little when the Artic is thawing out at a faster and faster rate, now 20% ice free during the summer. The 0.8 increase in average annual temperature SIMPLY CANNOT BE THE CAUSE.

The weather very rarely gets warm enough in the Arctic to thaw out anything.

Even weaker is the case for CO2. The increases in its levels in the atmosphere are probably MAINLY an EFFECT of the current global warming, NOT A CAUSE. This is now the only valid generalization which can be made after studying 760,000 years of ice cores. Most of the shifts in the past can be directly correlated with orbital cycles, which change the average sunlight received by the Earth, sometimes heating it and sometimes cooling it.

As it stands, the Greenhouse Gas Lobby has become just another wing of the globalist agenda which is myopically lost in the woods of oblivion.

So where is the damn heat coming from which is driving the rapidly shifting climate patterns? The oceans.

They are heating rapidly compared to everything else and their energy RULES the weather and the climate regimes. Simple. Why are they warming? Some geologists claim that there may be some 1 million times as much volcanism in the Great Rifts as we ever see on the surface.

ONE MILLION TIMES. More on this later.

The driver of the current Jet Stream Deliveries on North America is still the Pineapple Express which comes from a warm zone which is still parked in the North Central Pacific. It currently surrounds the Hawaiian Island, which is why the islands are being flooded from the top to the bottom. Though relatively weak, this persistent warm zone stands out alone nakedly in a vast, largely cool ocean, with a weak La Nina standing on the Pacific Equator. This rising column of wet warm air seems to be dictating the physics of air circulation for a quarter or more of the Earth and the weather across half of North America.

It has persisted longer than might be expected and who can say what is next? To see how the weather was formed for Western North America this winter look at this chart cited below. In effect, this was a high latitude El Nino acting far to the north of a weak La Nina. Look at the anomaly chart, not the average temp chart.


Take notice as well about how much warmer than normal is the North Atlantic. That is driving Europe’s horrendous storms and weather.

SIMILAR TO LAST WEEK: La Nina. It has been weakening for the past two weeks.. It even looks like the coastal water of the East Pacific is warming up and consolidating rapidly around the La Nina water on the Equator. Do we have a sudden onset El Nino which is going to pop up back to back with La Nina? It could happen, it has happened in the past.

FROM LAST WEEK: For the time being, I think that the Jet Stream will be more horizontal than vertical over N.A., which will tend to normalize conditions, albeit at higher levels of energy to reflect the Global Warming Syndrome.

UPDATING COMMENT: Well this was about right, but the Jet Stream is hitting North America broadside at a much lower latitude than it usually does this time of year – with a lot more energy than normal. Hence the huge snows in the Sierra Nevadas this past three weeks. Welcome to the Global Warming Syndrome, California.

AS PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED: After La Nina weakens, expect the remainder of the year to play out weather wise very close to last year’s pattern.

This year will be predominately a Global Warming Syndrome Year without El Nino and Sunspot Peak stimulation. I expect that the acceleration of Global Warming during the last four years will sustain a stiff drought regime in the desert latitudes of North and South America, Africa, and through the Middle East for the next several years. I believe we are likely to see dust bowl conditions widespread in both Africa and America.

During the next several years, there is not likely to be much relief in Africa and the Sonoran Desert in the PSW of the U.S. probably will not see much monsoon rain except in the high elevations above 7000 feet. There may not be any relief until the next El Nino, which will come during 2007 or 2008 at the latest.

This pattern will continue to persist for the foreseeable future under the global warming trend.

There will be occasional short-lived relief, as in late 2004 and early 2005, from El Nino wet air, but most of this wet air will probably end up far to the North and to the East, producing extremes of flooding and large numbers of tornadoes in other areas. In other words, the new normal is there is no normal at all, just a deepening of chaotic extremes.

AS PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED: Weather PATTERNS will continue to be non-normal because of the chaotic mixing effects which Global Warming Syndrome is inducing into the flow of air. All local regimes will continue to be perturbed and this perturbance will gradually get more and more surreal through this time of the rapidly accelerating Change In The Earth. No normality will be seen for at least the next four millennia. All biomes will relentlessly migrate and transmute. Catastrophic impact of the weather in some regions, such as the Carib Basin, will ebb and flow in severity in response to the modulation imposed by the 7 year cycle in the Wobble, (the Primary Axis Cycle).

In general, the coast lines of the Gulf area, including Florida, are in process of being destroyed and this process will accelerate. Within the next 24 months, it is likely that North Americans will give up on the Gulf Coast. The islands in the Carib Basin will face the same issues and abandonment of some of these will commence as well during the next four years. For many reasons, the Carib Basin and the Gulf Region will be the first widely recognized mass casualties of Global Warming. This is now extensively developed in the Return of the Phoenix as an Earth Change created by the shifting location of the Spin Axis.


Overall, the USGS World Chart shows 214 quakes for the past seven days (up from 204 last week) (for all quakes in U.S. and Imperial Possessions at 2.5 plus and for all other areas at 4.0 plus). There were three 6.0 plus quakes on March 31 & April 1, and no 7.0 plus quakes, these past several days ago. There were at least five minor shape-shifters in various locations of the Great Rift. Most activity was widely randomized and once again as last week, the predominant activity was along the Equator from the Sumatra region to Peru.

In general, as with the previous week, the Northern and Eastern edges of the Australian Tectonic Plate accounted for a large part of world seismic activity, the Fiji Islands area was a major focal point, as was Puerto Rico and the Himalayas. One pattern of interest remained from the last two weeks. The northeastern edge of the Carib Plate, which is formed by Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, was hit once more by quite a few small quakes, a least 39 near Puerto Rico, surprisingly on all sides of the Island and in the interior as well. This may be an indicator of a combination of tectonic plate subduction and volcanic magma movement.

AS REPORTED LAST WEEK: There is a very deep trench to the northeast of Puerto Rico where the Atlantic ocean bottom dived suddenly (suddenly enough to leave an entire semi-tropical beach as an underwater fossil) by 3000 feet sometime during the past 100,000 years. This is the focal spot, more or less, where Atlantis was murdered by vast tectonic forces. Puerto Rico and Cuba were uplifted while the Gulf sank as did Atlantis to the northeast. Either the Carib plate is overriding the area some more at an accelerating rate….or, the ocean bottom there is fragmenting in a way which may allow a portion of Atlantis to rise again.

It is well worth watching this spot during the coming years.

I have not drawn up charts for this area so I can’t be certain what the trend is, but my impression is that activity has been slowly increasing there during the past few years.

THIS FROM PREVIOUS WEEKS SUCCEEDED, BUT FAIRLY WEAKLY: expect the next New Moon Perigee ( not exact but close) to bring another upsurge in quake activity. Activity should begin to pick up briskly by about the 25th of March and remain elevated for about a week. Volcanism is simmering a bit more slowly this past seven days. Ash, minor explosions, and lava flows continue but the total volume of activity is down modestly. The SWVC counts this week are now 6 restless (same as last week), 69 alert list (up two), and 28 (down one) active eruptions.

Popo gave only 17 puffs yesterday, Colima smokes as ever, but Etna is not being updated and reports of Kamchatka activity are down somewhat. Yellowstone stopped quaking (but watch for signs of increased geyser activity, which would indicate an increase in heat flow. If found, it will be clear that the magma continues to rise in that area.)

The Carib plate is, not surprisingly, still more active than normal, making it the most active area in the world at the current time. Activity in the West Pacific has been about the same as during the past two weeks.


Watch Bird Flu.

There is no bottom line credible science on this. It is a hoax for driving profiteering, conditioning bureaucracies to international coordination, and training the MASS MEDIA in the fundamentals of broadcasting hysteria. It may also be an emergent strategy de jour for baiting, bombing, and then massively destroying the “the bio-terrorists” of, say, speculatively at this time, Iran.

In other words, an attempt may be afoot to arrange circumstances to pin a “bird flu” attack on Iran.



The two populations rarely mix.

There is not nearly enough time dimension about any of this to make a statistically valid scientific generalization. The only thing present is manipulation and hyperventilation. The whole story line of “Bird Flu” is as stupid as the imaginary fairy tales in the National Enquirer. It IS a National Enquirer Fairy Tale.

I am absolutely certain the entire business is a set-up but of course I am not godly enough to be able to prove it in a court of law. If I could I would immediately sue the powers that be for a trillion dollars.

As observed: We are on a very dangerous cusp. If the Zionists destabilize Palestine and Iran, the Mirror is inevitable. He will inherit control of Iran and eventually Pakistan and Afghanistan as well and then the Gulf with oil and a-bombs....a mighty world power.

Meanwhile, the Bushitas find solace in piling on one lie after another about themselves and the Middle East. I will finally have to give a little more credit to the mainline mass media. More reality factors are creeping in. Coverage is slightly less presumptive. Doubting questions are set up more and more often for Bushco to knock over. It is getting a little easier to see behind the curtains and catch them in their lies.The more sandbags we can pile up against the Imperial Faction the better.


Go scream out your frustration. Iraq is not sustainable for more than a few months, let us say six at the most. Americans have already admitted to themselves, for the most part , that their government has committed one of the world’s most colossal military stupidities of all time. By Fall at the latest, Americans will have to admit to themselves that they as people are completely incompetent to even deal with the horrible tragedy they have energized with their naïve support of the PublicRats and Demoquacks. Sudden, convulsive, forced withdrawal is now more likely than a reasonably ordered wind-down.

This will mark the end of American leadership in the world and a progressive dissolution of international affairs will begin. American politicians never again will be able to spread the old manure with a straight face. Some people already know this, but the mass is not yet ready to deal with the personal and collective dimension of their incompetence as a people in a nation which cannot function logically.

Stubbornness in the face of repeated failure is not virtue, it is grievous stupid arrogance and this is now rapidly destroying the American political system even as the economic system begins to crash all around.

As things stand while this all unfolds, the Imperial Faction continues to crumble apart and world opposition continues to mount up against Bushco and Israel. Israel has lost as much or more support as the Bush/Blair TweedleBumblebum and in the U.S./Europe a rising wave of reaction continues to build against the Zionist Lobby, the Globalist conspiracies, and the International Cabal which pushes them both.

Individual Jews more and more are going to feel the wave of reaction as the world begins to think more about the more immediate holocaust of Iraq and Palestine than the seemingly long-ago holocausts of World War II. Indeed the Germans did murder some 1.5 million Jews in cold blood, but Jewish Zionist terrorists bitch-slapped 750,000 Palestinians out of their homes, forced them to live in “refugee camps” for decades, never compensated them, and a great many of them are still alive, mad as hell, and are not going to recognize the rights of the terrorist state of Israel.


Eventually, this position will win. The Zionist movement has lost its ability to duck this issue, though it persists in the delusion that it can. It is amazing how the Zionists insist on worshiping at the alter of the holocaust, an event which happened during World War II nearly 70 years ago, claiming its profound importance for the present, yet they can insist that the plundering of 750,000 Palestinians during the late 1940’s is old irrelevant history.

The more Zionists persist in the delusion of their moral transcendence and special status in the world, the more offensive the entire proposition of Israel becomes to the world at large.

Accordingly, Jewish people would be well served to vocally distance themselves, as MANY are, from the Imperials, the Cabal, and the essentially failed terrorist policies and bitchslap politics of Israel.

The entire international situation needs to be redefined by new moral choices, the past 50 years is the ONE situation which will NOT continue.

The final rock to roll through history on all this: 911 truth.

Sorry, but it is true. The patsy’s were Al Qaeda, but all roads lead to the Mossad. This ever more revealed reality will turn, already is, a generation of supporters of Israel into a generation lynch mob ready to put the entire state of Israel into a burlap bag for throwing into the nearest river. Not far behind will be the Cabal Crime Families.


As last week, the number of reports which have come in sour is staggering.The inflation wave is killing the housing bubble, despite the best efforts of the bubbleheads to keep it inflated.

Outright lies told on national media about sales and housing starts being good for February were quickly swamped by a river of true details from around the country, all factors are down down going down.

Here is an indicator. I got some 300 spams suddenly this week touting the collapse of the housing bubble.

Why are stocks temporarily peaking? Housing liquidation money. The money which would have gone into housing is going into stock speculations.

2006 = 1929.

Everything else this year will slide even as prices are ratcheted upwards to adjust the international value of the dollar.

Act accordingly.
