April 26, 2006

"Earth Mother Speaks" (Creator as Chief, Wapankitupe, Peace Elder)

Saugh-he, Earth Mother spoke to me that within your body lives many
messages. Some can be felt. Some can be heard. Some can be
experienced. But every part of a person responds to what is spoken
around them, in the day, in the night, in the whispers and with your
heartaches and anger.

Every cell within a person's body holds a memory, a time, a place, a
person, a justice and also a injustice. As a person comes to leaving
out the faults that they have considered a cause of harm or damage to
their character or form of who they are. The person will begin to
understand the choices that they must make.

Much energy bombards me (Earth Mother spoke) from the inside and the
outside. I am receiving what you may understand as a treatment for
cancer. Using chemical agents and drugs that are destructive to my
earth body. Your hair falling out is the same as my trees falling
down. Your blood is made toxic with these radioactive elements, the
same as the waters of my body are made toxic radioactive elements.

The stones within me that held such information and treasures have
changed in appearance, changed as not to be trusted as was intended,
from all the toxic elements ....

There are cults of people that do not see me (Earth Mother spoke) as a
living being, even though I look upon each and everyone of them as a
special part of my heart and my life …. There are cults of people that
are here that looks and feels like they all have come to destroy me ....

I ask you, all the children of my earth body, to heal and find
yourself in order that I may live. Step forward and recognize what is
happening. Both you and I are being poisoned. What my body undergoes,
your bodies will undergo as well. That is why many parts of your body
are screaming with pain in this present time. In order to survive, you
must change.

The presents that come from my brother the Sun and grandfather, gives
to you supporting life into your body for absorption and digestion
that you need. As one who is infused with a healing light after being
completely broken down by toxins. The energy comes to feed. Even those
cults of people who claim to be of healthy origin, to absorb only
healthy food substances are tainted to a deep degree.

It is time that people come into alignment, with Creator and myself
your Earth Mother. Without your soul, mind and blessings, you will not
survive the changes to come.

There are many energies and elements that are being released into the
atmosphere from above and from within. Some of these are out of
ignorance others are deliberate, some are because people in power turn
the other cheek ignoring that the soul to all is being poisoned with fear.

All cults of people need to understand that everything has changed
from when they were a little one. The water that you could drink from
the springs, creek, pond, tap and hose can no longer be tolerated in
your body. The air that was once pure and smelled only of mowed grass
and wild onions, has even animals breathing shallow. The earth of
where plants grow that supply the protein so needed for your body, is
continually being poisoned by one thing after another, either
deliberately or silently.

Now is the time for all cults of people to start coming in alignment
with them self. As they set to the table and eat any food, whether it
is fast food, from a prime restaurant or Mamas home cooking, they
should give thanks to Creator and ask for blessing for the food that
has been made available to them. Ask your physical body to receive it,
in its original holy state of intent. Do the same with your liquids
that you drink whether it is water or Pepsi, coffee or tea. Ask
Creator to shift the food into a place where your body can use it for
healing. You will find that if you forget and do not welcome in these
foods that your body will not tolerate the input so well. I speak
these words not out of fear. You are me as I am you. We are all one.

I have tried to speak to you with what few words I know, from the
feeling and understanding that Creator and Earth Mother allowed me to
feel, just maybe some of you may have some words of your own to speak,
walk with peace.
