April 30, 2006

Listen to Neil Young's "Living With War"
by True Majority

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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Click HERE to listen to the full album. (Click HERE to learn how to host the music on your site.)
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"We don't all have to believe what our president believes to be a patriot"
-- Neil Young

Neil Young Living With War

Listen to the new Neil Young album, then take action to bring our troops home in 2006.

Early this morning, TrueMajority began offering free streaming audio of Neil Young's new, surprise antiwar album in its entirety.

Though he wrote the defining protest anthem of the Vietnam era, Young initially supported President Bush's "war on terror." Like most of America, though,1 he says that what is happening now in Iraq is just plain wrong.

Take a listen to a powerful voice for ending the quagmire, and while you're there you can raise up your own -- TrueMajority members today are launching a push behind a new Senate amendment to get our troops out of Iraq by New Year's Day.

The amendment, introduced by Sen. Russ Feingold, says that Congress will only hand over the latest $68 billion that President Bush wants for the Iraq War if his administration gets the troops out by Dec. 31st, 2006. It would support the troops, but not the unending war.

This is a great chance to bring more people into the growing movement for sanity in Iraq. So check out the album, sign the petition, and tell your friends.

Feeling a change in the wind,

Matt Holland
Online Director, TrueMajority

"Living With War" on the TrueMajority website: http://neilyoung.truemajority.org
1 "US Support for Iraq War Down to 28%." March 16, 2006.

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TrueMajority.org is a grassroots group of citizens who believe in America's true values of openness, fairness and compassion. We believe participating in an effective government is the best way to be mutually responsible for our community.

TrueMajority.org, 191 Bank Street, Third Floor, Burlington, VT 05401
Neil Young to Tour for 'Freedom of Speech,' As He Expresses It with New CD

By E&P Staff

Published: April 29, 2006 9:00 PM ET

NEW YORK For venerable rocker Neil Young it seems to be all about "free speech" these days. Son of a famed Canadian newspaper man, he announced this week that the will take part in an extensive "Freedom of Speech" tour as part of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young this summer.

At the same time, he released via the Web, with CD to follow, a ferocious new album that expresses free speech to the max, as he takes on the Iraq war and President Bush in full frontal fashion. It's called "Living with War," it includes a song called "Let's Impeach the President"--and it hit #3 on Amazon.com today just on pre-orders. It willl be released May 8.

The "Freedom of Speech" tour will start July 6 in, where else, Philadelphia, travel the country, and wind up back in Pittsburgh on Sept. 10.

Asked this week if he was afraid about a backlash to his CD, Young said, "I'm not in the least bit concerned. I expect it. I respect other people's opinions. That`s part of what makes the United States and Canada and all free countries great, is the fact that you can differ with your friend and you can still sit down at the same table and break bread with your friend."



http://hyperrust.org/ All things Neil!!!
