April 04, 2008

** Ultimate Leveraged Buyout: Catherine Austin Fitts


Former Goldman Sachs chairman Hank Paulson is not the only person supporting increased powers for the Federal Reserve:

Obama Calls for Overhaul of Financial Regulations

Did you know that Goldman Sachs is one of the lead donors to Obama’s and Clinton’s primary campaigns?

Ever wonder what % of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Goldman Sachs owns?

So, for example, if $4 trillion plus is missing through U.S. federal agency accounts managed by the NY Fed, and Goldman Sachs owns 10% of the NY Fed stock, that would be $400 billion plus that Goldman partners and shareholders might owe us.

What do you think? Does it make sense, for Goldman to invest say 1% of their profits (app. $4 billion plus) to finance philanthropy as well as campaigns and lobbying budgets designed to get Goldman alums appointed to high government and central bank positions and switch government regulation under the control of a bank owned by Goldman and its global investment colleagues?

Would this not be the ultimate leveraged buyout? Buying a whole country with the country’s own money and putting yourself in charge?

Note: In the interests of full disclosure, Catherine worked at Goldman Sachs as a summer intern in 1977, is a member of the Goldman Sachs Alumnae network and reads Goldman Sachs investment research regularly.

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