April 02, 2008

The soulness of necons .. Iraqi girls in Syria

America pimps 6 year old Iraqi girls

6 year old Iraqi girls forced into prostitution

As a result of the Iraqi invasion many Iraqi girls have fled the violence to Syria. In order to support their families many girls resort to prostitution.

If this video doesn't make you oppose the War then you have no heart.

Added: March 30, 2008


Iman Abdelazim Mohamed said...

And ofcourse the west , America & Europe have no concious what so ever, this reality don't shock them , their hands are clean from
this killing inosence & purity

of young girls & children , making

women & girls horrs for the rest
of their lives.

G.W Bush & his followers are satisfied with their major

accomplish , making the middle east a tragic ,desastoress zone!
To win Petrolium money we sell
everything ,humanity, rights

we create zoo conflict if you're
not eaten , you eat everything& everyone.
Hasbia Allah We Namah alwakeel!!!
حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل

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AmeriKa: The World's Pimp

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