April 08, 2008

repost - Earthquake Preparedness Information

Earthquake Preparedness Information

Resource supplement for "Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country"
Frequently Asked Questions about Earthquake Preparedness- USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
The American Red Cross- Earthquake Safety Information (and other disaster preparedness information) in various languages
Prepare.org (The American Red Cross)- Earthquake Safety Information (and other disaster preparedness information) in various languages
ED.gov (US Department of Education)- Emergency planning resources for schools and communities
California Earthquake Research Plan (California Seismic Safety Commission)- 15 page report on California's law to require earthquake research as a part of its hazard reduction plan
NEHRP (FEMA)- National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) that includes resources, best practices, and news releases
FEMA- Earthquake Safety Information
HAZUS- Natural Hazard Loss Estimation Methodology
Natural Disaster Education Coalition

- Federal agencies and national non-profit organizations -->
Natural Hazards Center- University of Colorado
Publications from the California Seismic Safety Commission
Publications from CUSEC (Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium)
Hazards Mitigation CenterProjects associate with the Lawrence Livermore Hazards Mitigation Center
The Next Big Earthquake in the Bay Area- San Francisco Bay Area earthquake preparedness information.
ABAG Earthquake Maps and Information-The Association of Bay Area Governments
Additional Hazards & Preparedness Information for California.• Quake Country- San Francisco Chronicle
Planning for a Disaster: Protect Your Pets-Pasadena, CA Humane SocietyPUBLICATIONS
• Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country
San Francisco Bay Region
Los Angeles / Southern CA
Earthquake Preparedness Guides- California Office of Emergency Service
Strengthening Wood Frame Houses for Earthquake Safety- California Office of Emergency Service
Coping with Children's Reactions to Earthquakes- California Office of Emergency Service
Reducing Earthquake Hazards in Schools- California Office of Emergency Service
The Earthquake Preparedness Handbook- Los Angeles City Fire Department
Is Your Home Protected from Earthquake Disasters?- Institute for Business and Home Safety, 1999. (PDF)
Protect Your Home Against Earthquake Damage- Institute for Business and Home Safety. (PDF)
How You Can Strengthen Your Home for the Next Big Earthquake in the Los Angeles Area-Easy Low-Cost Ways to Help Reduce the Risk of Damage to Your Home. (PDF)
The Next Big Earthquake in Alaska may come sooner than you think!- Alaska Earthquake Information Center, UAF Geophysical Inst., USGS
Open for Business:- A Disaster Planning Toolkit for the Small Business Owner. (PDF)
Surviving an Earthquake-online training course from Advance Online
Natural Hazards Review- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
•The EQE Earthquake Home Preparedness Guide (EQE)- How safe is your home?
• USGS Earthquake Preparedness Fact Sheets: Select a title Building Safer Structures Pay a Little Now, or a Lot Later Saving Lives Through Better Design Standards Speeding Earthquake Disaster Relief The Mississippi Valley--Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On The Los Angeles Dam Story Seismic Maps Foster Landmark Legislation Reducing Earthquake Losses throughout the United States

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