April 01, 2008

Countercurrents update!! Important

Countercurrents is one of the most impressive news outlets out there.

I have learned alot reading countercurrents.

They are having a hard times raising funds and NEED them.

I don't get a single cent putting out this blog - and it costs me all my disposable cash to keep posting items on here!! Someday this blog will simply cease to exist, which is a bloody shame - as I am an IMPORTANT VOICE, if I say so myself because I am one of a handful of women who has a truly antiglobalism viewpoint, understand the "niceties" of the situation we are all facing as the insane system continues and the insane rule the governments . and I truly truly care what happens to women and their children.

Not one person gives me a dime.

But those who have real global vision and post websites and information always seem to face a cash shortage problem!! Goes with the territory.

I love countercurrents, as I say. I may fork out a few bucks to them (and that's odd as I only give money to greenpeace, as I always say .. all I can really afford and I support iava.org, but not with money so much . ) I would give freedetainees.org money if I had it.

I feel countercurrents earns their bucks .. if you can afford to send them ANYTHING At all .. please do.

Here is the reason I am putting this on here - look at the wealth of REAL INFORMATION! and then below that the details of why they asked me for money.

Got $25 and an envelope and a stamp? I know something good you can do with it TODAY.

USA 2008: The Great Depression?
By David Usborne


Food stamps are the symbol of poverty in the US. In the era of the credit crunch, a record 28 million Americans are now relying on them to survive – a sure sign the world's richest country faces economic crisis

Russians, Saudis Expect U.S. Attack On Iran
By Paul Craig Roberts


The US Congress, the US media, the American people, and the United Nations, are looking the other way as Cheney prepares his attack on Iran. If only America had an independent media and an opposition party. If there were a shred of integrity left in American political life, perhaps a third act of naked aggression--a third war crime under the Nuremberg standard--by the Bush Regime could be prevented

Bankrupt And Audacious
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich


Sanctions are warfare. It cost Iraq over half a million innocent lives, a genocide, in preparation for the ‘shock and awe’ that was to come. America and her co-conspirators violated all Geneva Conventions when the sanctions were imposed – lives were snatched -“collateral damage” they called it. This rogue state, America, in violation of all laws, God’s and man’s, is dictating to the world, demanding that all countries join it in its march towards more infamy – total moral bankruptcy, to claim yet more lives

How To Resist The War Without Hitting The Streets
By James L. Secor


Tax season is coming! IRS forms have already begun arriving. It's a good time to discover how you, too, can join in--without necessarily arousing neighborly suspicions. An organization you can turn to for information about war tax resistance and support or for your own questions is The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee

US-Backed Assault On Basra Ends In Humiliation For Maliki Government
By Bill Van Auken


In both major cities, as well as elsewhere in Iraq’s south, residents buried their dead, cleared away rubble and stocked up on food and water in anticipation of renewed fighting. Official tallies put the number killed since the US-backed government of Nouri al-Maliki launched its abortive military offensive last Tuesday at close to 500, though the real death toll may well be considerably higher. At least 1,200 people are known to have been wounded

The New York Times v. Hugo Chavez
By Stephen Lendman


Romero and others like him in the mainstream, keep at their appointed mission - attacking the most model democracy in the region with a clear and purposeful aim - to destabilize, destroy and transform Venezuela into the alternate model Uribe represents: uncompromising hard right; hugely repressive; linked to Colombia's death squads and drug cartels; a supporter of state terrorism; a government riddled with corruption and scandal; and George Bush's favorite Latin America leader because of all of the above

Divided Arabs Deliver Little
By Maki al-Nazzal & Dahr Jamail


The Arab summit held in Damascus over this weekend has convinced many Iraqis that Arab leaders do not speak for them.More than anything done or not, the very absence of many Arab leaders at the summit has left displaced Iraqis here angry

An Arab Summit For All Seasons
By Dr Marwan Asmar


The holding of the Arab Summit in Damascus must be seen as a great snub to American foreign policy which has been based seen 2003 on lumping Syria together with Iran and North Korea as one of the axis of evil powers and isolating the state from her natural geo-political Arab surroundings

What Is A Peace Voter To Do?
By Kevin Zeese


The Election Year Should Not Divide the Peace Movement -- Remain Advocates for a Real End to the Occupation


We would like to remind you again that we are still on our annual fund raising drive. So far we have received $ 2600 from 40 contributers . But we are still a long way away from our target of $ 15,000. We request all those who can contribute to do it today.

Visit this URL to make a payment


If you are sending out a cheque, please let us know by mail also, so that we can have an idea how much we are raising.

Kindly forward this newsletter to your friends and encourage them to join this mailing list. http://www.countercurrents.org/subscribe.htm. And also visit this url and do what you can to popularise CC http://countercurrents.org/poster.htm
In Solidarity

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