April 07, 2008

commentary on Hillary's campaign manger stepping down

Down to BRASS TACKS, guys.

The idea is to create an entire hemispheric FREE TRADE ZONE.

And Stephen Harper (The Harper, as I like to call him) has been sent by the NEOCONS to Columbia (human rights violator) and Chile to accomplish the task for BuZh. Part of a sort of brutal regime diplomacy effort and a real chance to set up retirement funds for the Big BoyZ should things get out of hand with We the People.

Guitterez is rushing around facilitating "trade talks" with all sorts of people as the sun sets on the NEOCON empire (if they manage to avoid elections - and declare martial law, well, it might be another story) The US Department of Commerce is acting as a sort of franchise handing out agency with the US taxpayer paying for this tremendous "service" .. real niiiice.

So The Harper was ORDERED to send shock waves into the election whereby the Magicians get the attention away from Urgent Matters at Hand and rather discuss the past - which as time will show is truly the past.

Trust me, with any of the candidates coming to power there will be NO discussion of NAFTA or the Security Prosperity Partnership/Protocol and NO discussion on the coming North American Union - excuse me ! - on the North American Community. One imperative is to keep changing the alphabet soup so everyone remains confused. NAU/NAC - it's confusing and meant to be, dear reader.

This is a deal that has already been inked. Signed 25 May 2005 and the ink is barely dry on the CENTCOM/Central Canada Command Treaty ..

The Plan is for North America to keep fueling the jets used in the FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE paradigm. Armaments must be made for Fearless Leader and his thirty chosen handmaidens/lords of commerce, already selected.

Who were were last years primary speakers to the Competitiveness Council . .why none other than George HW BuZH and William Jefferson Clinton!!

Now that is a FACT.

In any discussion of NAFTA or in the election do you see any signs of the press asking questions about Bill's conflicts of interest? No you do NOT. How handy for THEM. Niiiiice.

Transglobalism is a FACT OF LIFE now. How do We the People deal with that?

We face the increasing balkanization of the world that just might resist AND at the same time move towards implementing Global Agenda 21.

The election of one of these handy dandy presidential candidates offered up to "us" look much to your tastes?

Get real everyone!! There is no CHANGE to come unless We the People make it so!!

When I heard the news of a shakeup in HiLAIRy's campaign management I said to myself this, without knowing the "released" reason -

What? Didn't she offer up enough money to keep them quiet? My lord!
She hardly needs ANOTHER STUMBLE"

Well, blow me down and call me toothpick!! It's the nice divisive Cheneyness at work!!

Remember our rule: When analyzing anything US or Canada "policy" - always remember CHENEY BACKS ALL SIDES AS HIS WONT.

The insanity of what happens will therefore NOT stun you so much as the weeks and months click by.

Just remember I've tipped you all off in advance as to the next phase of THE MATRIX as planned by Fearless Leader.

We will all be GREENED - having a softer form of fascism and half of you will support it and the attendent doping by Big Pharma more pronounced, increased militarization (always a new enemy to be invented by Fearless Leader), new politicians to make their way into the kleig lights, more disharmony in all institutions to surface (KIDS ARE TERRORISTS!! Report them now - before they commit crimes) --

Do you like your fascism hard and mean with obvious torture tactics - or do you like soft, with the leafy meter detecting if you turned your lights off while MONSANTO continues to poison your children, but you get a much better FEELING from this new way of caving in. Everyone will be submitted to an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT. Fearless Leader will get on TV and ask everyone NICELY, to see that that is done as the times demand it. All that is asked you is keep on aworking, not complaining so that the idiot box must cover your protests as they grow too large AND that you snitch on your neighbor and your parents.

They will be a common currency as quickly implemented as they can possibly "mint" it in your mind.

There is an eighteen month delay in THEIR plans due to opposition to real ID.

The TransAmerica highway AND the border crossing regulations did not fly causing a "bit of a setback" in the timetable.

Now the border fence being built to KEEP US IN not the Mexicans out has been stopped because of concerns to the environment caused by RAYTHEON's radar being used. Just perhaps it was NEVER MEANT to be built! The contracts were important and lead to the DJIA staying up, but why have a fence when you can use chemtrails and bioweapons to kill?

The language laws in Quebec must be repealed to get true harmonization - what if there is a repeat of the 1970's Montreal riots? How will Canadians act to the US command of the putdowns and MARTIAL LAW? So what's few quebecers being offed if The Grand Scheme of socialism for the rich is achieved? Remember: they share the profit$ and we share the lo$$es, in fact for generations to come. May I remind the reader: if nothing CHANGES, nothing CHANGES been like that for millenia seems like.

The fraudulent voter machines must be "sold" to the Canadian public and delivered by Diebold and other cos. Stockwell Day says his timeline, which MUST BE ADHERED TO is for elections in Canada in fall, 2009.

I"ve read The Plans THEY mean to have about oil - the free enterprise system in Canada is "to their liking" as long as Israel gets its cut. But the Mexican oil nationalization must be undone.

This not all tickedy boo, folks!! Much as the PTB/ illuminati / NWO folks - whatever you care to call THEM - would like to be so and particulary the Competiveness Council as those folks are ITCHING to get their hands on ALL THAT LOVELY MONEY and lots of CONtrol.

But surely Hills and Bill are having their PROBLEMS. And it must be causing the Rothschild's a bit of discomfort. C'mon old HILLS - ya better get with it!!

What happens NEXT?

YOU can change The Cast, but you can't change

The Characters in this Immortal Play

we are living.

And this time we are Playing for KEEPS.

Stay tuned!!

(Things are REAL interesting right now.)


(ps, do you think this all for SHOW?)

Hillary Clinton strategist quits amid Colombia trade flap

"How can we trust that a President Hillary Clinton would stand strong against this trade deal when her top advisor is being paid by Colombia to promote it?" he asked in a statement.

Obama also has criticized Clinton saying she has close ties to lobbyists who might undue influence shaping policies, should she become president.

The controversy prompted an angry reaction from Colombia, which took offense at Penn's statement in which he called the meeting "an error in judgment."

The Colombian Embassy in Washington announced it was ending its contract with Burson-Marsteller, which had been hired a year ago.

The Clinton campaign has asserted that Penn's meeting was "independent of the campaign."

The two Democratic candidates have been sparring over the issue of trade, with each questioning the other's credibility in their pledges to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.

(Editing by Chris Wilson)

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