April 08, 2008

Canadian MPs willing to visit Iran

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:02:50

Iran's FM spokesman, Mohammad-Ali Hosseini
A number of Canadian MPs have expressed interest in visiting the Islamic Republic, Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hosseini says.

Iran and Canada have previously held parliamentary consultations, but a number of Canadian MPs have recently expressed their willingness to pay a visit to Iran to get acquainted with the regulations of Iran's Majlis and the process of legislation in the Islamic Republic, IRIB quoted Mohammad-Ali Hosseini as saying Tuesday.

The spokesman added that the issue is currently under study.


NOw this is interesting . the Iranians have thrown Canadian diplomats OUT for interfering in their internal politics - NOT because of the old hostage situation, as the Harper government likes to claim.

Also, I've said before - there is NO coming war with Iran.

Watch Syria instead.

And Afghanistan to boot.

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