April 04, 2008

Bill Gates "vision" and H-1B visas!!

Contact Your Congressman About House Bill HR 5642 to Triple H-1B Visa Caps


Anonymous said...

Two House members, Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona and Lamar Smith of Texas, have introduced bills that would double or triple the number of H1B workers that are currently being brought in.

If either of these bills passes, there will be massive layoffs to make way for the new wave of foreigners. Then the new H1B people will all feel entitled to green cards. If these H1Bers do get green card sponsorship, then you can expect more fake job ads and bad faith interviews of American job applicants, all done in order to game the Dept. of Labor regulations for green card sponsorship.

Anyone who has seen the infamous *How not to Hire an American* video on YouTube knows exactly what I am talking about. In this video, immigration attorneys from the Cohen & Grigsby law firm explain how they assist employers in running bad faith recruiting scams with the goal of NOT finding any qualified applicants, and the steps they go through to disqualify even the most qualified Americans in order to secure green cards for H1B workers who are ALREADY WORKING IN THOSE ADVERTISED JOBS. In these cases, the American job seekers are not even told that the job ads and interviews are part of a Labor Certification process for green card sponsorship, thus they are being defrauded without their knowledge or consent.

ladybroadoak said...

Thank you for your comment!

This is a dirty little trick being pulled in both the US and Canada to get resentments built up in the working population.

The rich will always move around the globe with ease and have the buck$.

But those who can be conned into SERVING THEIR RICH MASTERS will be confronting lots of problems in Norte America in upcoming years IF things don't change very soon in Canadian Parliment and the US CONGress.

I know what is happening with the elite's money - just where it is "going" and what they intend to invest in and the SCAM to get Saudi's fully invested in America, too.

So I can surmise who will be getting these H1B visas IF the rich get their way as the depopulation agenda continues.

If you happen to see my comment, have a check out of RAPID HIRE, an organization supposedly helping those in the $50 to $100,000 per year range and see what THAT scam is all about. You'll readily see it fits in the "how NOT to hire an American" racket. Few in the US could qualify for those jobs as their credit is going to go down the drain.


I try to NOT despair, but some days when I look at all the evidence and take a GLOBAL look at affairs, it is so disHEARTening for what is going to behalf North America if the hordes of TV brained washed people do not wake up very very soon .

The corporationtization in ALL branches/Department of government since Clinton's REIGN has just been so expansive it's not funny. And in Canada The Harperist's forces are having a field day doing the same thing putting riders on bills surreptiously.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting this info out to more people! Individuals need to contact their representatives to make a difference. For the original comic and more information on how to contact your representatives, click the link on this comment.
