April 08, 2008

ACTIVISM: Stop the spraying!!

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The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has announced plans to resume aerial pesticide spraying for the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) in summer 2008.

Despite massive local public opposition, the multi-million dollar campaign began in 2007 in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties using a synthetic pheromone along with other chemicals encased in microscopic plastic capsules.

Ignoring widespread reports of serious human health effects, as well as damage to marine life and bees, CDFA will expand the program to the San Francisco Bay Area beginning in Summer, 2008, with plans to continue spraying each month for 3 - 5 years or indefinitely until the moth is 'eradicated.'

On Moday. March 3, 2008 a Marin Town Hall Meeting was held at the Corte Madera Town Center hosted by the Marin Pesticide Free Zone Campaign, and organized by Frank Egger, Marin Coordinator of StopTheSprayMarin.org.

Here is Part 1 of that meeting: Panel Higlights.

Produced as a public service by -EON the Ecological Options Network

In cooperation with the Natural Solutions Foundation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lady Broad Oak,
Thank you so much to giving space to this public health crisis on your blog. We really appreciate it.

I also wanted to let you know, in case you have loved ones in the spray zone - we are attempting to document the refugee crisis which is being created in California because of the aerial spraying. We have created a place for people to come and document their personal refugee story. Family after family is selling up, leaving jobs, putting the kids in the car and fleeing to safety - or, they plan to do this if we can't halt the spraying.

Please, if anyone you know or any of your readers has become an LBAM Spray Refugee, come document what is happening to you at:


Again, thank you so much for blogging about this. It's the ghastliest and most grave situations most Californians are going to face in their lifetimes.
