The spooks seem to be all over my blog today. This has proven to be really hard to post.
But this is a Good Day for antiwar forces and those who want a return to focussing on human rights issues and cleaning up our environment and getting on with the tough work ahead for North America !! An "occupation" of Conyers office has begun.
Yesterday, the BBC announced that the Yoo torture memo had been released and that is a top news story today at the Washington Post.
This link will show you the memo
And here is the Washington Post story on it ..
Since George W. Bush admitted to torture on 6 February 2008 and we now have the torture memo released, there is no earthly reason to avoid the impeachment process any longer!!
Here is the link to the special prosecutor information that was released back in February.
And the information is also posted at the top of my blog along with the url to sign a petition for impeachment that anyone can sign.
Global people for the impeachment of Richard Cheney
It would be great of people would read the special prosecutor information, print it out and pass it along!! There are 54 pages and they are all free.
If those who are gathering in Conyer's office garner support, I think we have finally reached that Tipping Point we have all awaited for so long.
It is my opinion - looking at things I read from Europe that are uncensored - that Baghdad will now fall shortly and it's time for CONgress to do the right thing finally.
I am hoping that internet tv, The Real News, will send out someone to cover this HISTORIC action. So people might check to see!
As David points out: The number for the House Judiciary Committee to call is: 202- 224-3121. Give them a call, perhaps this time they will people LISTENING!!
Tonight, some people with children in Baghdad will sleep a little more soundly.
It's up to us. The evidence is there. Now please spread the word and make this a truly global EVENT.
We're Sitting In at the House Judiciary Committee Office Right Now by David Swanson Page 1 of 1 page(s) | | |
10:40 Actually, a staffer just came out and said that everyone could go back to another room to meet with Chairman John Conyers "except for David Swanson."
10:45 A few of us are talking in the big room while everyone else is in a back room with Chairman Conyers and some staffers. Staffers with whom I worked two-and-a-half years ago and who are mad at me for disagreeing with their turn against impeachment are all here: Perry Applebaum, Ted Kalo, Jonathan Godfrey. Back then they were working with us on impeachment and did not tell us that only elections mattered. Back then, the voters wanted impeachment and justice demanded it, so we didn't ask which was the motivation. In 2006, when the RNC demanded a ban and Pelosi complied, everything changed. The Judiciary Committee now acts on a pair of false beliefs: Elections are more important, and impeachment would be bad for elections. One is immoral, the other just uninformed.
You can let the House Judiciary Committee know your opinion at (202) 224-3121. Please do so right now. They're good people. I know they are. But something is blocking them. Help break the logjam!
DAVID SWANSON is a co-founder of After Downing Street, a writer and activist, and the Washington Director of He is a board member of Progressive Democrats of America, and serves on the Executive Council of the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, TNG-CWA. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and as a communications director, with jobs including Press Secretary for Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign, Media Coordinator for the International Labor Communications Association, and three years as Communications Coordinator for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Swanson obtained a Master's degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia in 1997.
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