March 07, 2008

Brattleboro out of bounds, Bush, Cheney: Wanted

by Mark Silva

Scratch Vermont.

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney may want to think twice about any vacation plans in the Green Mountain state, where the voters of Brattleboro today voted to seek an indictment of the president and vice president and arrest them if they show up in town.

Bush has never visited Vermont as president -- the only state he has skipped. And today, the Democratic voters of Vermont readily voted for Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, and the GOP backed Sen. John McCain, on his way to becoming his party's nominee tonight.

In Brattleboro, there was no question about the outcome of the vote today on this question:

"Shall the Selectboard instruct the Town Attorney to draft indictments against President Bush and Vice President Cheney for crimes against our Constitution and publish said indictments for consideration by other authorities....

"and shall it be the law of the Town of Brattleboro that the Brattleboro police, pursuant to the above mentioned indictments, arrest and detain George Bush and Richard Cheney in Brattleboro if they are not duly impeached, and prosecuted or extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them?"

Bush and Cheney lost, in a landslide.

Scratch Vermont


Prez Chimpy and Shotgun Cheney may want to think twice about any over sea's trips they might have planned for after they get kicked out of office on Jan 09...this also includes Rumsfeld:

There are some countries, including some in Europe, who view them as the war criminals that they really are.

Let's hope this is a trend that catches fire and reaches Congress quickly.

Go find another tree to hug you dirty smelly stinky granola munching hippies.. Better yet move to Canada

How wonderful! I'm in Argentina now, researching worker-owned cooperatives, and this news gives me something positive about the US to relate to the people I'm working with here. Good job, Brattleboro!


90% of American apprpoved attacking Afganisstan

65% of American aprroved attacking Iraq

Probably 65% of Vermonters approved of the wars as well.

Just goes to prove how stupid Americans are.

Wow to actual seek to arrest and detain a federal official. Can we impeach the town officials for conspiracy? Since everybody knows it is illegal under federal law to detain an elected federal official who is doing his duties. (note the Pres and VP are always connected and "at work")

Only the Sergeant at Arms of Congress can detain certain federal officials once instructed by congress.

As a side note, I can't find any Western civilization that has actually indicted Bush/Cheney.

Is Vermont still a state?
Who the held cares about a state that's so far left it would tilt the earth if California was as bad...
Liberalism is a disease and Vermont is infested with it.


I would love to see the local deputy, lets call him Barney, serve the papers. I wounder how the secret service would handle that?

Liberals in Vermont just don't get it,
Bush and Cheney will be leaving office,
there's nothing you can do before then,

Deal with it....

Don't forget too FREEZE Bush & Cheneys Bank Accounts just before they Go-2-Prison! Wake-Up America Don't Allow Them A Pardon!

Too bad, I used to like Vermont. I guess I will scratch that state off my list of vacation spots. A lack of respect for duly elected officials of this order suggests a state that has no respect for the Constitution it claims to be defending.

Oh, for heaven's sake, barry, opinions like yours are the reason people here in Argentina think America is lost. Reasoned discourse requires understanding, say, the Constitution of the United States and its impeachment clauses. Go read this radical document and then come back with some attempt at critical thinking. Sorry, amigo, but the train has left the station and you weren't on board. The rest of us will take up the slack of bringing abusers of power to task...

Oh, and by the way, I love hippies, even though I haven't eaten granola in years. Why not drop the stereotypes and start living in the real world? Mostly, they smell of incense and patchouli.... LOL.


For disregarding their oath, crimes against the Supreme Law of the Land (remember the Constitution?) and War crimes against humanity, none other deserve to be in prison more than these.

OH...MY...GOSH----What's up with these folk. Why don't they just shut up and take and keep taking it like the rest of this nation. Who do they think they are standing up for the Constitution of the United States anyway. What a crazy out moded action that lingers in our minds from school days when we were innocent and really believed there was someting to the Constitutional laws. The rule of law now is Bush don't these poor folk get it. Good luck. Regarding the TriLateral Commission: What Kissenger was to Nixon, what Baker was to Regan and Bush, Sr. what Cheney is to Bush Jr. B. Clinton will be to H. Clinton if she becomes president. Do we really want to go down, down, down that road again.

Oh Barry, go find another diesel to hug, you lily-white holy-rollin' righteous waffle chomping wing nut... better yet, open your eyes.

And the left leans further to the left....just before they fall on their faces. Vermonters are always good for a laugh and this is a belly buster. Further proof that the center's of education in and around Brattleboro aren't doing their job. What a shame.

Barry, Dude, lighten up.
I have challenged friends and family to tell me anything good Bush has done while in office. I would ask the same of you should you consider sharing your real feelings. For my part, I see that post 9/11 Bush took potentially the greatest pro-American event in at least 40 years and parlayed it into rabid anti-Americanism world wide. I am embarassed to say I voted for him... twice.

These folks surely think of themselves as peace loving and tolerant but they have revealed their great love for Totalitarianism - "Anyone who disagrees with me shall be arrested and charged with unspecified crimes against the state." How sad that such thinking is so pervasive in America today after so many young men have given their lives over the last 240 or so years to protect us from this very type of oppression.

Interesting that the ones most offended by Brattleboro's action are the ones most challenged by the grammar of the English language. Coincidence?


I, too, would love to see "Barney" serve the citation (interesting how Andy Griffith still exists in the popular imagination). Sadly, I think our (falsely) elected leaders are probably too afraid of the potential political fallout to even go to Brattleboro and test the issue. Bush and Cheney know they are criminals, and they also know that putting it to the test in Brattleboro would open a can of worms that would require them to either show their true fascist colors or go to jail. I bet you a case of Guinness that they don't have the guts to do either.


hmmm... barry, interesting view. I would suggest you perhaps took a visit to canada to see what a non psychopathic government can do? - or not do ...

I used to admire Vermont.

I wouldn't be surprised if somehow this got declared unconstitutional for being a vague form of a Bill of Attainder, which the Constitution expressly forbids.

Vermonters take pride in being independent and not getting pushed around by "flat landers." The voters in Brattleboro chose a unique way to express their displeasure with Bush and Cheney's handling of the war. Time will tell if they are chumps or champions but the point is the voters are exercising their democratic rights.

Vermont, regardless of what so-called "conservatives" say of it, is better off than just about any die-hard red state in terms of educational performance, lack of povery, lack of crime, lack of welfare dependency, voter turnout, economic stability, and cleanliness. Seems like wherever there's a concentration of "liberal" voters, things generally go well, but it's the right-wing parts of the country that fill up with semi-literate trailer-dwelling big-mac-stuffing pall-mall-smoking religiously-superstitious inbreeds with perpetually-pregnant 15 year-old daughters. Funny how that works.

***Since everybody knows it is illegal under federal law to detain an elected federal official**** We can wait the 321 days left in Bush's term before he is extradited to the state of Vermont to face criminal charges. Oh, and I beg to differ. ANY individual whether 'elected' or not may be arrested and charged with a crime. If George Bush, in theory, traveled to Vermont, shot and killed someone, he can and would be arrested just like ANY American citizen. Being 'elected' does not transfer 'immunity from crimes', clown.

We can all hope that Air force one gets lost and lands in Vermont.
At least they have the brains and guts to take a stand against the Retard and Spawn clown.

In 2008 there will be two kinds of Voters.
The Angry and the Stupid... Which will you be?

I find this funny. Noone expects Bush and Cheney to get arrested in Vermont, much less set foot in the state. They havent had reason to yet. Vermont is merely making a statement. Yet, there is great umbrage taken (the right LOVES to take umbrage) about the disrespect shown to these elected officials. What the right really means is that one should not show disrespect to CONSERVATIVE elected officials. As an anti-Clinton who showed disrespect to Clinton and voted Republican every election until George W came onto the scene, I see this as quite hypocritical. Do dittoheads see themselves as hypocritical. Dittoheads, you are hypocritical and you need to leave my country. You hurt my country. You are not great Americans. Ask me about my dead son sometime.

Oh, and by the way, I love hippies, even though I haven't eaten granola in years. Why not drop the stereotypes and start living in the real world? Mostly, they smell of incense and patchouli.... LOL.

Posted by: John Baldridge | March 4, 2008 9:07 PM

Mr Baldridge,

Don't worry, the people of America are in the middle of disposing of the rabid rightwing lunitc fringer's like "barry".

You're going to be hearing about them quacking, moaning and crying all the way up until Jan 09 at which time they will officially become just another sad foot note in US history.

How are things in Argentina?

Go find another tree to hug you dirty smelly stinky granola munching hippies.. Better yet move to Canada

Posted by: barry | March 4, 2008 8:57 PM

Wow...right to the heart with that statement. I'll never feel clean again. Oh thank you "Barry" for showing us the light. Thank you for teaching us your ways..fruitcake.

Barry, Dude, lighten up.
I have challenged friends and family to tell me anything good Bush has done while in office. I would ask the same of you should you consider sharing your real feelings. For my part, I see that post 9/11 Bush took potentially the greatest pro-American event in at least 40 years and parlayed it into rabid anti-Americanism world wide. I am embarassed to say I voted for him... twice.

I can't help but respect them for rejecting Clinton, too, since she was clearly in on the war crimes and other crimes against humanity perpetrated by her husband's regime.

Citizens of Brattleboro:

Waterboard 'em.

I just wish the People's Republic of Vermont would go ahead and secede.

Thank you Vermont Voters! Now, if we could just pass measures like this in every state and country...

Way to go Vermont, when I thought this nation was lost. Then came Vermont and gave me hope again.

Oh, for heaven's sake John. You really think you know what people there in Argentina think? How many have you spoken with? 20? 30? Ever think they may just be reflecting your clear bias? Gotta love the American who shows up in a country of 40 million and believes they agree with his prejudices. Good Gosh. Stupido.

To those who think it is not important to impeach or indict, think again. Remember that the White House tapes were not released to the public until AFTER Nixon was impeached. This administration has so grossly misrepresented themselves and the people of this country that it is no longer even remotely funny. We need to impeach. We need to indict. To allow Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz get away with such crimes against their own people (let alone crimes against Iraqi civilians) would be unconscionable. Not only has this administration lied its way into an unwinnable war, it has been quietly chipping away at civil liberties that we have fought for generations to secure and protect. From unwarranted wiretapping to treason, from war profiteering to generating false news reports to serve its own agenda: this administration is rotten to the core. What I really want to see is all the things that will come to light after the Smirking Chimp and the Son of Satan are kicked to the curb.

YEAH!! Long live Brattleboro!! I would love to see these two apes getting cuffed. Dress them up in orange and let's court order them to work in a recycling center! lol

AP News flash: B2 bombers from Whiteman Air Force base carpet bombed Brattleboro, VT tonight. It was unclear if there were any survivors. President Bush, echoing President Lincoln's conciliatory speeches, announced the swift end of the 2nd Civil War.

"Vermont, regardless of what so-called "conservatives" say of it, is better off than just about any die-hard red state in terms of educational performance, lack of povery, lack of crime, lack of welfare dependency, voter turnout, economic stability, and cleanliness."

Mr Davis, you just described my icebox!

Thank you Vermont!

Criminals deserve time.

Very hard time, like Guantanamo.

John Hussein,

Things are good in Argentina, for some, bad for others. The factories that were taken over by their workers after the economic crisis of 2001 are, for the most part, doing well, and they have forced the federal government of Argentina to recognize the legitimacy of their takeovers. It's like "eminent domain" for the working class: the state agrees that, when factories get shut down, it is in the greater public interest to give those factories back to the workers and let them have a shot.

As it turns out, without the overhead of owners and CEO salaries, they are competitive in the local markets. We should clearly be using eminent domain in the US to take back shut-down factories for workers in places like Kannapolis, NC and others.

Anyway, it's good to hear the debate in Brattleboro, and that this community, at least has taken a stand against the willful expropriation of executive power by the Bush junta, including Cheney. People who slam this move have obviously never read the US Constitution and/or understood its system of checks and balances. People like JG (see above) clearly misunderstand the network of protections that the constitution affords them.

Arresting Bush and Cheney is not some kind of totalitarian project; it is, in fact, one of the few opportunities that our government structure allows for us to stave off totalitarianism. I can understand JG's confusion: by using the law to condemn Bush and Cheney, the local government becomes authoritarian. But against authoritarianism at the level of the federal government, one of the tools we have is the state and local government. We should use them to the fullest extent possible.


Hello-o Swampland!
"Hope" is on His way! Thanks for the help. I wish I could help you carry out that local law. If they ever show up at the pearly gates, I'm going to 'whisper' in Peter's ear. Thanks for the fortitude, Ron

Is Vermont still a state?
Who the held cares about a state that's so far left it would tilt the earth if California was as bad...
Liberalism is a disease and Vermont is infested with it.

Posted by: Clear Voice | March 4, 2008 9:02 PM

Of course Vermont isn't a state. How could it be a state if it didn't think like those "great Americans" on the right. Thank you for your "clear voice". It's amazing...normally that voice is so hard to hear through your jeans.

Laughable - who says lefties don't have a sense of humor?

And at trial their only defense would be insanity.

This is the state that also has "The Tooth Fairy Tax"

Way to go Vermont, when I thought this nation was lost. Then came Vermont and gave me hope again.

Posted by: Anonymous | March 4, 2008 9:44 PM

And then they go and vote for o'bammy. Talk about short-lived hope.

Why would the President want to visit a dive like Vermont. Honor the hard working people of the U.S. not show them disrespect. You people are rediculous. You should be ashamed.

Why would the President want to visit a dive like Vermont. Honor the hard working people of the U.S. not show them disrespect. You people are rediculous. You should be ashamed.

Posted by: Jeff | March 4, 2008 10:25 PM unAmerican that these citizens use their absolute right to act anyway they want. How American of you Jeff, to tell them differently.

Well I guess we needed an east coast version of Bezerkley to balance things out. Cause allot of them poor tree huggers may not have enough money to travel to the west coast. What's next you guys up there are going to kick the Marine recruiting office out of town? Dear God let's hope the left do not take over this country, yes I said God and I might even throw in an "Our Father", and to really offend some people I will say Merry Christmas.

Funny you all seem to forget that we haven't been attacked in this country since taking the fight over there.

God Bless our soldiers over there protecting our rights for freedom and the ability to say what we want.


Sounds like the lynch mob has formed in Vermont ...
Despite the political beliefs people are flawlessly articulating here it appears we have certain cynical authors within this comment blog that are disrespectful to their country, freedom, president and fellow Americans. I have a difficult time fully understanding Bush haters because these haters usually do not know why they even hate in the first place as exemplified by many of the above comments. It seems they just need to always sprew hatred, accept defeat, and refuse to have respect for their own country that was fought so hard for them. Why all the hatred? It's really not all doom and gloom.
I have felt the safest I ever have under Mr. Bush's reign the past seven years. For Vermont and the majority of its citizens to display this kind of hideous disrespect for not only our current president but our country as well just absolutely goes far beyond common sense.

I always thought that Vermont Teddy Bear V.Day gift was bordering on leftish gay and now I know I was right.

Impeach Vermont!


Greetings from the lefty sleeper cell of Brattleboro, Vermont! Now that each of you rabidly conservative wordsmiths has had a chance to call names and misconstrue facts........arf you now going to go READ the resolution? Do you have any concept of what is being said with this?

We know that no one is going to arrest these jokers in Brattleboro. But if the country doesn't start looking at this syndicate as criminals, then this bulldozing of our rights and the very core of what we call "America" remains at risk.

Throw around a term like "Un-American", and ask yourself: what does that mean? What is, in the end, American? I'd argue that there is nothing more quintessentially American than the tenets of the Constitution, which is being viciously raped by these sociopaths. "Un-American" is not disloyalty........and patriotism is not nationalism.

Look.......if this current administration is not fundamentally and admittedly criminal, then there is no such thing. If they are not the most destructive to the Constitution in history, then nothing ever will be. If we are not truly in a Constitutional crisis right now, then we can all just go back to sleep and dream of football and American Idol.

But if, like many of us here, you see that this is not just a bad phase in American politics, but a true threat to the well-being of all of us and our children's future, then somebody's gotta do SOMETHING!! Will the spineless Congress truly represent the wishes of the people? If they do not do as they are SWORN to do, i.e., protect the Constitution.......then somebody sure as hellfire had better come up with something better than impeachment and indictments.

I'm proud to be from Vermont, proud to be from Brattleboro, and hope that, at some point, we'll all meet in the streets and march this cabal over to the Hague for a War Crimes Tribunal.

Oh, and have them pay back the 3 trillion dollars they stole from our children for their illegal war of conquest.

So what rights have you lost StinkyHippy"patriot"?

Grow up, put down the dope pipe, take a shower, and come back to the real world.

and to really offend some people I will say Merry Christmas.
Posted by: barry | March 4, 2008 10:59 PM

That never bothered you before, why should it now? I am hurt sooo no don't call me a tree hugger. Oh my God...oh..did I say God. What am I saying. Of course God only belongs to you "great" Americans. I liked the way you threw in that God bless our troops in there also. Seems sooo American. I know, I served this country in Nam. Have you seen war son? It's quite different than your big screen TV or your xbox.

It is certainly interesting, how everyone that has taken a stand for the validity of vermonts actions, appears to command the best use of grammar and strategic logical support. The ones vehemently raving against it, demonstrate none of the aforementioned qualities.
How can someone claiming to be "American"deny the base on which this country was built; True Democracy. So to all of you true "patriots"; start thinking.

AP News flash: B2 bombers from Whiteman Air Force base carpet bombed Brattleboro, VT tonight. It was unclear if there were any survivors. President Bush, echoing President Lincoln's conciliatory speeches, announced the swift end of the 2nd Civil War.

Posted by: bill | March 4, 2008 9:48 PM

Nice- so when is the victory party?

Sorry, "barry",

But I live in the West, and it's clear that we have at least one difference of opinion. It isn't a matter of _where_ you live; it's a matter of _how_ you live. I'm from Arizona, but I'm learning from social movements in Argentina, Spain, New Zealand, and other parts of the world. Your bizarre statement that a critical understanding of our system of government and economy depends on where you live totally misses the point that socio-economic justice doesn't depend on a place, but rather on a situation.

Many Americans have discovered that their situations have much in common with people in Latin America, who have suffered the results of this government's socio-economic policies: the exportation of work to China, Indonesia, Viet Nam, and other places where labor is cheap.

Outrage against the current government is not a matter of "east coast" or "west coast." It is more a question of how much the corporate sponsorship of this government has affected your opportunities for work. Losing your job in South Carolina means the same thing if it happens in California.

The answer is not a diatribe against people from one part of the country. The best answer is to discuss how we can best recover our jobs across the whole country--even if it means challenging the conventional wisdom that the market determines our destiny. There are alternatives, and we need to start considering them in the United States.


Ya see......that's why it's always a dubious move to try and invite sensible dialog in these blog comments. I put forward what is, to most brains, a pretty clear argument/opinion, and even use some reasoning and facts, and I get:

>>Grow up, put down the dope pipe, take a shower, and come back to the real world

Now, I know some of these ideas are scary to some of you, and for those who gleefully drank the Kool-Aid.....I can't help you there. But for those of you who disagree with this whole idea, and can actually engage in a grown-up conversation, without epithets and personal attacks, I invite you to express yourself fully and convince me this indictment is wrong, and that the overall notion that this administration is the biggest threat to this nation is wrong.

Trust me on this one, Darryn: I'm very tuned in to the "real world".......whatever that is. And in my real don't don't wiretap Americans don't invade sovereign don't gut the don't rape the Constitution or use signing statements to circumvent laws.

And in my real world......Americans wake up and organize before this whole thing goes over the waterfall.

It's interesting that someone so enlightened communicates by stereotyping.

“It really carries no weight,” said Brattleboro Town Clerk Annette Cappy.

“Our town attorney has no legal authority to draw up any papers to allow our police officers to do so, but the gentleman who initiated the petition, got the signatures, wanted it on the ballot to make a statement.”

From AP.

In other words, the Castro-loving Leftnuts in Vermont passed something that violated the law.

Indict 'em. But instead of arresting them, simply give them a free vacation to Cuba or any other Communist country.


The entire republican party should be sent to jail. this the stereotyping you talk about?
In other words, the Castro-loving Leftnuts in Vermont passed something that violated the law.

Indict 'em. But instead of arresting them, simply give them a free vacation to Cuba or any other Communist country.

Posted by: Vanzetti | March 4, 2008 11:23 PM

No..I didn't think so.

well its about time , all i can say is the gw & cheney ought to be glad they are not just keep it going!!!

I think some carpet bombing of Brattleboro is in order. The town is no different than Tehran, Pyongyang, Venezuala.

I think some carpet bombing of Brattleboro is in order. The town is no different than Tehran, Pyongyang, Venezuala.

Posted by: John D | March 4, 2008 11:33 PM

Another "great" American. You degrade all the Americans who have given their lives to defend this great country. To defend the constitution that gives us this very right. Being American is more than just words, but your words are very telling. Go to the fields of Gettysburg and tell those who fell there that you don't believe all Americans have a voice or the freedom to use it. Go to the Vietnam wall where the name of many brothers I knew are written, and you tell them that their lives were given in vain because "great" Americans like you decided that we didn't need these rights. Why is it that the "great" Americans have no clue what America is about.

Well, while the good people of Vermont are investing their time and resources trying to arrest the President and the Vice President, the rest of us will be working to elect Johnny Mac.

Every action the President has taken has ultimately been upheld by the Courts and/or Congress, so what are these constitutional violations that the self-appointed Brattleboro guardians are seeking to charge? Did they also vote to arrest and impeach Bill Clinton, who was actually convicted of a crime (criminal contempt) and disbarred? Sounds like an arrogant lynch mob to me. Crazy.

Hey can't send all Republicans to jail. I'm one of them and I think the Bush administration has done nothing but violate our constitution, incite hatred for our country worldwide, and is attempting to make us live in a fear based police state.

Bush needs to be impeached pronto. I just hope Democrats realize Americans want him held accountable and grow some backbone.

This VT town is a disgrace to the U.S. So much time and effort put forth just so you can show how dumb, liberal, and misguided your state is. Sad.

If only the rest of "Amerika" would now wake up! Crimes against the Constitution is the least of Bush and Chaney's crimes! Totally amazes me how much the people of this so called free country will take from their elected officials.

It's about Law & Order (not the TV show!) Chaney & his sock-puppet have violated the laws of our country and should face the bar of justice. That's a CONSERVATIVE position.
Bravo Vermont for standing up for the Constitution!

lets send them to china as he sent our jobs there-and don't let him have rice either.

**** what are these constitutional violations that the self-appointed Brattleboro guardians are seeking to charge? **** Easy enough. They violated my Constitutionally GUARANTEED right of privacy by eavesdropping on my transatlantic calls with my wife....without a warrant. Dictator Bush was BOUND by the constitution to obtain a warrant before he was legally entitled to spy on not just one, but TWO American citizens. Because he disregarded the constitution in the name of 'national security', he violated my civil & constitutional rights. Therefore, under the law, he can be charged.

Strong Work, Vermont!

Makes me wanna move out there!

John: We can all see that you rare learning and growing so much which is great, but unfortunately your a bit of a hypocrite. You say that we in the United States should reclaim our factory jobs that went overseas by restarting the factories for the workers... Well they can do that. No one is stopping them from organizing and getting capital, it almost sounds like starting a business. The problem is they cant because they still would be unable to compete with factories in China EVEN WITHOUT THE OVERHEAD OF CEOS and MANAGERS!

This "Cheap Labor" that you refer to are people. Yes these Cheap Laborers that are "stealing" our jobs are human beings as well they just happen to live in Asia, not the USA, your beloved Argentina, or Spain. They are people too and have as much right to work as anyone else on this earth. Maybe people in America should stop crying about inefficient factories that go bankrupt because they cannot operate without losing money and start pressuring for real reform like education and job training, investments in infrastructure and technology that can help American workers get the jobs of the future that they can be competitive at, oh and which they would likely find highly more attractive in the end.

The infestation of America is not the Liberals or the Conservatives. It is the Entitlement mentality of this nation. You are not entitled to have the government come in and protect or subsidize your job. You are not entitled to have the government socialize your factory. You are not entitled to bitch and moan about CHANGE. You are not ENTITLED to anything. Americans need to start waking up to the realities of this world and learning to compete in it through hard work and education.

And no I am not some diehard right wing nut. People should be given help in finding opportunities, primarily education, which is a complete disaster in this country. A tragedy made worse by the fact that education is likely the solution to many of the above mentioned problems.

I often fear for this new Generation Me, but when I look at the parents of them that vote for more entitlement and bail outs from the government it leaves little question where the attitude comes from. When the Baby Boomers retire and their entitlements comes crashing in we will finally start to see the error of our free spending ways for which BOTH parties are responsible. Your Democrat's solutions are more entitlements and spending to undo the fiscal horrors of the Bush administration? Its a nightmare. One mistake after the other.

The aftermath of the invasion of Iraq was one of the biggest policy disasters in this nations history. Pulling out the troops prematurely and letting a ethnic war butcher another Million for something our idiot leaders started will also be in the top 5. Two Wrongs to do not make a right. Bush and Cheney should be investigated by our judicial system and punished if found guilty. Period. Saying they eat babies, are HItler, should be this and that are all nonsense and only turn people off to legitimate arguments. If you truly are a responsible citizen you will want criminals brought to justice, justice within the law, which last time I checked is based upon the Constitution.

Oh and don't get me started on the Hippies comment. I eat Granola and would probably hug a tree too. Shit I even recycle like crazy. Try for once to BE A PERSON. LISTEN! THINK ABOUT THE ISSUES. Labels are for jars my friends, make up your own mind by listening to ALL SIDES of an issue. Don't just jump on your Conservative/Liberal/Green/Evangelical/Labor/whatever's bandwagon.

Thank you and sorry for the long rant.

"The Swamp" indeed; this thread like much of the Interbutts, is a stinking, festering morass of prototypical partisan posturing, bashing and even threats between self-important, left-wing elitists who know what's best for the unwashed mass of inbred hick "right-wingers", who likewise throw every tired, troglodytic euphemism they've heard and parroted from talk radio at the hated "liberals".

Do you people listen to yourselves? Do you realize just how stereotypical you all sound? Is this the state of discourse in this country, where a pointless, teethless resolution by a locality to imprison the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces on "war crimes" over which it has zero jurisdiction--when so many serious issues about the future of this country and the planet need equally serious (and reasoned) debate, this waste of time can become a lightning rod for alleged political argument? Really?

"The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. How did it come to this?"

It seems like the folks who claim to love America, God and who also claim to defend this administration are the first ones who have no problem with bombing Vermont or threaten violence to anyone who sees the reality of the situation?

The law is quite plain in its requirement of citizens to arrest ANYONE who breaches the Constitution. That being said, it doesn't take a nine year old to figure out that Bush Cheney have done more than enough to serve time for more than white collar crimes.

Here is a fact that you folks should understand: just because you are against the war, or want to hold account the actions of the administration, doesn't mean you are a this kind of five year old argument has got to stop people.

Instead of being so afraid of reality and retreating into fables which created to guide past primitive societies in the Middle-East, they should wake up, grow up and act like the patriots that they so loudly claim to be. They of all people should bring these two criminals to justice.

There once was a state called Vermont,
That voted to arrest the savant,
Who's running the country
On lies and affront'ry,
And can't say big words like detente.

So all the mad Bushies want to bomb it,
Because dissent makes them all vomit,
Their words in this Swamp,
Full of bombast and pomp,
Prove every Brattleborian's a comet.

I love it!
This is a perfect example of liberalism. Ineffective and superficial, showy and pointless, and known in advance to be a waste of time...and all done on the taxpayers dime!

Are they setting a trend? Is every liberal town going to arrest conservatives and vise versa? Doesn't this town know how stupid they look to the rest of America? At least we all know why they voted for Obama instead of Hillary now.

"Funny you all seem to forget that we haven't been attacked in this country since taking the fight over there."

This is too insanely stupid to go without comment. Are you implying that we had been attacked over and over again until Glorious George came to power? What, precisely, did they do to prevent the attack that did happen on that fateful day in September? I'll tell you what they did: zero. A big, fat, honkin' nothing. And what are they doing to prevent another attack? I'll tell you what they are doing: they are creating American enemies far faster than they can kill them. If the Middle East had a dim view of the US before, it has a completely dark and angry view of us now. Thanks to King George and his ass-headed lack of planning we have created a huge, huge mess, with no end in sight.

Preventing attacks, are they? Far from it. Open your eyes. This administration has done nothing but stir the hornets' nest with sticks marked 'made in the USA'

Quite right, arrest Bush, judge him and execute him for: starting and supporting illegal wars all around the globe (iraq, afganistan, iran, livan, palestine, kosovo, turkey, columbia, sudan, venesuella etc etc), killing around 1 mln people. Drowning of a great city of New Orlean. Global warming, started than Bush denounced Kioto protocol, which leads to destroying all Earth we knew before, killing 1\3 of living animals and plants allready. For concentration camps in Guantanamo and Abu Graib, all around Europe, and destroing all civil liberties in US. For destroying all international stability and institution and oil for 103 dollars. For destroying all american economy, killing the dollar as world currency, wasting 3 THRILLIONS on war, and creating an enormous budget and current account deficit, destroying the economy as long as building crisis, financial collapse and 103 $ oil, metals and other raw materials do.

It would be very interesting to see the Secret Service's reaction when some hick town policeman attempts to take the president of the United States into custody. Moreover, I am pretty certain that a creative reading of federal law would find a violation of the United States Code if some US Attorney wished to take this to a federal grand jury. That might make for some concerned town officials.

It would be very interesting to see the Secret Service's reaction when some hick town policeman attempts to take the president of the United States into custody. Moreover, I am pretty certain that a creative reading of federal law would find a violation of the United States Code if some US Attorney wished to take this to a federal grand jury. That might make for some concerned town officials.

Meanwhile, a few hundred children died today from severe chronic malnutrition and/or outright starvation, various intestinal diseases, malaria, cholera, and so on and so forth. So too, out on the left "liberal" coast, the resident "liberal" fascists are demonstrating their committment to freedom by granting a special parking permit for Code Pink and a special exemption from the noise ordinance as well, and all so that Code Pink might rather audibly make the lives of some others an aural hell. They also call such support for our troops.

For the one good thing, since someone appears to be stumped in that regard, well, some in Africa think Dubya a hero for his efforts in their regard with respect to HIV/AIDS and malaria. Of course, since those people don't count to the "liberal" left, they'll give, as they have here, zero credit whatsoever to the American who has done more for Africa than any other American.

Very wealthy people live in Vermont, folks. NO hippies or slackers allowed, by tax law.
When will HIlary and Barack distinguish themselves by going into the well of the senate and IMPEACHING these guys?

Oh, for heaven's sake, barry, opinions like yours are the reason people here in Argentina think America is lost.

So if you're 'Argentinian' why do you have an anglo name (John Baldridge)?

Reasoned discourse requires understanding, say, the Constitution of the United States and its impeachment clauses. Go read this radical document and then come back with some attempt at critical thinking.

If you go back and read the document, you will note that Federal law trumps state law trumps local law. So, the local law is 'unconstitutional' and any local official attempting to enforce it could be arrested on Federal charges. Ever hear of the Civil War, douchebag?

Sorry, amigo, but the train has left the station and you weren't on board. The rest of us will take up the slack of bringing abusers of power to task...

Last I checked, Argentina was known for the "Dirty War"...hypocrite!

Oh, and by the way, I love hippies, even though I haven't eaten granola in years. Why not drop the stereotypes and start living in the real world? Mostly, they smell of incense and patchouli.... LOL.


Posted by: John Baldridge | March 4, 2008 9:07 PM

I hate hippies, and I agree with Barry: they smell bad. But most of all they think they are 'hip' (puh-leeze) when they're NOT!

Hey Bob, as an ex-dittohead I've now turned against Rush Limbaugh, but I disagree with your view of things...did your son die in Iraq? For America? Wouldn't it be better to honor his memory by thinking that he did not die in vain, rather than the alternative?

Vermont, regardless of what so-called "conservatives" say of it, is better off than just about any die-hard red state in terms of educational performance, lack of povery, lack of crime, lack of welfare dependency, voter turnout, economic stability, and cleanliness. Seems like wherever there's a concentration of "liberal" voters, things generally go well, but it's the right-wing parts of the country that fill up with semi-literate trailer-dwelling big-mac-stuffing pall-mall-smoking religiously-superstitious inbreeds with perpetually-pregnant 15 year-old daughters. Funny how that works.

Posted by: James Davis | March 4, 2008 9:20 PM

James, do some article just today said that Vermont voted Republican for president 28 consecutive times, and had a 108-year streak without a Democratic governor. So, who really made Vermont what it is? Hint: it's a 'Mountain' state with a population smaller than DeKalb County, Georgia. Less people=less problems. It's not the party. Duh.

To the commenters suggesting that Bush/Cheney be waterboarded and shipped to Guantanamo: doesn't that just prove that we need waterboarding and Guantanamo? In which case, the next logical conclusion is: Bush/Cheney reached the hard decisions that the 'you can't handle the truth' crowd just doesn't understand. There's nothing worse than an anti-American, anti-war president...Obama will be the next Jimmy Carter (remember, Carter brought in Saddam and the Ayatollah)

Conservatives fear most those that wish to destroy us...Liberals fear most those that wish to protect us. Makes perfect sense (NOT).

Karl, I love your flawed reasoning, because it is so easy to debunk. Aside from the FACt that you can't prove that your phone conversations were spied on (would you rather we not listen in on terrorist plans to blow you up tomorrow?), Bush acted under the law WHICH WAS PASSED BY CONGRESS and unless/until a court finds it unconstitutional, then the president should presume that upholding the law is the correct course of action.

So, your argument is NOT valid.

The people in in vermont are making fools of themselves.

YES!!! I live in Ireland, where the media is not so sheltered as it is in America - most of the world recognizes that Bush and his administration are terrorists - much more culpable than those they are seeking to destroy for supposedly the same thing. GO VERMONT!!!!!!!!
Finally, Americans display intelligence!!!!!

It's interesting to note who posted this comment: Prez Chimpy and Shotgun Cheney may want to think twice about any over sea's trips they might have planned for after they get kicked out of office...


Enough said.

France, Germany and Canada have recently elected very pro-Bush governments.

Bush is hailed as a hero in Africa and Eastern Europe. Iraq and Afghanistan now have friendly, democratically elected governments.

No wonder liberals hate him so much.

Vermont voters should worry more about allowing their Judges to give child molesters just a slap on the wrist.

Boycott Vermont!

Let me just add a post in support of Brattlesburg. It is still a somewhat free country despite B/C attempts to establish an imperial presidency. Just remember, they could throw any of us into prision as enemy-combatants and no one would hear from us again. Is that the government our founding fathers pledged their lives and fortunes for? It is the type of government they fought AGAINST.

For those questioning Vermont's intelligence or ambition:

We are consistently in the top 3 of student/teacher ratio and overall education quality in America.

Our healthcare consistently ranks in the top 5.

Those who question our relevance should take note. Name call all you want, but the facts speak loudly.

Maybe Brattleboro is a little extreme, but are there actions really as clinicly insane as some of the posts would lead us to believe?

At last one small town has the intestinal fortitude to do what our so-called Democratic Congress is afraid to do. It totally amazes me that so many right-wing supporters of the Bush Gestapo vehemently attack the people of Brattleboro and Vermont for expressing their dislike for the undoubtedly criminal acts perpetrated by our oil hungry leaders. Let us all hope that other municipalities follow Brattleboro’s lead and this pair ends up in prison where they belong.

This is not front page news. A small Vermont town voting to support Bush and that would be front page news.

Hopefully this idea will catch on elsewhere and these two CRIMINALS will be held accountbale for thier actions in America, as well as abroad.

Hooray for Vermont! True patriots.

My condo association recently voted to launch a nuclear attack on Brattleboro, VT. It is likely to have as much practical effect and political impact as this bit of impotent fist-shaking by goofy vermonters. The citizenry of a once-proud state reduced to street theatre. how sad!

A country built on slavery and genocide somehow deserved Bush for karmic reasons.

Small town, small minds.. and no go eat Ben and Jerry's... The founding fathers would have burned your liberal infested garbage dump to the ground..

this restores my faith that there is a thinking contingent left somewhere in this country. i had been working through the checklist of becoming a reluctant ex-pat, but it looks as though i may move to brattleboro instead...i will certainly make a point to visit next time i'm passing through. thank you!!

>>90% of American apprpoved attacking Afganisstan

>>65% of American aprroved attacking Iraq

And the other 10% and 35% respectively can spell Afghanistan and approved.

Just a reminder to all you left-wingers what your fellow representatives have said over the years:

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." -- From a letter signed by Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, & John Kerry among others on October 9, 1998

"This December will mark three years since United Nations inspectors last visited Iraq. There is no doubt that since that time, Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to refine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer- range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." -- From a December 6, 2001 letter signed by Bob Graham, Joe Lieberman, Harold Ford, & Tom Lantos among others

"There's no question that Saddam Hussein is a threat... Yes, he has chemical and biological weapons. He's had those for a long time. But the United States right now is on a very much different defensive posture than we were before September 11th of 2001... He is, as far as we know, actively pursuing nuclear capabilities, though he doesn't have nuclear warheads yet. If he were to acquire nuclear weapons, I think our friends in the region would face greatly increased risks as would we." -- Wesley Clark on September 26, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

"Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation with a leader who has used them against his own people." -- Tom Daschle in 1998

"Iraq does pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf and we should organize an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." -- Ted Kennedy, September 27, 2002

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein's regime is a serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated. He must be disarmed." -- Ted Kennedy, Sept 27, 2002

"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last 4 years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons. He has had a free hand for 4 years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation." -- John Kerry, October 9, 2002

"(W)e need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. We all know the litany of his offenses. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. ...And now he is miscalculating America’s response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. That is why the world, through the United Nations Security Council, has spoken with one voice, demanding that Iraq disclose its weapons programs and disarm. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but it is not new. It has been with us since the end of the Persian Gulf War." -- John Kerry, Jan 23, 2003

"As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -- Nancy Pelosi, December 16, 1998

I'd like to see their local police dept go up against the secret service. What a bunch of leftist wackos.

LOL...that's hilarious...all those artisan brie makers rattling their cheese knives...come on its vermont...who cares...they hate everybody!

Hahahaha. "Liberalism is a disease." That's precious.



Impeach CHENEY NOW !!!!

You people are all nuts. Go live in Ukraine or Korea or France....see how you like it! Hey, do you have Sharia law in Vermont !

Vermont has no tourist attractions, so I'll just not drive thru Vermont ever again. Barry your right these wacko Vermont liberals deserve to have Canada invade them, and make Vermont part of Canada.

Bush and Cheney are idiots, once they are done who cares where they go or what they do...not seeing that stupid cowboy grin with stupid nonsense coming out of his mouth is enough for me....

Oh please let someone strike oil in Vermont. . .

if only more Americans thought this way....

some people in Bratboro are ignorant of the U.S. Constitution, "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." Read Acrticle 1, section 9, paragraph 3. Being now a law and fitting the catagories of ex post facto and bill of attainder, this referendum is unConstitutional. Both Bush and Cheney should fly into Bratboro so they can be served and the case brought immediate to the Supreme Court.

I fully support the actions of the people of Vermont. I also support the world indictment of those people in the GOP who "duped" all you less than intelligent Americans into the idea that we needed to flex our muscle and invade, without us being attacked by, Iraq. Well it didn't work. Now nobody is intimidated by our "bullying". Who were the idiots who thought up this one. Oh yes,of coarse,the "GOP".

Wow. What specific crimes have they allegedly committed? I did not see them listed.

I know liberals are not very bright but, this level of stupidity is unprecedented.

A Bill of Attainder as prohibited by the Constitution convicts the accused without due process (a trial). Since the initiative passed by VT voters merely proposes to indict (not convict) Bush and Cheney and relay that indictment to authorities for prosecution, that would not appear to satisfy the characteristics of a Bill o Attainder, and thus be constitutional.

The Commander-in-Chief should immediately call in an Air Strike and get rid of some of this Liberal Rabble. New York should re-annex and revoke it's State Charter than place it's Citizens in re-education camps

I think that is a GREAT step forward.BRAVO to the people of VERMONT.

I fully support the actions of the people of Vermont. I also support the world indictment of those people in the GOP who "duped" all you less than intelligent Americans into the idea that we needed to flex our muscle and invade, without us being attacked by, Iraq. Well it didn't work. Now nobody is intimidated by our "bullying". Who were the idiots who thought up this one. Oh yes,of coarse,the "GOP".

Yeah Battleboro! We need more towns like that.

so far, the Bratboro crowd hasn't filed any charges or specification, or even provided probable cause that Bush and Cheney have violated any Law that passes Constitutional muster. Bills of Attainder and ex post facto laws aren't Constitutional.

This vote has been called symbolic. I suppose a flag could be called simply symbolic but it is a potent symbol of protest and it is used to rally people to action. This is rallying people to action now as I am Maine's Independent US Senate Candidate and am bringing this effort to Kennebunkport, Maine where it will gain in momentum and strength and focus. Since the RNC and the White House have already been consulted for comment, it's considered by those in power to be threatening and it shows how the citizens' voice can be heard and how their efforts can be directed.
Laurie Dobson

What a waste of time and money. Doesn't Vermont have anything else better to do?

Hey, lighten up, people. These Vermonters are just letting off some steam: ineffectual, impotent, implacable steam. Kinda like writing to a comments columns. Better to cast a vote then to go home and kick the dog just because you're p.o'd the prez of the U S of A lied through his teeth.

It’s obvious that some in Bratboro don’t believe in the rule of law and passed an unconstitutional ordinance and for the sake of expressing their political preference. Those in Bratboro have passed an unconstitutional law for their own selfish and egoistic ends. What shameful use government and referendum.

If Vermont had oil, Bush would've already invaded.

This guy and his vp are so corrupt and the american people are so stupid. I mean really this guy has curcumvented the constitution so much with signing statments and executive orders you don't know what he's doing. And when it comes to pass it will all be legal and you will live under marshal law. Without guns, without rights and it will be the faulf of the people who claim hippies are the bad people. Just wait till 12/21/12 and your going to get yours. Nasa isn't saying anything because they want you to die.

It's seems Vermont cares more about passing useless indictments instead of passing laws to protect there own children. You can obviously see were there priorities lie.

Hey, lighten up, people. These Vermonters are just letting off some steam: ineffectual, impotent, implacable steam. Kinda like writing to a comments columns. Better to cast a vote then to go home and kick the dog just because you're p.o'd the prez of the U S of A lied through his teeth.

I hate to break it to you but I'm afraid that bush and cheney aren't going anywhere. They are probably going to bomb a major city with the help of your CIA just like 9/11. Then say because there is still a threat to americans they are going to stay in power institute marshal law just like they did in new orleans. And you know it's going to be the fault of people who watch sports 24/7 or tv, don't read and say that anything those talking heads on fox say are actually true , talk about state run propaganda.

With Bush, there's no sense trying to reach him,
He's too busy wiretapping free speech in,
Vermont, where those kvetchers,
Are regarded as treacherous,
So the best thing to do is impeach him.

I feel so sorry for you. What a dunce. You don't even see the writing on the wall. We went over to Iraq not for Freedom but for oil. Why don't you get that? What freedom did we get by invading Iraq? Nothing. If we wanted freedom we would have our national guard here at home like they should be. Not that bush actually served in it. Now exxon, shell, the other one have all the oil they wanted, bush family have all their money in the world and all the power. All because of people like you. Thanks for screwing the rest of us. And by the way George bush spouted that freedom crap when he put on his salesman hat and went to every state in the country saying booga booga, and you as a scared child believed him.



Jackie your are delusional,

Uh hate to break this to you but didn't 9/11 happen on George Bush watch, didn't they have a memo that Osama would attack. And becuse you don't read they have said in memos that they intended to invade Iraq 12 days into the new administration. 12 days. And divi up the oil. Please stay in your bubble.

Want to let off steam?

Go home beat your wife or kick your dog, but don’t use the law to let off steam. Now another stupid and useless law is on the books cheaping the rule of law. Washington, DC has an official protest area where the discontented, maladjusted, and losers can peacably assemble and protest. Or, go home beat your wife or kick your dog.

Thank you Vermont Voters!
Dick & Bush in charge we should have known…. We all get screwed. At least Vermont has the nerve to be True Patriots. Real Americans would fight for their country. The oath taken by all branches of service is to defend this nation against all enemies, Foreign or domestic….. Wake up People the real terrorists are in charge.
When I thought this nation was lost Vermont and gave me hope again.

Two words of encouragement for those countries who consider them war criminals: Extraordinary Rendition.

More liberal "feel-goodism". It's meaningless tripe from a bunch of folks who have nothing better to do with their time.

If I was a Brattleboro resident, I'd be asking the Town Attorney if this whole idea is a dereliction of duty and then tell him/her to get up off his/her fat buttocks and do some real work or face an indictment of his/her own. Also I'd ask the village gov't. to get up off their collective rear ends or be prepared to face some legal music.

I always thought that Vermont Teddy Bear V.Day gift was bordering on leftish gay and now I know I was right.

Impeach Vermont!


Posted by: Paulo | March 4, 2008 11:01 PM


How long are you going to have to post before you realize you don't have to write your name in the "Comments" box?

Ode to a Right Wing

So you think that we Liberals are twits?
When we drive you clean out of your wits?
You protest so strenuous,
With concepts so tenuous,
But hey, if you wear it, shoe fits.

And they call California the 'land of fruits and nuts'?

People in Vermont are a bunch of wacko.

I wouldn't surprise to find out that Brattleboro also has Osama Bin Laden's birthday as an official town holiday. What a bunch of morons!

No surprise here. Vermont; a far-left looney State where a Judge had to re-sentence a child molester after coming under heavy criticism (though MANY in Vermont defended the Judge). The original was 60 days for a man who plead guilty to having sexual contact over a 4 year period with a child beginning when she was 6 yrs old. The kindly liberal Judge then gave him the MINIMUM of 3 yrs (could have sentenced him up to 10). There is nothing so hypocritical as a Liberal.

If Air Force One landed in Vermont, the debate by Vermonts left-leaning nuts would take so long (as no one would be man enough to step forward to make a physical arrest) that they would shrug and leave before anyone took action.

But rest assured, there would be a SIX MONTH investigation over what went wrong, and a TAX INCREASE to fund a study so it wouldn't happen again.


I'd like to congratulate the commissars of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Vermontistan. Way to go, traitors! RFemember, you now have at last two witnesses to your treason. I suggest to real Americans in Vermont that they report the town to U.S. Attorneys to press treason charges. I guess this is what one can expectg in a state that elects a doofus like Pat Leahy Senator.

Stupid out-of-stater hippy's - check. Highest taxes in the country - check. Complete disillusionment with reality - check. Welcome to Vermont! I hate this state.
It's just a matter of time before the trust-fundee flatlander-infested hippy town of Brattleboro decides to indict all military members like myself as war criminals. People in town have so little to do they pass laws to allow nudity in public and harass the police then file brutality charges against them. If I were the police in that town, I'd go on strike and see just how little they really need them. We need Brattleboro like Iraq needs Iran. I'd like to bust some heads in that town.

According to hhKeller, 65% of Americans approved attacking Iraq. But 100% of Americans were mislead into believing the country was an imminent threat, Iraq had WMD's, Saddam was in cahoots with Osama Bin Laden, the U.S. would wage a competent war strategy, the U.S. could occupy and bring stability to a fractious country that has never had it since the British created it in the 1920's, etc.etc. etc. Goes to show how conniving our 'leaders' are.

"worker co op?"

No wonder Argentina's currency collapses every few years.

Move to Chile instead John

Looks like Vermont will remain the only state President Bush has not visited during his presidency. But seriously, this is laughable. If grounds for impeachment truly existed, the Dems would have jumped at the chance after the GOP antics of the Clinton years.

I think it is time to propose a swap. Like the game of Monopoly I'd propose we trade Canada Vermont, and we could even throw in my former home state of Massachusetts as a bonus, for Alberta and the Northwest Territories.

"The Commander-in-Chief should immediately call in an Air Strike and get rid of some of this Liberal Rabble. New York should re-annex and revoke it's State Charter than place it's Citizens in re-education camps."

You need to be placed in a re-education camp until you finally learn that there is no apostrophe in "its." Not to mention your silly political views.

"Conservatives fear most those that wish to destroy us"

Yeah, irrational fear of American counterculture is alive and well and living in DuPage County. Why don't you lobby your representative to pass a law outlawing Patchouli oil.

Ode to a Right Wing, Stung

"Love it or leave it!" you tell us,
And then with great force, you'd expel us,
"Americans are great!"
"...except for dead-weights
who dare to dissent with the zealous!"

My question is why now, and only one State?

This should have been a done deal quite a few years ago....and by every State!

Posted by: logan square | March 5, 2008 1:10 PM

Other %'s
100% of the last 3 presidents believed that Iraq was a threat-

66% = The remaining presidential candidates that believe(d) that Iraq was a threat-

+70% = How many in congress believed that Iraq was a threat-
or at least voted like they did.

100% = how much of our documented Iraq Policy since the initial gulf war that clearly identifies Regime change as the official policy in regards to Iraq.

Somewhere less than 100%- the amount of the intelligence report that Hillary read before voting for the war.

0% = The effectiveness of UN Sanctions meant to "help" Saddam Hussein understand that the world won't stand for his intimidation and destabilizing the mideast.

Politicize the war as much as you want- there is always another way to spin it-

"Since everybody knows it is illegal under federal law to detain an elected federal official who is doing his duties. (note the Pres and VP are always connected and "at work")

Only the Sergeant at Arms of Congress can detain certain federal officials once instructed by congress."

If that were the case, then what about federal officials who get charged with bribery, racketeering, tax evasion, fraud, etc from actions related to "doing their duties"? Did prosecutors have to get Congress' permission before busting Dan Rostenkowski or the ABSCAM crowd? If so, talk about Dracula guarding the bloodbank...

Procedurally, I don't think a town attorney would have jurisdictional authority to file charges related to federal or constitutional matters. Wouldn't such charges have to be filed by a US attorney or special prosecutor?

Now if the town attorney filed charges against Bush/Cheney for violating the laws or constitution
of the state of Vermont, that might actually work.

Any attorneys out there who can clarify these issues?

John In Argentina,

Do us all a favor... Stay there.

LOVE THIS! Now, If only they would plan a weekend get-away there...

"Now that each of you rabidly conservative wordsmiths has had a chance to call names and misconstrue facts........are you now going to go READ the resolution?"

You're assuming they know how to read.

Put these two behind bars! Now! What a wonderful idea!

More tax dollars wasted by dumb liberals with nothing better to do with their time (I bet the vote was completed before the Jerry Springer show started).

"Mr Davis, you just described my icebox!

Posted by: David Shingledecker | March 4, 2008 9:49 PM"

What century are you living in? Those of us with electricity have REFRIGERATORS and FREEZERS. Or are you describing an Igloo cooler?

If you call a fridge or freezer an "icebox", that tells me

1) how old you are, which is a few years past ancient, and
2) your mindset is still in the 1920's, back when people actually had iceboxes.

We're in the 21st century, David.

Sue Teri

You CLEARLY possess that oh-so unbecoming trait; European Inferiority Complex.

Tell me, dearie, just why do you believe YOU know more about what is going on in American than Americans? Your 'media' tells you so? Ha! Ha! Get it through your head; your media cherry-picks stories from the US and 'feeds' it to the people. On the other hand, our media is majority US news and, oh, WE LIVE HERE TOO! You have to love it when people thousands of miles away, on another continent, tell you they know more about what's going on here than you. Poor fools.

Bush and Cheney didn't mislead the American public. Some in the American public make that claim and push that lie, but it doesn't make it true. American public has some malcontented individuals who show off and make those claims.

I lived in Burlington Vermont for two long years before returning to Chicago. I have never met a larger conglomeration of idealistic morons in my life. That state is an embarrassment to our great country.

Why are the Right wingers so terribly afraid of a gesture?
Why are they so afraid of others free speech?
Will they back Hillary or Obama with the same vitriolic fervor they back this regime because they are the ones simply in "office"?
Lighten up dittoheads or y'all or gonna' git coronaries.

"Hey man, is that Freedom Rock?"
"Yeah, man."
"Well turn it up, man!"

Except for Killington and maple syrup Vermont is entirely worthless. Can we give it back to England? That'd show 'em.

Obviously a symbolic gesture, but it is hilarious to see the reaction of the retarded right. They feel ordained by god since he blessed them with an extra chromosome.

We are sick of you.

Everyone saying that Vermont is completely worthless...I completely agree with you, and I live here, 20 minutes from Brattleboro! The only thing that makes this state worth anything is the beautiful 'untouched' countryside and the skiing.

in response to heartburn:
You can certainly spin this war different ways. You can also look at it in different contexts. It was official U.S. policy pre-1991 to support the brutal, repressive regime of Saddam Hussein against the threat of Iran. We supplied Hussein with money and arms which he used to kill his own people. It was U.S. policy to look the other way initially when he invaded Kuwait, because we thought it was a simple border dispute. But then we learned he had designs to take over the entire country, including its vast oil reserves. Saddam was no longer our friend.

I second the "Boycott Vermont" idea. I will never spend another nickel in that state.

The town has no jurisdiction in Federal matters. What a joke these people are.

Ok what are you people do when the next 9/11 happen? What country are you going to invade next? France? Iran? Russia? What are you going to do when the national guard comes here under marshal law? What happens when you ask about the constitution? Your rights? Bush and Cheney have already taken those away with the next so called Terrorist attack. Then What are you going to do? When you have to go through checkpoints, and have your own countrymen point their guns at you and your kids. Or just fire at will when you come up to a checkpoint too fast? Will you believe that Bush and Cheney really want to protect you or control you? Come on Conservitives give me your best shot.

I mean people have any of you followed the laws or supplimental Bills that have passed congress or the senate? What George Bush wants is wrong. You've let a C- student coke head, alcoholic aasshole and the prince of darkeness. Change the laws so that he can control America with our own american gastapo (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Police departments, FBI) I mean The Attorney General of the United States won't even enforce the subpoenas' that congress issued to staff of the white house. 30 years ago there was law not it's being stepped on by the white house. Look at the laws he's passed. And look at the direction he's going. Christ

Yes, Mike. The beautiful "untouched" countryside. Untouched by Bush and Cheney, that is. Muhahahaha.

I think it is time we break the US into two countries; North and South. Everything would be a lot better if people in the south couldn't vote.

This is a really cool thing that happened, and I personally find it disgusting that people are making fun of this, or using this as a excuse to talk about how much they hate liberals. They need to WAKE UP and realize that Bush has plunged our country into ruins. Go Vermont!!


Ok now there is a problem did anyone see him endorse McCain?

the "by the way I'm not done yet" scares the hell out of me.

Brattleboro gets blown off the face of the earth. Great headlines

I think the town is well intentioned but ill advised.

I believe the town is within its authority to request that its representative in the US House of Representatives make a motion to impeach Bush and Cheney on its behalf.

In addition, the town could request the US Attorney General impanel a grand jury to investigate crimes committed by Bush and Cheney. Then, upon the AG's refusal, file a federal lawsuit to compel such action based on available evidence of such crimes.

Finally, it could write to the other towns of Vermont requesting they join it to act in concert.

I find it odd that this town should be held up to ridicule when it is Congress, with its manifest failure not only to impeach and try Bush but to perform even minimal oversight, that deserves our scorn. And let us recall that sometimes the honor in confronting tyranny is in having fired the shot however off the mark.

Quote: The people in in vermont are making fools of themselves.

Posted by: Kathy | March 5, 2008 6:42 AM

Yep. Just like the majority of posters on this board...

Where's Vermont?

You can certainly spin this war different ways. You can also look at it in different contexts. It was official U.S. policy pre-1991 to support the brutal, repressive regime of Saddam Hussein against the threat of Iran. We supplied Hussein with money and arms which he used to kill his own people. It was U.S. policy to look the other way initially when he invaded Kuwait, because we thought it was a simple border dispute. But then we learned he had designs to take over the entire country, including its vast oil reserves. Saddam was no longer our friend.

Posted by: logan square | March 5, 2008 3:52 PM

the difference here is that the official policy of the US government was regime change before and at the time that Bush invaded Iraq- this takes away that whole "illegal war" bug-eyed argument away- or at least rationalizes the decision. IN any event, this makes these petticoat junction folks in vermont look really dumb.

"...This is a really cool thing that happened..."
Posted by: Isabel | March 5, 2008 4:33 PM

"..plunged our country into ruins.."

So are you really Beavis or Butthead?

It’s sad when those who support the horrible job this president and administration has done can Offer up nothing more than insults, and dis-information gleamed from the like of Limba and other neo-con talk shows. But I guess that’s what you fall back on when you walk into an intelligent conversation misinformed. True Americans, those of us who believe in what this country was truly founded on show our love of this country by having the courage to hold those who are wrong accountable. And not allow ourselves to become party driven and hate filled.

Hopefully, this is a JOKE--
God help the people of Vermont if the next terror attack occurs there.

Stop funding the terrorists!

No more Oil Wars!

Energy Independence Now!

Drill in Anwar.

Build more nuclear power plants

Use More coal.

Use more natural gas

Turn trash into energy

Double the efficiency of windmills and solar cells.

If France can do nuclear power so can we.

If Brazil can do biomass/ethanol power so can we.

If Australia can do LNG power so can we.

Domestically produced energy will end the recession and spur the economy.

Stop paying oil dollars to those who worship daily at the altar of our destruction.

Preserve our Civil Rights and defend our Freedom by ending dependence on foreign oil.

A Joke? Next Terror Attack? come on, try opening your eyes, and engaging your brain. Then maybe you can explain to me how 2 110 story dual steel framed towers built to withstand multiple Boeing 707 crashes, can take 2 767's hig up in the towers, and both towers fall at FREE FALL speed, never mind the 80 to 100 floors intact below the crash site to provide resistance to the collapse, thus slowing it. Completely physically impossible! Not to mention WTC7 doing a perfect implode and also collapsing at free fall speed, right into it's own basement! SO maybe you can explain how Foreign terrorists could gain access to place and set up all those hi tech explosives and computer controlled detonation needed to make such a feat possible. The only terrorist attack that happened came from within.
Now as for jurisdiction, the Constitution states the government is controlled by the people, the local authorities of Vermont are people too. What has been happening in the Executive branch is indeed high treason. If someone doesn't stand up as a true American and stop it, Perhaps they would rather live in a dictatorship, How dare you call your self American, if you can sit back and write excuses for the very Constitution to be dismantled right in front of you!

I'm sending Bush and Cheney a one way ticket to Brattleboro.

All I have to say is I am so glad I dont live in VT. If I did, I'd be livid that my tax dollars went to pay for this meaningless drivel.

The typical liberals that did this are like bratty 10 yr old kids that have never grown up. What happens when the inevitable occurs? When you morons that support this nonsense realize it has no legal standing? I'm thinking temper tantrums with rhyming jingles and some fruity looking freak with a mohawk and bongos.

Get a life and get over yourselves!

In reference to MCD:
It always helps to know who you're talking to. I spent the first 40 years of my life in the United States and several more years in other parts of the world,i.e., West Africa, South America, and Mexica. YES, American media limits what it tells American citizens, therefore, YES, Americans are generally ignorant (as in not knowing) about world reality and even the realities of their own government. Try utilizing the internet a bit more. Thank you, however, for attempting to educate me on my country of origin.
Sue Teri

"Long ago, there was a noble word, LIBERAL, which derived from the word FREE [libre]. Now a strange thing happened to that word. A man named Hitler made it a term of abuse, a matter of suspicion, because those who were not with him were against him, and liberals had no use for Hitler. And then another man named McCarthy cast the same opprobrium on the word. Indeed, there was a time--a short but dismaying time--when many Americans began to distrust the word which derived from FREE. One thing we must all do. We must cherish and honor the word FREE or it will cease to apply to us...." [An internally overthrown 21st Century America foreseen in "Tomorrow Is Now" by Eleanor Roosevelt and published posthumously in l963]

"We will have a liberal democracy, or we will return to the Dark Ages." [FDR in 1940 also foreseeing our 21st century 'return to the Dark Ages']

"Fascism is a worldwide disease. Its greatest threat to the United States will come after the war, either via Latin America or within the United States itself." [Henry A. Wallace, 33rd US Vice President and 10th Secretary of Commerce, both under FDR]

“American fascism will not be really dangerous until there is a purposeful coalition among the cartelists, the deliberate poisoners of public information, and those who stand for the K.K.K. type of demagoguery.” [Henry A. Wallace, 33rd US Vice President and 10th Secretary of Commerce under FDR predicting how Fascism will come to America and has from the the GOP joining forces with extremist Christian religious right and Christian Identity groups]

90% of American apprpoved attacking Afganisstan

65% of American aprroved attacking Iraq

Probably 65% of Vermonters approved of the wars as well.

Posted by: hhkeller | March 4, 2008 8:59 PM

Your source for these numbers is? And when were these numbers produced - 2003? I want to see poll numbers from February 2008, if you can find any.

I think some carpet bombing of Brattleboro is in order. The town is no different than Tehran, Pyongyang, Venezuala.

Posted by: John D | March 4, 2008 11:33 PM

Another "great" American. You degrade all the Americans who have given their lives to defend this great country. To defend the constitution that gives us this very right. Being American is more than just words, but your words are very telling. Go to the fields of Gettysburg and tell those who fell there that you don't believe all Americans have a voice or the freedom to use it. Go to the Vietnam wall where the name of many brothers I knew are written, and you tell them that their lives were given in vain because "great" Americans like you decided that we didn't need these rights.

Posted by: bill "hussein" r. | March 5, 2008 12:01 AM

Geographically Ignorant Dumb Dumb Little Johnnie Dyslin, "the Joseph Stalin of Streamwood", is only allowed out of his room in the Elgin Mental Hospital on alternate Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I think to many of you here have been living in Rupert Murdock's reality for too long. Get a life by getting a genuine opinion, thats why you carn't think for yourselves...
Apprising Bush is like apprising the Nazi party.
The first and second world war hero's died for nothing.
Rally on Brattleboro and Vermont

hhkeller and 65% of all stats are made on the spot.

For real all the naysayers must know VT was the first state to abolish Slavery, among the first to grant womens sufferage, and the first to grant equal rights to all couples. (that means gay people as well as non- gay). So Vermonters understand that actions take activists, and to improve civilization it must buck the status quo to improve life and civil liberties for all humans. By the way when was the last time Bush visited the State of Vermont. Oh yeah never. Talk about King George and taxation without representation. The fact that a small town in VT can garnish National Attention for the attrocities that the current administration has done, proves how important each memeber of this country can be if a cause is just and moral.

Having lived overseas during and after 9/11, I realized what "America" USED TO mean to people around the world. With all its faults, people romanticized it as a cultural pillar and put it up on a pedestal, and an example of what they hoped for their own country. After 9/11, people around the world flew US flags and cried for our loss. Strangers came up to me where I lived in Japan, and when they found out I was American, got tears in their eyes, and said, "I'm so sorry..."
Thanks to Bush/Cheney this country is now an embarrassment, and the rest of the world is disgusted. Bush/Cheney have kicked off the inevitable downfall of a superpower. Gas prices, people losing their homes... this place is a shambles!! MacCain and his Barbie wife can spout off all they want about how proud they are and have always been of their freaking country, and Hillary can spew all her "tested and ready" (to go to war and stay at war!) rhetoric. They make me ill - Someone needs to stand up and show the rest of the world that we are actually a civilized society - or at least some parts of the country are. Brattleboro is a beginning. Close the deal by voting Barack!

Great comments:
Is Vermont still a state?
Who the held cares about a state that's so far left it would tilt the earth if California was as bad...
Liberalism is a disease and Vermont is infested with it.

Posted by: Clear Voice | March 4, 2008 9:02 PM

Too bad, I used to like Vermont. I guess I will scratch that state off my list of vacation spots. A lack of respect for duly elected officials of this order suggests a state that has no respect for the Constitution it claims to be defending.

Posted by: Doug | March 4, 2008 9:06 PM

I would like to add, if these people travel in NC they had better keep this position a secret. We don't take kindly to people attacking/threatening our president.

Need I remind all of you, that for the second consecutive year, Vermont has earned the title of the nation’s Smartest State.

Enough said!

The folks of Brattleboro have dishonored themselves and their country! Do you think they would wake up if they seceded from the Union, lost the protection of Bush and Cheney and their women all ended up wearing burkas as a result?! Blind fools! The same type in power when Rome fell! The same soft bellied cowards who took down "holiday lights" to reduce "global warming" all the while denying their anti-Christian prejudice! America may well be under attack one day on our soil if these vegans gain power. We won't be able to count on this crew to help defend us-they'll all be under the bed "passing" their tofu in buckets while clutching their ACLU cards! Disgraceful!

Posted by: Steven T | M

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