March 10, 2008

7th dimension blogspot says ...

After World War II, America gained what many would refer to as "street cred". The diabolic introduction of nuclear weapons, with disregard to innocent people, must have scared the shit everyone around the world - and now Russia and China begin preparing for round 2. The United States was heralded as the world's leading power. The intelligence agencies funded operations around the world, arming guerrillas and contra fighters - forming their own black market capable of reaching pretty much anybody. The nation continued to grow, gaining important allies around the world that did business similarly.

Ever wonder how billions of dollars in drugs float over the American border so effortlessly? One could argue that an industry offering an insane amount of money draws forth associates willing to risk more than your average Joe. They would be right, but that certainly doesn't disqualify the agencies that are in the position to abuse their power . A pledge of honor just doesn't overrule the temptations of a billion dollar drug industry, especially without the annoyance of "getting caught". It's better to understand the mechanics of how a person will think in a specific situation over the myriad of detail. Time and time again, people in positions of power hidden from public scrutiny have proven to abuse this privilege.

The United States has sponsored terrorist activity across the globe. A variety of dictatorships have been funded through Rothschild and Rockefeller petty cash. Saddam Hussein, the Chinese Communist Party, Osama bin Laden, the Revolution in Iran, and thousands of war lords - to name but a few.

The federal reserve is not owned by the United States citizens. The banking Goliaths print the money and control the amount in circulation. They also charge interest for loaning the money to the U.S. Government, adding to the national debt and stripping from socialist programs. With the reins to the one commodity everybody thinks they need, these people profess themselves "gods among men".

With the "street cred" the United States has come to gain, the powers that be continue to spread their influence throughout the world. They destroy indigenous cultures to use their resources and set an example. If you wish to live in the New World Order you must conform and provide. The beauty and rights' of these people is of no concern to this autonomous blindfold. It won't be long before a conflict arises that will place the people against each other, destroying our national sovereignty in the confusion. That's the plan - globalism, conformity, and servitude. I think its time to formulate our own.

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