March 17, 2006 Boy, you should really subscribe! I was a doubter, but I LOVE it.

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]Good Morning -- BroJon Readers !! Here's the latest edition of
“We'll know our disinformation program is complete wheneverything the American public believes is false.”-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ SPECIAL EDITION ~~~~~~~~ MIND CONTROL IN THE AMERICAN NEWS MEDIA

“The Belief in the Priesthood of the New Science”: Part One

The Global Warming MythIn the March 15th BroJon Digest I explained how there have been three cycles of history. Each cycle has four parts: (1) A golden age of new science discoveries, (2) the formation of a new governmental system based on the new scientific discoveries, (3) a process of “mind control” where the new discoveries and methods are turned into “religious” beliefs, and then (4) a very long Dark Age were the new government uses the new “religious” beliefs to control the minds and behavior of the world population. Most of all human history has been lengthy 1,000 year long dark ages with only about 200 years of free thought and new science occurring in between the dark periods of "mind control," oppression and despotism.

The latest cycle of the new freedom of thought and new scientific discoveries began in the mid-1700's. This was called the Age of Enlightenment, the rise of the Industrial Age and the beginning of modern science. It reached a peak, similar to the past two periods, about 200 years after it began. In this case at the end of World War II. Since about 1950, the United States, and most of the world has been sliding into a new abyss of the third 1,000 year Dark Age of the “new science.” It is a new “scientific priesthood” which uses the new tools of science such as computers, satellites and secret laboratories to make you believe that only they can “save” the planet. They have become the new “saviors.” But don't you believe it. They are only using scientific “trickery” as a new “religious belief system” to fool you.

In January 1961, in his Farewell Address, the outgoing President Eisenhower warned of two great dangers to America and to the world. You've heard of one, and heard it repeatedly, called the “Military Industrial Complex.” What you probably never heard about was the other great danger, the “Educational Research Complex.” If you do a web search on the BroJon Gazette and look for Eisenhower, you can find his Farewell Address and then read it for yourself, to find out that somebody has mislead you for the last 45 years about what he actually said and warned about.

It was the Educational Research Complex which would become the new “priesthood” that would use “computers” and “laboratories,” as cited by President Eisenhower, as tools to control the “minds” of the populace to create a new world order and a new one world government system based on the “new science.” Eisenhower could not have known nor predicted how quickly that new secret “priesthood” would grow and become so powerful.

One of the “beliefs or tenets” of the new priesthood, is that there is a “greenhouse gas layer” which is the cause of global warming. This “belief” is being used to terrorize the world into cutting back on carbon dioxide, the main “greenhouse” gas, and that the world should follow the orders of the worldwide Kyoto Treaty. And the “priesthood” also wants you to allow the price of oil to rise exorbitantly in order to force people to cut back on using cars which produce carbon dioxide. The primary beneficiary or “profiteer” of this new false “belief” is Big Oil which is the main promoter and producer of this false “religious belief.” They have enough money to buy their way into the corridors of Congress, into NASA and into the top secret national laboratories run by universities. They have produced the "new religion."

What I am going to show you right now are three very simple experiments that you can do yourself at home, or if you are a teacher you can demonstrate them to college students and even young children at school. They are extremely simple. They will absolutely “prove” that a carbon dioxide “greenhouse layer” does not exist and cannot and could never exist. I have already taught these simple experiments to my own students, and even to excited groups of young campers, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Even very young children can do them and understand them.

I must add, please don't write to me and explain the latest data to be found in global warming articles and textbooks. Do not waste your time nor mine. Twenty years ago, I talked to the manager of the environmental project at NASA Ames. I had worked at NASA Ames over a period of two decades, so I know the people. I found that the project manager, though she had a doctorate degree, it was in “environmental science” or something, so she knew almost nothing about basic physics and chemistry. Almost half of my phone call with her, was my explaining over the phone, how and why the earth is tilted and how it effects the weather. So she sent me off to talk to her boss at NASA headquarters.

I spent an hour talking to the big environmental boss at NASA headquarters. He did not like the fact that I had proved that the huge NASA program was basically a fraud. I never actually said that to him, but the data and evidence I presented sure proved it. He said, “Mr. Smith, you just don't have all the latest satellite data. I will put you on our mail list and send you all the latest data.”

Well, I now have over one complete shelf in my library consisting of the NASA data from the last 20 years, and updated with monthly bulletins with the latest satellite data. Thank you. So, those who now want to write to me and feel that I should look at some new article or textbook with all the latest “greenhouse” findings, please don't. I already get the latest data directly from NASA even before it gets into the hands of the authors of those articles and textbooks. I have already read the data. You should also know that I have multiple university degrees in different areas of science, and am probably more educated and experienced than most of the professors and authors who write those "greenhouse" articles and textbooks. When somebody sends me emails telling me to read something, I usually toss it. It is the same as somebody preaching to me and sending me “proof” of the bible by sending me quotes like “Read John 3:16. It proves the bible is true.” No thanks. I consider NASA data or university textbooks about “greenhouse” theories to be merely the new biblical scriptures from the “greenhouse priesthood.” Don't send me any “greenhouse” religious tracts. I just ignore them. So let's cut to the chase.


Run to your kitchen and pull out a tray of ice cubes from the fridge. Hold the tray over the kitchen sink vertically and place your other hand about one inch away so your palm is facing the ice cubes. You can feel the cold ice cubes even though you are not touching them. Why? Are the ice cubes radiating cold? No. Nothing radiates cold. Only heat can radiate from a warm spot to a colder spot. What is happening is that the warmth in your hand is radiating toward the much colder ice cubes. As the heat in your hand radiates much faster toward the cold ice cubes it lowers the temperature of your hand and you feel it as cold.

This is a simple experiment in heat radiation, which uses the most basic simple scientific instrument called – your hand. If you are a teacher, let the kids experiment with tilting the ice tray at different angles to eliminate the cold air coming from the cubes, wrapping it in plastic wrap, finding ways to measure the distance of hand to ice, etc. There are many variations which make very nice school science projects, with write ups on taking data, explaining radiation and even methods of taking measurements. But as you will see, it is one of the most powerful and important experiments you can do, since you are learning about using "you" as the scientific instrument.


On a warm summer evening, with no wind or clouds, and only a clear starry night sky, use your “now calibrated” scientific thermometer instrument, your hand, and aim the palm of your hand toward the ground. You don't feel any heat or cold. Now lift the palm of your hand so it faces the sky. Wow, it feels cold. That's because it is very cold way out there in outer space. You are using your own hand to take the temperature of the cosmos. That is your very own cosmic connection to the universe. Do this several times aiming your hand at the ground and then at outer space. Prove for yourself that it is cold out there, just as if you were inches away from an ice cube. You can “touch and feel” the cold of distant outer space just with the palm of your hand. I betcha didn't know that.

For the second part of this experiment, you need to wait for another evening when there is a high cloudy overcast so you can't see the stars. But not a stormy or windy night, just overcast. Then when you repeat the same experiment, as you aim the palm of your hand to the sky, you can't feel any cold. Why?

What is happening is that the cloud is blocking all the heat coming from both the earth and your hand and the cloud is reflecting it back to you and the earth. It is also a true fact that it is always much colder on clear starry nights than on overcast nights. The cloud cover causes local warming like a blanket, so you feel warmer. Unless the globe of the world becomes completely surrounded by a thick cloud layer there is no global warming – only local warming where the clouds are.

When you did the first experiment with the ice cubes your hand had a temperature of 98 degrees F but the ice cubes were at freezing or 32 degrees F. That is enough difference to feel the cold from a distance of about an inch. But on a cloudy night, both the earth and the bottom of the clouds are at a temperature of about 60 degrees. That is not enough difference to feel the cold. So pointing your hand toward the ground and at the clouds show they are about the same temperature. But on a clear starry night, the temperature of outer space is actually around minus 459 degrees while your hand is plus 98 degrees. That is a difference in temperature of about 560 degrees. That's why space feels so cold.

With the ice cubes, the temperature difference is about 70 degrees, but with outer space the temperature difference is about 560 degrees. In the science of thermodynamics it is shown that the amount of radiation is equal to the temperature difference raised to the fourth power. That means multiplying the number by itself four times.

That humongous difference between your temperature and outer space is why the dark sky feels so cold even though it is so many light-years away. The third part of this experiment is only a thought experiment, since it always fails – you can never make it work. If there ever were a layer of “greenhouse” gases which is reflecting heat from the earth and raising the temperature of the earth, then it should still be there as a gaseous layer at night. Why would it go away just when the sun goes down? It couldn't and it wouldn't. But if that “greenhouse” layer did exist, then when you do the experiment with your hand on a clear starry night, then you could not feel the cold of outer space since the “greenhouse” gases would reflect heat back to your hand, just like a cloud, and you couldn't feel the cold of space. It would be just like a cloudy night, but you would still see the stars.

I have done this experiment with my hand and shown it to students for over 40 years. It always worked and still does even today. Thus proving that there is NO “greenhouse” gas layer which reflects heat back to earth and to your hand - and never has been and never will be.


How did the NASA “greenhouse priesthood” fool you with their data and their false belief that there is a new “religion” called greenhouse global warming. It is simple. They used the tools described by President Eisenhower in his Farewell Address. They used satellites to look down at the earth and then used computers to make fictitious models which can produce any “tricky” result they wish. But theirs is one complicated messy method. They use a thermometer in space on the satellite looking down at the earth, to measure hundreds of thousands of data points on the earth. Then they find the “average” temperature of earth. But that is always changing, night and day and even with the weather and the seasons.

Then the NASA “priests” find the average energy coming from the sun which warms the earth. But the energy from the sun is also always changing with the seasons, with the 11-year sunspot cycle, and daily with the numbers of sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, all of which constantly change the amount of energy coming from the sun. Then the “greenhouse priests” subtract one average number from the other average number and then claim “see our model shows the temperature of the earth is several degrees warmer than it should be, as predicted by the computer model, so there must be a greenhouse layer reflecting heat back to earth.” Don't you believe it. This is simply “greenhouse” computer 'religious" scripture.

The fault or mistake with the “priesthood” method is to look DOWN from space and measure the temperature of earth at jillions of data points over many years and then find a fictitious “average.” Instead, they could simply take the same temperature sensor as on the satellite, and then from the ground take one “single” data point measurement looking UP into space. That is exactly what you did your temperature sensor – your hand, to prove that the “greenhouse” layer does not exist.

Instead of using a satellite to look downward with millions of measurements, simply reverse the experiment and take one single measurement looking upward. How much more simple can you get? It requires no computer models, nor calculations. A single measurement on a clear starry night either proves or disproves the existence of a "greenhouse gas layer."

To get real scientific here, in the 1950's experimenters measured the actual exact temperature of outer space. They found that it is not actually absolute zero, but has a remnant background radiation temperature of about 3 degrees Kelvin. That's just 3 degrees above absolute zero and still real cold. But that sensitive instrument only works on clear starry nights. On cloudy nights, the sky temperature is about 300 degrees Kelvin which would be the temperature of your hand or the temperature of the bottom of a cloud in the sky.

But no astronomer who measures the universal background radiation temperature has ever said, “We can't measure the temperature of space anymore because there is a huge reflective greenhouse layer which measures 300 degrees Kelvin. So we can't see the 3 degrees Kelvin background anymore.” No astronomer has ever said that, thus proving absolutely, there is NO “greenhouse” gas layer. Absolutely none. Any, even slight greenhouse effect would raise the apparent background temperature of the night sky by hundreds of degrees. Alright, so lets cut to the chase again.


This is a very simple and fun experiment which even kids can do and shows much about scientific principles.

You take two balloons and blow them up to the same size, about one foot or so, depending on the size of the balloon. The size is not important, just simply that they are the same size when blown up with air. One of the principles of chemistry and thermodynamics is that if I have two balloons of the exact same size, they will have exactly the same number of molecules of gas in each one.

Advanced students can find out what that number of molecules is called and even how to calculate that number. But let's just call it one jillion molecules. Since the air is made up mostly of di-atomic molecules of Nitrogen and Oxygen, there are two atoms inside each molecule of air. So each balloon has exactly TWO jillion atoms inside. If they both have the same number of molecules and atoms then they should weigh exactly the same. If you hold up both balloons and then let go, they will slowly drift down to the floor. You've probably seen this a lot at birthday parties and such. You know what it looks like.

Now take one of the balloons and instead of air, blow it up to the same size with Carbon Dioxide gas. But the CO2 molecule is made of two atoms of Oxygen, just like the air, and then also has an extra Carbon atom inside each molecule. That's why it is called Carbon DiOxide – or one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms in each molecule of gas. So if I have the same size balloon filled with CO2, now instead of just two jillion atoms, this balloon contains THREE jillion atoms. That means the weight of the CO2 balloon is half again heavier than the balloon full of air. In science, that is called the specific gravity and for CO2, it is 1.5 times that of air, meaning it weighs half again more than 1.0 which is the specific gravity of air. This is like weighing two tennis balls, and then three tennis balls, and saying that three tennis balls weighs much more than just two tennis balls. Thus the CO2 balloon is much heavier than air. If you hold up the CO2 balloon and let go, it drops like a rock.

Why? Because it is much heavier than air. What this proves is that CO2 which comes out of cars burning hydrocarbon fuels, does not make a gas which rises miles high up in the atmosphere and creates a thick layer of Carbon Dioxide which reflects heat and becomes a “greenhouse” layer gas. No No. If you have ever watched smog coming from cars, it hangs close to the ground, and then disappears over night. At most it will rise up several hundred feet into the air during the daytime and no higher. Why does it disappear? Because all the components of smog, such as: CO2, Ozone and smoky unburned hydrocarbons are all much heavier than air, and over night when it is cool and calm they all sink to the ground. They do not magically rise up high, all by themselves, into the sky to become a high altitude “greenhouse” layer.

Hot air balloons can rise up in the air, but heavier-than-air craft, such as airplanes do not rise up all by themselves to become a thick layer of heavy airplanes floating in the sky. It will never happen, could never happen and has never happened. It cannot happen with CO2 which is also much heavier than air. And as I just showed you, with these three simple experiments, which you can do yourself, you can prove it for yourself.

When the “greenhouse priests” quote you chapter and verse from their computer model “greenhouse” scriptures, just ignore it. It is no more valuable than preachers who quote to you biblical verses, such as John 3:16, to “prove” the biblical model of the universe. It only works, if you “believe it.” But it provides no scientific evidence other than itself. It is not useful nor provable.

Of great shame, is the action of Science magazine several years ago, when they decided not to accept any more articles attempting to present arguments to disprove the greenhouse global warming theory. Science magazine once was the most respected world journal of modern technology, but no more. For years, there had been an ongoing debate about “greenhouse” gases. But Science magazine simply decided that there IS “greenhouse global warming” – and that's that, end of debate. Well, I am fed up with such false “religious science” based on belief and not real science, which has been produced by the “new priesthood of science” in the last 50 years. That is why I wrote the three experiments as I just did. I did it to prove with real scientific accuracy and proof, that the “global warming greenhouse priesthood” along with the “new priests” at Science magazine are Wrong. And provably wrong. They should be ashamed.

Science magazine has taken a debate between “belief systems” and made an arbitrary decision. It is the same as Science magazine entering the debate about who is God – is it Jesus or Allah? And Science magazine arbitrarily and without any proof or evidence declared “Jesus is Lord” and Allah can go to hell. All very “scientific.” I am fed up with such cheap fiction.If you don't “believe” what I just proved about there being no greenhouse layer made of CO2, then I invite you to do the three simple experiments above, and then decide for yourself whether a greenhouse layer does or even could exist. You don't need to rely on the “greenhouse priests” with their complicated computer model scriptures to explain simple facts to you. You can do it yourself...

Marshall Smith
Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette

For proof and background reading, look for the article in the BroJon Gazette which quotes and explains President Eisenhower's dire warning about the dangers of the “new science.” Everybody has heard of the “Military Industrial Complex” but only the BroJon Gazette has the regular front page articles near the bottom, documenting the actions of the “Educational Research Complex” and the new Priesthood of Science.

Regular readers of the BroJon Digest are aware that I work on many projects at the same time. I have not before now, written about the problems with the “greenhouse gas” theory, though I have known it was incorrect for over a decade, since I have many projects which I have felt were more important. But it has now come time to bring the complete silliness called “greenhouse global warming” to an end.

All the journals and university textbooks about the “greenhouse” effect should be rounded up and sent back to the publisher to be remaindered as useless pulp fiction. Maybe they can be recycled into something useful, like Gideon Bibles or something. But “religious tracts” about greenhouse global warming? No thanks. Never again.

The foolishness and the useless debate has come to an end. My friends at NASA will probably respond by sending me twice as many “religious tracts” about the Earth Observing System and several other satellite programs, but forgive them, for they know not what they do. I have already gotten the extra large size garbage can, so I am sure I can handle all of NASA's future “gifts.” I give NASA an “E” for their decades long Effort to try to convince me that they are right. But I also give them an “F” for Failing to do so. I am not so easily fooled.

There are many thousands of scientists around the world who already know that I am correct. They already knew that there was something not quite right with the “global warming greenhouse gas theory.” I've now just given them the simple scientific tools to prove it beyond all doubt.
