The Anomaly In The Earth’s Wobble Continues
The Polar Motion Anomaly of 2005/2006
Very little new information this week(ECB – March 8, 2006, MWM)
The Earth’s wobble appears to be continuing to slowly “recover” its typical track. IERS computers are now projecting that the wobble track during the next several months will look very similar to the small spiral circle of nearly seven years ago during 1999. The wobble cycle was also in its minimum phase (X MIN) at that time. The latest IERS projection (Bulletin B from shows the wobble track will be in its highest position on the X plot on about July 30 and then will slowly decline and drop below the X Axis in about the middle of November.
From this new time line plotted by IERS, it is easy to conclude that the computers are assuming that a phase shift of about 3.5 months has occurred. The mathematical model apparently is treating the wobble cycle as if the current seven year cycle is merely 3.5 months longer than normal (which is quite anomalous). Rather than losing time, as originally guessed here, the wobble cycle has gained time, according to the modeling done by IERS.
Or has it?
IERS speculates from historical statistics by copying the last cycle. I speculate on what I can see. The wobble may actually have just abruptly ended its normal cycle in November 2005 after a large “hop” in the average location of the Spin Axis which began in December 2004 with the Great Tectonic Plate Rupture in Sumatra. We may be in a new cycle emerging from the new “X low” and beginning the first spiral track (an X MIN track) for the next seven year wobble cycle. This is pure speculation, stay tuned, it will take another few months to resolve what is happening.
For newbies, this is repeated from last week:(ECB – March 1, 2006, MWM)
After nearly 120 days of deeply anomalous motion which began at the beginning of November 2005, the Spin Axis is showing some signs of returning to a normal wobble track, but only very slowly. During January the Earth ceased its wobble motion for a full month and then during February the Earth’s motion began to slowly move its wobble track back to the starting point of the current anomaly.
For the past two weeks this motion has been nearly straight up the X Plot (Greenwich Meridian), dipping Greenland/England slightly to the North. But there is still almost no net motion on the Y axis aside from minor quivers such as are typically caused by atmospheric and tidal conditions.
This gradual return to what the track was during 2005 will not normalize the Earth’s Wobble. The old, normal wobble cycle has “lost” at least 120 days, that’s four months out of a 14 month cycle. Thus it is likely that a major phase shift has occurred in both the 14 month wobble cycle and the primary 7 year cycle in the “Chandler Amplitude”, known here as the Primary Axis Cycle. This “event” may be even more radical that a truncation of the cycle. It appears as of March 1, 2006 that an entirely new cycle is generating itself around a radically shifted average or mean location for the Spin Axis. This new cycle appears to be shifted about 180 degrees in phase from the old cycle. This appearance, however, may deepen or gradually disappear during the next three months. More likely than not we will have to wait until Summer 2006 to “cap” our description of just what this anomaly is.
See the background and previous reports on the pause in the wobble at the website
For the latest Wobble Tracker graph of Polar Motion as of February 21, 2006, see
For the latest IERS waveform plots of polar motion which show a flat line motion (no relative motion) rather than the spiral waveform of the Earth’s normal wobble, scroll down the following page to find the X and Y Plots..
Have the Earth Changes begun? Yes. But we likely are not near yet to the final waves. The changes will progressively escalate during the next two solar cycles, which will encompass about three wobble cycles. All changes at all levels of being will continue to grow in frequency and magnitude. We may be headed into a period now of chaotic wobble motions as the Earth seeks to regain a balanced “path’ for the wobbling of the Spin Axis. But “Normal” may never return, the changes in the earth may continue to escalate in frequencies and magnitudes periodically during the next 21 years, or so. During this escalation, the tropical zones will be progressively fractured and broken to a greater and greater degree (such as occurred in 2005 along the western coast of Sumatra) and global warming will rise dramatically and severely impact all climate and biome regimes. Many regions will dry up in droughts, many will become so prone to floods that they will be as hard to live in as the drought zones.. Already, the drought conditions which began to severely impact many zones from 1999 through 2004 are rapidly setting in again through the Southwest of the U.S. and in many large areas of Africa and Asia.
This Earth Changes trend will of course increase Global Superstorms and major destructions of coastal areas, even to some degree this year, and for many years to come. The lack of U.S. ability to respond appropriately to Katrina is likely only the beginning of institutional over-burden and breakdown. Katrina is a marker of change, it represents the beginning of a long term trend of progressive abandonment of coastal zones while spoiled little rich kids continue to play their smarvelous game of “Empire” on the deck of the Titanic. This phenomenon will become more worldwide is scope during the next dozen years in fits and starts in various periods.
Generally, solar MIN conditions have nearly claimed the Sun. Information on this front will generally be minimal during the next three years.New dimensional modeling of the solar vortex confirms Walter Russell’s model of the Sun, as delineated during the 1930’s. I have been using Russell’s paradigm for the past several years, calling the planet portion of his cosmology “Vortex Tectonics”. Though he did not write about geology, the general concepts which he worked out for vectoring the flow of energy in a torus appear to govern all levels of the seeable and conceivable universe.From recent findings in the torus modeling of the flow of Solar Activity, researchers in Colorado predict, on an historical statistical basis, that the next cycle of Solar Activity, Cycle 24, will begin in 2007 and generate activity which is 30% to 50% greater than the last cycle. I regret to predict that, IF this true, the Global Warming Syndrome will be accelerated into greater extremes than we have seen yet and dare not even imagine at this time. Everything of the last seven years, in spades, beginning in about 2010 and lasting through to about 2014. The impacts of course will be on the weather, on the climate, on the species, and definitely as well on human violence.
As of March 8, the sunspot count was ZERO.
Despite the rapidly approaching Solar MIN, sunspots peaked again this past few days with counts in the mid 20’s while solar flux flat lined at 74. This peak was probably the spike in Solar Activity for the Mercury Earth alignment, which is occurring at the moment. This was pretty much as laid out in previous weeks in accordance with the planetary alignments. The only new news is that the alignments have obviously exhausted the Sun and the peaks have been quite low. This has minimized solar influence on the weather, which has probably helped extremes in many areas be milder than they might have been. But tell that to those in Northern Europe!
On March 19-24 Mercury will be in very close alignment with Venus and Jupiter to choreograph another peak in Sunspots, due likely about the 14th of March, give or take a few days. Mars will be nearly in alignment with Saturn at 90 degrees from the Mercury Venus Jupiter alignment, but the influence is likely to be small.
I predicted that this Mercury alignment “is likely to be a major affair of sunspots and storms on the Sun”. Now I suspect it will be modest, but definitely larger than this last peak of 25-28 sunspots during the past few days.. The Fluxgate Monitor was off this afternoon, indicating?
Well Well, my computer crashed this afternoon for no explicable reason as well, shortly thereafter a heavy rain began, first rainfall in 130 days. Probably a momentary fluctuation on the lines. NASA reports 35% probability of major magnetic disturbances in the atmosphere during the next 48 hours and I think we are definitely having some this afternoon.
Solar MIN could happen anytime this year, most likely it will not happen until after the next transit by Mercury of the other inner planets during March. Conditions on the Sun and thus in Earth’s weather could change rapidly at any time and major new peaks of activity are possible through March.
Apparently, there was little impact of the February 28 Super Syzygy on quake activity.
Prediction: Expect the coming Full Moon on March 14 to be even less influential on tectonic activity than the last Full and New Moon Syzygy. Frequencies and Magnitudes will be lower for most areas, although hotspots in local areas may appear. The occurrence of Mag 6 and Mag 7 plus quakes will be lower than average. Activity will begin to pick up about March 25 and extend through to about April 2
Here is the list of the remaining “Super Moon” Syzygies for 2006, meaning a New or Full Moon at Perigee or within 90 per cent.
MAR 29, 2006 10:16 AM NEW MOON
SEP 07, 2006 06:43 PM FULL MOON
OCT 07, 2006 03:13 AM FULL MOON
In accordance with Hotno’s remarks, the October Full Moon may be the deadliest during 2006, esp. through the Medit-Himalayan Belt.
There may be one last major wintry storm after this current wave, which will gradually dissipate during next week. Thereafter, they should become Spring storms.
Major rainfall is finally being predicted this weekend for the Sonoran Desert and the Mogollon Rim region. The record now is 150 days without rain, but this was broken in Black Canyon City today with about 15 minutes of a tropical rain burst. It was so dry, it disappeared immediately and this evening there is NO evidence there was a rainstorm here. Play your “Rain Song”.
The La Nina condition is now quite weak. Expect the remainder of the year to play out weather wise very close to last year’s pattern. This year will be predominately a Global Warming Syndrome Year without El Nino and Sunspot Peak stimulation. I expect that the acceleration of Global Warming during the last four years will sustain a stiff drought regime in the desert latitudes of North and South America, Africa, and through the Middle East for the next several years. I believe we are likely to see dust bowl conditions widespread in both Africa and America. There is not likely to be much relief in Africa and the Sonoran Desert in the PSW of the U.S. probably will not see much monsoon rain except in the high elevations above 7000 feet.
There may not be any relief until the next El Nino, which will come during 2007 or 2008 at the latest. This pattern will continue to persist for the foreseeable future under the global warming trend. There will be occasional short-lived relief, as in late 2004 and early 2005, from El Nino wet air, but most of this wet air will probably end up far to the North and to the East, producing extremes of flooding and large numbers of tornadoes in other areas. In other words, the new normal is there is no normal at all, just a deepening of chaotic extremes.
Expect Spring Equinox to be a very wet, very intense stormy period, by not as extreme as has been typical during the last several Springs.
will continue to be non-normal because of the chaotic mixing effects which Global Warming Syndrome is inducing into the flow of air. All local regimes will continue to be perturbed and this perturbance will gradually get more and more surreal through this time of the rapidly accelerating Change In The Earth. No normality will be seen for at least the next four millennia.
All biomes will relentlessly migrate and transmute. Catastrophic impact of the weather in some regions, such as the Carib Basin, will ebb and flow in severity in response to the modulation imposed by the 7 year cycle in the Wobble, (the Primary Axis Cycle). In general, the coast lines of the Gulf area, including Florida, are in process of being destroyed and this process will accelerate. Within the next 24 months, it is likely that North Americans will give up on the Gulf Coast. The islands in the Carib Basin will face the same issues and abandonment of some of these will commence as well during the next four years. For many reasons, the Carib Basin and the Gulf Region will be the first widely recognized mass casualties of Global Warming. This is now extensively developed in the “Return of the Phoenix” as an “Earth Change” created by the shifting location of the Spin Axis.
Overall, the USGS World Chart shows 332 quakes for the past seven days (up from 180 last week) (for all quakes in U.S. and Imperial Possessions at 2.5 plus and for all other areas at 4.0 plus). Most of this increased activity reflected the New Moon Perigee Syzygy which was centered around February 28. The Earth responded after the syzygy perfected during the first three days of March. Activity levels have fallen to normal during the last two days.
There were only three 6.0 plus quakes, but no 7.0 plus quakes. A great amount of the increase in frequency was due to swarms of 2.5 to 3.5 quakes in the Leeward Islands of the Carib Basin, which is the location of the active volcanoes on the eastern edge of the Carib Plate. I do not expect that this increase in activity reflects increased motion in the Carib plate, I suspect it is related to the volcanoes. If so, I would expect to see rising signals of volcanic activity during the next 90 days to reflect these swarms. If it comes, expect a major upsurge more vigorous than during the past six years.
Perhaps opposing this guesstimate was a surge in small quakes in Puerto Rico on the northeastern edge of the Carib Plate. Some 161 quakes, above 1.0 but generally less than 3.5, dramatically raised the total for the U.S./Alaska area up to 785. Increases in Yellowstone, California, Mauna Loa, and the Baja Plate all contributed to the increase.There were some shape-shifters in various locations of the Great Rift but most other activity was widely randomized, with the exception of California, Baja Plate, and Puerto Rico zones, which once again were hit with larger than normal numbers of 2.5-3.5 quakes. These appear on the charts to be randomly scattered throughout the Cal/Nev/Baja region.
The Yellowstone area was hit with a flurry of 50 small quakes, typically under 2.5. These were strongly clustered on the western edge of the Park, about on the same latitude as Old Not-So-Faithful-Anymore. This is outside the zones which have been intensely volcanic and dynamic during the past 30 years. What is augers cannot be easily inferred, requires geological study. It may be connected to a fault giving way to the “expansion” of the area which rising magma intrusions are producing.
Kilauea/Mauna Loa area also continues to produce quakes in the 2.5-3.5 range, seemingly at a higher than normal rate (not completely sure of this conclusion without a statistical study). The quakes this week are right in the throat of the Kilauea branch of Mauna Loa. Perhaps this signifies the coming of another surge in lava out of Kilauea.
All this increase in quake activity in prime volcano country suggests rising magma in a lot of places. Volcanism continues to simmer vigorously in many places with many emissions of ash, minor explosions, and lava flows widely scattered around the Pacific Rim of Fire. The SWVC counts this week are now 7 (up one) restless, 62 alert list (same), and 27 (up one) active eruptions. But Popo gave only 8 puffs yesterday and many of the updated reports suggest that volcanism is settling down in many of the active volcanoes. Thus overall, it is likely that volcanism is holding its pace this week with little aggregate change in the average.
The lava flow from Kilauea continues but much more slowly at the present and Etna is still mute at the moment. Despite Popo’s napping this past two weeks, Carib plate volcanism by far still leads world activity with several active eruptions underway. In the South Pacific, Yasur in Vanuatu is vigorously erupting, as is Stromboli on the opposite side of the globe. Kamchatka Peninsula volcanoes have settled down, as well as Alaska’s Augustine. St. Helens is still cooking but is not responding so far this year to this “volcano season”.
One can see appearing now through CNN and many other press venues a weekly parade of agit-prop pieces which are recycling every argument ever used on Americans over the course of the last 100 years to begin the hypnotizing buzz of a new drive to violence and imperial intrusion into the Middle East.
American TV is saturated with worthless crime scene TV, accidents, and the topic of Iran, which is now seriously competing with the topic of Iraq. There is no question whatsoever that editorial decisions have been made in many quarters to feed the American mushrooms an endless diet of war talk through darkened corridors of TV sound bites. The barrage has just begun, they will be amplifying this propaganda campaign for the next six months.
Meanwhile that same ole 60’s crowd of all real people of all ages, joined by a flood of rapidly growing military people of all ranks, whom war made real enough to see its insanity, will be seeking to overcome the propagandists in a mighty clash of controversy though out the remainder of 2006. Every conceivable non-violent mobilization tactic should be used to drown out the propagandists and drive the Bush/Cheny crowd out of office by the use of the impeachment powers of congress. I believe that this is already being set in motion.
I think one of the targets should be the Corporate Fascistii. Are you ready to sign a statement and live by it THAT IF A PRODUCT IS ADVERTISED ON THE CABAL’S AGIT-PROP NEWS TV YOU WILL NEVER EVER PURCHASE IT? I am.
The point is this, even as a large variety of initiatives begin the sandbagging of the Bushitas, we ought to undertake to begin sandbagging the major corporations through the simple refusal to purchase their stuff. We ought to focus that around the craven corporate crapola which is called TV news.
The proposition is ultra simple. In the final analysis it has come to this: we cannot continue to allow the Bush Republican destruction of the U.S. Therefore we must “pause” the entire system until enough people take up their responsibility to be citizens and see that this insanity is removed . Then they can be hauled before appropriate forums for eventual criminal and/or mental insanity proceedings.
It all rests on the simple truth of the critics who have been right all along. In the final analysis the fear of terrorism is a scam. It has been nothing but a scam. The scam begins with a disconnected fool who has not much hope of succeeding in accomplishing anything. He turns with desperation to random violence whose only object is to create fear. The scam is taken up by the Machiavellians who perceive a way to take advantage from the fear which is generated…and so the scam perpetuates, the desperate feeding the privateer who loots the public treasury for war contracts.
Stop the fear, stop the scam, and stop the freak-out dementics who are driving the scams.That will make all of us safe and induce the beginning of a profoundly deepening age of peace.The alternative is the Mirror. The prophetic warming of Nostradamus about the final rise of an Anti-Christ who will arise among the Middle-Eastern people and force the Western peoples to see in the mirror he holds up who they really are.
We are on the cusp. If the Zionists destabilize Iran, the Mirror is inevitable. He will inherit control of Iran and eventually Pakistan and Afghanistan as well…and then the Gulf…with oil and a-bombs....a mighty world power.
Conditions will continue to deteriorate through the year…Expect the collapse of the housing industry on both coasts sometime in late Summer under the pressure of inflation, major consumer boycotts, and another devastating round of super storms. When the insurance companies begin to buckle, you will know the end has finally come.
The most decisively important information at the moment is that the Federal Reserve Bank (the ultra secretive banking monopoly with the monopoly to print money which sustains the aristrocracy) is no longer going to even tell anyone how much money they are printing up (or creating electronically). This will become a state secret, whose only purpose it to keep secret their program to radically inflate the value of the U.S. dollar.It has already begun, a tremendous wave of price inflation which has begun to roll. You’ve seen it in gas, and the Cabal is not yet finished in that department. But just wait for what you will see in Safeway, Walmart, and the Malls, etc.
Expect minimally another 15% rise in gas prices this year on average, and that is a dyed in the wool holding onto my behind ultra conservative guess. There are good odds of $3.00/gal for 87 proof throughout much of the middle of this year, with a courtesy roll down in October and November so Bush can brag during the elections process how well the PublicRats are doing fixing the banana gunboat.
The hard news is the 30% general price rise which is going to roll through practically everything for living during the next two years. Food especially. Not so much medicine, they have already gouged that into the stratosphere, I believe they will mainly just let that area cook. The next category is consumer items…WallChinaMart has to pay its gas bills too, so the Palace of low prices – always - is going to be climbing this year - always. From the point of view of China, the goods will be cheaper than ever…it is just that Americans are going to lose the subsidy on the value of their dollar. Nobody wants to pay the Imperial Tax anymore, having come to full realization that the American system is now run by putzes who mainly are pimping for the hidden hands of an Aristocracy of greed who only know how to profit from wars.Just know the trend, the price of oil is being used to re-value the dollar. The rate of inflation now appears to be in the 20-30% range. It will only take another three years to destroy the “exuberance” in the real estate bubble through such heavy inflation, thus I think you can conclude that the bull money is all betting on this inflate.
I think the final reason to expect the huge surge of inflation is the strategic chess game which the Cabal has taken up to counter the Bears. The Bears are sitting on piles an piles of cash. Greater piles of cash than one can think about. They are waiting for a sudden deflation of the market, then they intend to scoop up stocks, real estate, and whatever equity holdings become available at bargain basement prices.. Quite obviously the Cabal hopes to reduce the power of Bear cash with a hefty inflation tax, OR, the Cabal hopes to force the Bears to put their cash back into real equities. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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