March 18, 2006

March 18, 2006
Launch of the LOVE Network

This is a special appeal to "catch the wave" of something BIG. A win/win for yourself and global civilization.

There is a dedicated band of global Netizens who have always supported the pure intent of GeoNotes to bring light to dark places, igniting the visionary fire that burns through big problems to big solutions for both personal and planetary evolution.

Now we're facing the greatest global crisis in modern history.

The real terrorists behind 9-11 and the Mid-East war are now exposed, cornered, and dangerous -- plotting an Iran attack that could trigger WWIII of Armageddon proportions. This is SERIOUS. Time for "do or die" for Light and LOVE.

The world is a cosmic struggle for the soul of mankind and that struggle is reaching a climax.The best defense against the real "axis of evil" is a good offense... without being offensive. It's time for a "Spring Offensive" -- Easter Resurrection -- in global r EVOLUTION terms. There is a way you can catch, build and ride this promising wave of global transformation. I appeal to your own higher conscience -- call it "enlightened self interest" -- to contribute to the long-planned launch of the LOVE Network.

Heaven knows that the divine destiny of Earth is genuine freedom. Enlightened Netizen patriots know the struggle is for the soul of mankind in our global village. Enlightened Netizens know that the virtue of sovereignty is the heart of true wealth that trumps the poverty consciousness of global terror/tyranny insanity.

Freedom is like health. Once people lose it, they'll pay just about any price to get it back - at least those who are healthy enough to love freedom. It's true that many have lost that love. Like an encroaching disease, many have adapted to lower levels of vitality and resistance to "war in the members" of their own body until they are too sick and tired to remember what optimal health or freedom is like. The whole earth and Family of Man is suffering that "dis-ease" right now -- a serious healing crisis.

Greater LOVE is the heart of both life and freedom. If we don't use it -- the freedom to network for the healing power of LOVE -- we may lose it-- the freedom to network and resurrect genuine freedom. This is it folks - your support is needed. It's your world I'm talking about. We're all connected in this - our instant-everywhere-interactive global village. A global rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness is needed and the means to do that are at hand - your hand. You can pray, you can network, you can "link the light" to our cause, and you can contribute to the new "chain-reaction" strategy for the LOVE Network at

The best hope for humanity is a bold thrust for worldwide healing with fearless faith in the global rule of law through the universal Law of LOVE. The common sense benefits are self-evident -- a global healing process becomes the gold standard interface for InnerNet interfaith. There are simply ways to contribute to the resurrection spiral needed. Engage your pure heart, your higher mind, and do what you can. Think through it -- how this definitive standard for holistic healing in the collective consciousness can raise mankind's conscience as kind men.

Realize how "heartware" (cyberethics) will provide E-valuation criteria for "whol-E" (holistic) networking and global wholEness. I need your help. My expenses are modest but the urgency now is great. If you can part with a few dollars, please support this GeoNotes Service and the LOVE Network.

If you prefer to donate by check, make payable to:Christopher Rudy / GeoNotesP.O. Box 1081Emigrant MT, 59027Or donate by phone (credit card): (406) 333-4274Thank You for Your Generous Support,Christopher RudyGeoNotes DirectorAuthor, Blueprint For A Golden AgeDirector, The Legacy Project

PS - Enlightened self-interest will grasp the benefits of the LOVE Network. A $33 dollar yearly subscription gives you the inside track "in the loop" with extraordinary opportunity to win stripes for your ascension, reframe your outlook with geometrized insight, heal self and civilization with holistic healing processes, and profit personally to the extent you care enough to share this vision with others, creating your own network as part of our network. Subscribe now and get a special report -- Networking for Net worth -- that explains the LOVE Network's affiliate program and compensation plan. Champion the Spirit that matters.

Support the LOVE Network. -CR.·
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There are miracles left for you to do ... -
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It all begins inside of you.

“Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”- Martin Luther King, Jr.

To love with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and your Netizen neighbor in our Global Village as thyself.
