March 15, 2006

_____________________________________________________________________ PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN February 22+, 2006 by MW Mandeville (Black Canyon City, Arizona)Advertising above is not connected to the Bulletins. To access the Yahoo Archive and Membership Control Site, go to:

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Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of March 15 2006

The Anomaly In The Earths Wobble Continues

The Polar Motion Anomaly of 2005/2006 Wobble Paused Again For A Few Days(ECB March 15, 2006, MWM)
The Earth’s wobble appears to have slowed its motion once again and appears to have hung up for a few days due south of where it previously “hung” during January. After spending most of February and early March traveling slowly straight down the X axis (towards England), with almost no relative motion on the Y axis, the Spin Axis moved almost not at since March 8. But it appears to have resumed motion down the X axis on March 13. This pause is well within the normal range of variations in the movement of the Spin Axis so there is little of major interest regarding it.
BUT, there is still very very little relative motion on the X Axis and this is clearly abnormal. The normally spiraling circular track has become a virtual straight line moving towards the South. This real motion of the Spin Axis is continually confounding IERS computers and for the time being it is impossible to truly predict what is going to happen next. For the time being I am going to stay with my earlier guess: a phase shift of AT LEAST 3.5 months has occurred. The wobble may actually have abruptly ended its normal cycle in November 2005 after a large hop in the average location of the Spin Axis which began in December 2004 with the Great Tectonic Plate Rupture in Sumatra. We may be in a new cycle emerging from the new X low and beginning the first spiral track (an X MIN track) for the next seven year wobble cycle. For the moment this is pure speculation, stay tuned, it will take another few months to resolve what is happening.
See the background and previous reports on the pause in the wobble at the website
For the latest Wobble Tracker graph of Polar Motion as of February 21, 2006, see
For the latest IERS waveform plots of polar motion which show a flat line motion (no relative motion) rather than the spiral waveform of the Earths normal wobble, scroll down the following page to find the X and Y Plots..
Have the Earth Changes begun? Yes. But we likely are not near yet to the final waves. The changes will progressively escalate during the next two solar cycles, which will encompass about three wobble cycles. All changes at all levels of being will continue to grow in frequency and magnitude. We may be headed into a period now of chaotic wobble motions as the Earth seeks to regain a balanced path for the wobbling of the Spin Axis. But Normal may never return, the changes in the earth may continue to escalate in frequencies and magnitudes periodically during the next 21 years, or so. During this escalation, the tropical zones will be progressively fractured and broken to a greater and greater degree (such as occurred in 2005 along the western coast of Sumatra) and global warming will rise dramatically and severely impact all climate and biome regimes. Many regions will dry up in droughts, many will become so prone to floods that they will be as hard to live in as the drought zones.. Already, the drought conditions which began to severely impact many zones from 1999 through 2004 are rapidly setting in again through the Southwest of the U.S. and in many large areas of Africa and Asia.
This Earth Changes trend will of course increase Global Superstorms and major destructions of coastal areas, even to some degree this year, and for many years to come. The lack of U.S. ability to respond appropriately to Katrina is likely only the beginning of institutional over-burden and breakdown. Katrina is a marker of change, it represents the beginning of a long term trend of progressive abandonment of coastal zones while spoiled little rich kids continue to play their smarvelous game of Empire on the deck of the Titanic. This phenomenon will become more worldwide is scope during the next dozen years in fits and starts in various periods.
Generally, solar MIN conditions have nearly claimed the Sun. Information on this front will generally be minimal during the next three years.
STANDING FORECAST: New dimensional modeling of the solar vortex confirms Walter Russell’s model of the Sun, as delineated during the 1930s. From recent findings in the torus modeling of the flow of Solar Activity, researchers in Colorado predict, on an historical statistical basis, that the next cycle of Solar Activity, Cycle 24, will begin in 2007 and generate activity which is 30% to 50% greater than the last cycle. I regret to predict that, IF this true, the Global Warming Syndrome will be accelerated into greater extremes than we have seen yet and dare not even imagine at this time. Everything of the last seven years, in spades, beginning in about 2010 and lasting through to about 2014. The impacts of course will be on the weather, on the climate, on the species, and definitely as well on human violence.
As of March 15, the Sun slowly rose to create a Sunspot Count of 34 as of March 14, with a Solar Flux of 34 and rising. This spike in Solar Activity is doubtless for the Mercury Venus Jupiter alignment, which is occurring at the moment. This was pretty much as laid out in previous weeks in accordance with the planetary alignments. The alignments of the past several years have obviously exhausted the Sun and the peaks are now quite low on average, at least so far this year. This current peak is probably not going to rise much further. This is actually helping to maintain smoother weather. Extremes are being avoided in…let’s see….uh…..well uh…now that you mention it.....the weather is crazy practically everywhere.
MORE OR LESS AS PREDICTED LAST WEEK: I predicted that this Mercury alignment is likely to be a major affair of sunspots and storms on the Sun. Now I suspect it will be modest, but definitely larger than this last peak of 25-28 sunspots during the past few days.. Thank you God for this one small victory. I sure needed one after that spoofing we took last night from Richard Neville. Never forget his name so you can auto-delete his stuff from now on.
AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: Solar MIN could happen anytime this year, most likely it will not happen until after the next transit by Mercury of the other inner planets during March. Conditions on the Sun and thus in Earth’s weather could change rapidly at any time and major new peaks of activity are possible through March.PLANETSApparently, there was little impact of the March 14 Full Moon Syzygy on quake activity
.WE ARE ONE DAY PAST THE FULL MOON AND PRETTY MUCH THIS PREDICTION FROM LAST WEEK CAME TRUE: “Expect the coming Full Moon on March 14 to be even less influential on tectonic activity than the last Full and New Moon Syzygy. Frequencies and Magnitudes will be lower for most areas, although hotspots in local areas may appear. The occurrence of Mag 6 and Mag 7 plus quakes will be lower than average.”Activity will begin to pick up about March 25 and extend through to about April 2Here is the list of the remaining Super Moon Syzygies for 2006, meaning a New or Full Moon at Perigee or within 90 per cent.
MAR 29, 2006 10:16 AM NEW MOON
SEP 07, 2006 06:43 PM FULL MOON
OCT 07, 2006 03:13 AM FULL MOON
In accordance with Hotno’s remarks, the October Full Moon may be the deadliest during 2006, esp. through the Medit-Himalayan Belt.
Even yet one more major wintry storm will likely follow after this current wave (which is the one I predicted last week probably would be the last one). The wave which is still in Eastern U.S. has already left the Southwest but the next tranche has already hit the Pacific Northwest. ‘We had our inch of rainfall and we here are now looking forward to the next installment. Not the Sierra’s, they have already had 38 inches of snow in Pollock Pines at 4000 foot elevation. Not Hawaii which has been the prolifically flooded origin of all this. But Snowflake, with 18 inches of snow in 24 hours will be happy for even more. Thanks for playing your Rain Song. It clearly worked.
Now, MORE.
The driver of this Pineapple Express is/was the large hotspot of Ocean Water to the west of Hawaii. It has broken up and thus this blast is likely the last product. To see how the weather was formed for Western North America this winter look at this chart cited below. In effect, this was a high latitude El Nino acting far to the north of a weak La Nina.
Speakingof the La Nina. It is also pretty well broken up and we can already see during just the last 14 days the sudden emergence of a lot of warm water anomaly off the coast of Peru/Bolivia area. We could have the fairly sudden onset of an El Nino this fall, even for this Spring, if this pattern holds and continues to build up. If Polar Motion was still normal I would guess that the action would not begin until 2007, but EVERYTHING is on the straaaaaaaaaange side these days, who can say what is next with any of this.
AS REPORTED LAST WEEK: Expect the remainder of the year to play out weather wise very close to last years pattern. This year will be predominately a Global Warming Syndrome Year without El Nino and Sunspot Peak stimulation. I expect that the acceleration of Global Warming during the last four years will sustain a stiff drought regime in the desert latitudes of North and South America, Africa, and through the Middle East for the next several years. I believe we are likely to see dust bowl conditions widespread in both Africa and America. There is not likely to be much relief in Africa and the Sonoran Desert in the PSW of the U.S. probably will not see much monsoon rain except in the high elevations above 7000 feet. There may not be any relief until the next El Nino, which will come during 2007 or 2008 at the latest, MAYBE SOONER FALL 2006. This pattern will continue to persist for the foreseeable future under the global warming trend. There will be occasional short-lived relief, as in late 2004 and early 2005, from El Nino wet air, but most of this wet air will probably end up far to the North and to the East, producing extremes of flooding and large numbers of tornadoes in other areas. In other words, the new normal is there is no normal at all, just a deepening of chaotic extremes.
HALF RIGHT, HALF WRONG ON THIS ONE: Expect Spring Equinox to be a very wet, very intense stormy period, by not as extreme as has been typical during the last several Springs. Wet we have in spades in many areas. “Not as extreme”, well, that is a matter of perspective and its location.
Weather PATTERNS will continue to be non-normal because of the chaotic mixing effects which Global Warming Syndrome is inducing into the flow of air. All local regimes will continue to be perturbed and this perturbance will gradually get more and more surreal through this time of the rapidly accelerating Change In The Earth. No normality will be seen for at least the next four millennia. All biomes will relentlessly migrate and transmute. Catastrophic impact of the weather in some regions, such as the Carib Basin, will ebb and flow in severity in response to the modulation imposed by the 7 year cycle in the Wobble, (the Primary Axis Cycle). In general, the coast lines of the Gulf area, including Florida, are in process of being destroyed and this process will accelerate. Within the next 24 months, it is likely that North Americans will give up on the Gulf Coast. The islands in the Carib Basin will face the same issues and abandonment of some of these will commence as well during the next four years. For many reasons, the Carib Basin and the Gulf Region will be the first widely recognized mass casualties of Global Warming.
This is now extensively developed in the Return of the Phoenix as an Earth Change created by the shifting location of the Spin Axis.
Overall, the USGS World Chart shows 225 quakes for the past seven days (down from 332 last week) (for all quakes in U.S. and Imperial Possessions at 2.5 plus and for all other areas at 4.0 plus). There were only three 6.0 plus quakes, and no 7.0 plus quakes. There were some five shape-shifters in various locations of the Great Rift. Most activity was widely randomized, with the predominant activity along the Equator from the Sumatra region to Peru. In general, the Northern and Eastern edges of the Australian Tectonic Plate accounted for the greater part of world seismic activity, which happens frequently.
For the next three weeks, expect the next New Moon Perigee ( not exact but close) to bring another upsurge in quake activity. Activity should begin to pick up briskly by about the 25th of March and remain elevated for about a week.At the moment, the focus of activity seems to be moving North into the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim of Fire, especially along the Aleutians. Activity is somewhat elevated in Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Utah, yet the total for U.S. and Alaska is nearly one third less than last week. The Yellowstone area settled down but not yet much in the Kilauea/Mauna Loa area.Volcanism continues to simmer but not so vigorously as in the past few weeks. Ash, minor explosions, and lava flows are reduced, few current reports have come in. The SWVC counts this week are now 6 (down one) restless, 61 alert list (down one), and 27 (same) active eruptions. Popo gave only 5 puffs yesterday and the lack of reports suggest that volcanism is down in many of the active volcanoes. Stromboli and Kilauea were too socked in by rain to see much, Etna is mute. Kamchatka and Alaska are down also, leaving the Carib Plate as the most active area in the world at the current time were several volcanoes are smoking, occasionally with explosions and lava flows.
The Israeli invasion of a Palestinian security compound to seize a few of their prisoners, with the obvious connivance of the U.S. and British, is about the frosting on the cake of U.S. complicity in Israel’s arrogance, intransigence, and juvenile stupidity before humankind, history, and God. The action could not help but provoke riots, violence, deaths, destroy the credibility of the Palestinian Authority, and destabilize the new Palestinian parliament to throw it under the influence of the more radical reactionaries. THIS WAS AN “AGENT PROVOCATEUR” OPERATION.
It will increase the militancy and rhetoric of Hamas, now the only authentic organization of Palestinians which is actually capable of doing real work without a dime from Western sources.Meanwhile Rumsfeld this past week was busy badmouthing the Iranians about their involvement in the strife in Iraq as he methodically builds his case against them to establish “guilt by innuendo” with his repeated inferences and insinuations. Interestingly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff forthrightly admitted that they HAVE NO EVIDENCE of any kind about any Iranian involvement in the insurgency. Perhaps he had not been given his “talking points” for the week.We are on a very dangerous cusp. If the Zionists destabilize Palestine and Iran, the Mirror is inevitable. He will inherit control of Iran and eventually Pakistan and Afghanistan as well and then the Gulf with oil and a-bombs....a mighty world power.
MAJOR MARCHS AND ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATIONS THIS WEEKEND. I HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! The more sandbags we can pile up against the Imperial Faction the better. ANY ACTION IS BETTER THAN NO ACTION. Go scream out your frustration.
Conditions will continue to deteriorate through the year.
inflation signals are now blossoming everywhere. The petro-dollar is being vigorously inflated. This will of course kill the housing bubble this year. There are some indications and claims that the deflation has already begun in some areas. Meanwhile stocks are cresting. They have become once again the dumping ground for money chasing returns.As observed: expect the collapse of the housing industry on both coasts sometime in late Summer under the pressure of inflation, major consumer boycotts, and another devastating round of super storms. When the insurance companies begin to buckle, you will know the end has finally come.
The most decisively important information at the moment is that the Federal Reserve Bank (the ultra secretive banking monopoly with the monopoly to print money which sustains the aristocracy) is no longer going to even tell anyone how much money they are printing up (or creating electronically). This will become a state secret, whose only purpose it to keep secret their program to radically inflate the value of the U.S. dollar.It has already begun, a tremendous wave of price inflation which has begun to roll. You’ve seen it in gas, and the Cabal is not yet finished in that department. But just wait for what you will see in Safeway, Walmart, and the Malls, etc.
Expect minimally another 15% rise in gas prices this year on average, and that is a dyed in the wool holding onto my behind ultra conservative guess. There are good odds of $3.00/gal for 87 proof throughout much of the middle of this year, with a courtesy roll down in October and November so Bush can brag during the elections process how well the PublicRats are doing fixing the banana gunboat.The hard news is the 30% general price rise which is going to roll through practically everything for living during the next two years. Food especially. Not so much medicine, they have already gouged that into the stratosphere, I believe they will mainly just let that area cook.
The next category is consumer items. WallChinaMart has to pay its gas bills too, so the Palace of low prices always - is going to be climbing this year - always. From the point of view of China, the goods will be cheaper than ever, it is just that Americans are going to lose the subsidy on the value of their dollar. Nobody wants to pay the Imperial Tax anymore, having come to full realization that the American system is now run by putzes who mainly are pimping for the hidden hands of an Aristocracy of greed who only know how to profit from wars.Just know the trend, the price of oil is being used to re-value the dollar. The rate of inflation now appears to be in the 20-30% range. It will only take another three years to destroy the exuberance in the real estate bubble through such heavy inflation, thus I think you can conclude that the bull money is all betting on this inflate.
I think the final reason to expect the huge surge of inflation is the strategic chess game which the Cabal has taken up to counter the Bears. The Bears are sitting on piles an piles of cash. Greater piles of cash than one can think about. They are waiting for a sudden deflation of the market, then they intend to scoop up stocks, real estate, and whatever equity holdings become available at bargain basement prices.. Quite obviously the Cabal hopes to reduce the power of Bear cash with a hefty inflation tax, OR, the Cabal hopes to force the Bears to put their cash back into real equities.
