February 07, 2006

Water, water everywhere!
February 5, 2006
by MW Mandeville (Black Canyon City, Arizona)
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CORRECTION: The Bulletin of Feb. 2, 2005 contained the wrong chart link.
The correct chart for viewing is now inserted below within the complete text of the original Bulletin.
What's Driving The Weather On N.A. Western Coast?
This NOAA chart explains a lot. The High which is parked over the Southwest
is being generated in the Pacific, where you can see mild La Nina conditions
along the equator all the way to the International Dateline. The colder than
normal water, in blue, extends up to Baja, which is where most of the marine
air flows into the PSW. This air is cooler and drier than normal, giving us
the return of drought conditions. Parked in the mid Pacific is a strong
huge mass of ocean water which is warmer than normal, quite a bit warmer
(more deviation from normal than the "cold" water on the equator) - these
terms are all relative to statistical averages. This mid Pacific air is
warmer which means quite a bit wetter than normal. The jet stream is
picking up this relatively warm wet air and is slamming it into the Northern
half of Northern America, where is rains and snows without let up.
What is bizarre about this pattern is that it is AS IF the typical El Nino
pattern has migrated far to the North leaving La Nina in its wake on the
Equator. We appear to be having both syndromes simultaneously!!!! I
suspect the climatologists are mum about this because they haven't a clue
about what to make of this weather pattern.
Is it a result of Global Warming in general? Very good question. Stay
tuned, we will be able to answer that in about another four years.
What's next? I suspect a fairly rapid slide at the end of the year or the
beginning of next year into El Nino on the Equator would normally occur.
This will come as a result of the major increase in volcanism this year and
the next. BUT proviso on this is the weird action in the wobble. With very
little current wobble motion, tectonic activity is muting down, we are
pausing at the moment. Since this is totally anomalous, we have no idea
what is next nor when. So, all timing issues are in abeyance as
well.....hmmmm, another take on the Q'ero "rift in time" which precedes the"pachacuti" (avalanche of the crust)?
