February 02, 2006

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Harvey ArdenMy Life Is My Sun Dance
This CD has a 20% discount if you buy more than one copy of it today!
© 2005 Harvey Arden
CD List price: $19.95
CD Baby Price: $15.00
IN STOCK. ORDER NOW. Will ship within 24 hours!

The Words of Leonard Peltier in a Spoken-Word Performance by Harvey Arden with haunting original music by Rev. Goat Carson, George Ingmire, Harry Lenz and Michael Voelker--'New Orleans Light'

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hi-fi: broadband
1. Spirit Breath
2. Thunder Speaks
3. My Name
4. Welcome to Leavenworth
5. Sun Dance
6. Let the Great Healing Begin
7. Indian Dead
8. On That Day
9. Ghost Dance
10. Arrest and Trial
11. Political Prisoner
12. Army of One
(Click a song name to hear it in lo-fi MP3. Need help?.)

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My Life Is My Sun DancePrison Writings of LEONARD PELTIER

Silence, they say, is the voice of complicity.
But silence is impossible.
Silence screams.
Silence is a message,
Just as doing nothing is an act.

Let who you are ring out and resonate
in every word and every deed.
Yes, become who you are.
There's no sidestepping your own being
or your own responsibility
.What you do is who you are.
You are your own comeuppance.
You become your own message.
You are the message.

May the Great Spirit Make Sunrise in Your Heart . . .

Hoka Hey!

Leonard PeltierA Bio of Harvey Arden
Author/Editor of:Wisdomkeepers: Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders
Dreamkeepers: A Spirit-Journey into Aboriginal Australia
Noble Red Man: Lakota Wisdomkeeper Mathew King
Travels in a Stone Canoe: The Return to the Wisdomkeepers
Prison Writings: My Life is My Sun Dance by Leonard Peltier
Have You Thought of Leonard Peltier Lately?
White Buffalo Teachings by Arvol Looking Horse

Over the past few years I have given readings/lectures on the Dreamkeepers and the Wisdomkeepers at Harvard, Columbia, CalTech, USC, the University of South Dakota (Vermillion), Briarcliffe College (Sioux City, IA), etc etc etc

I've given readings from Leonard Peltier s PRISON WRITINGS: MY LIFE IS MY SUN DANCE and Mathew King s book NOBLE RED MAN to audiences in schools, churches, museums, private homes, coffee shops, public auditoriums and theaters in New York, Toronto, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston, New Orleans, Washington DC, Cape Cod, Western Massachusetts, New Hampshire etc.and scores of smaller towns. I've also given scores of readings at Borders and Barnes & Noble (and many, many other) bookstores across the country; I've been interviewed on NPR (national "Public Interest" show, twice), also on many many other radio stations. I was for 23 years a staff writer at National Geographic Magazine.

A play of mine on Leonard Peltier, already performed at USD, is in the early stages of a professional production. My books have been translated into French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, and Japanese..with Greek and Swedish in the works.

Anyway, I'm willing to put my old body on the line anytime it's needed for the Cause, but I can often be of more of use here at my basement-study PC, since I plug into lots of places in the Indian and international indigenous worlds, though I'm a white guy myself. Lot's of people know me and, hopefully, trust me. You can check me out ad nauseum with a Google search on my name. (someone told me a few weeks or so ago she found 22,000 entries on me with a few simple searches)

I still spend lots of time working for and with Leonard Peltier. I ve visited Leonard half a dozen times at Leavenworth. Also I have a few novels, plays, screenplays and other nonfiction books that I'm trying to give birth to lest they be, alas, stillborn. Like Mat King used to say, "You're not too bad for a white guy, Harvey. You're lucky. Tunkashila has a job for you to do and you're going to do it!" Regarding why I, a white guy, am so involved in the indigenous world, I subscribe to the philosophy expressed in this statement by Australian Aboriginal Elder Lilla Watson: "If you've come here to help me, you're wasting your time.But if you've come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."

Go to http://cdbaby.com/cd/harveyarden

and listen free!

I bought this CD as a gift for a dear friend of mine but I listened to it beforReviewer: Two Foxes RossGreat CD,I'm so glad I got the chance to hear it...came to me in just a few days after I ordered it. Thanks!!

heartfelt sadness and great inner strength!We have not forgotten you,Leo!

Reviewer: Itch'cha-wahthis CD brings Leo home to us.we need to force his release!!!!!One voice can carry far.Let it start with you and me.Aho!

This CD is riveting... I could not move.

Reviewer: barbara

The musicians, Leonard and Harveys spoken words along with the music, are so powerful I could not move until the CD was over. Heart wrenching
My heart soars when I listen to it

Reviewer: Doug DraimeWhen I listen to it my heart is broken and my heart is enraged, and my heart soars. Every man and woman and child should be exposed to it. It is outrages what has happened to Leonard and we must all stand up and say, no more, no more ..
A must have for any ethical person. Tino pai!

Reviewer: Jon PawsonThe words of this CD resonate with anguish and pain, yet a staunch resolve remains. We hear Leonard's experiences through Harvey's voice, a powerful performance. This CD should be with every conscientious supporter of justice in every land on this earth. Ka mau te wehi, e hoa ma! (Awesome, my friends)
incredible insight from a political warrior, thank you for your continous teachi

Reviewer: HaidaMaidenI listened to the CD over and over. The message is so powerful; I send prayers out to all spiritual warriors that have served unnessary time in prison.

Reviewer: Geri TimmonsAbsolutely loved the CD and the way it brings Leonard's words to life. I intend to send the CD to our irish republican political prisoner's in Ireland. We are not in this struggle alone. Ta an la ag teact (our day is coming)

The Ripples are Reaching Out!Reviewer: RishaI sat and listened to this in my room, a few candles flickering in the darkness and I could FEEL the pain, the loneliness and the emptiness of Mr Peltier as his powerful words reached into my mind and painted many disturbing and despairing images, they reached in and touched my heart and I felt so sad, yet I could also feel such strength and dignity. That amazed me. I don't think there are many people who would be able to stay as strong and not lose their dignity under such a disgusting and disgaceful injustice forced upon them! I am here in England and like a pebble dropped in the water the ripples are reaching out to other lands and other people who also fight in their own way for Mr Peltier... and the injustices of the American Indian Peoples.

heart rendingReviewer: Peg ShrinerHaving read the book and other writings about Mr. Peltier including "In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse" by Peter Mathiasson. Harvey brings Mr. Peltiers feeings to light in a vocal way, to where we can not only read the words but FEEL the heart of this great man. I honor him and will continue to fight for his freedom in anyway that I can. He will not be forgotten by this simple woman. Walk in TRUTH, HONOR and BEAUTY with PEACE LOVE and LIGHT always
It held my heart from beginning to end thought of all the incarcerated bros and

Reviewer: ShellyI think the CD is a wake up call to our spirits and our humanity. Harvey reading Leonard's words spoke to me those inside prison are our brothers,sisters our family. It's not ok to forget infact its our responsibility to remember them. This CD will keep me mindful of that and I will carry Brother Leonards words everyday for the rest of my life. shelly

This is an important CD

Reviewer: Come Again MoonHow can we rate this CD, it is like trying to rate the experience of the heart beat of GrandMother Earth. This album is important. I agree with the good people, here. Leonard invites you into his cell, with the care and grace of a loving, holy spirit and Harvey Arden's riviting, naration carries us through the journey of Leonard's Sun Dance as we are all, accompanied to new levels of understanding, by Rev. Goat and the New Orleans Light. Ording more than one copy of this CD, really is, a good idea and Little Eagle, Thank you for the excellent suggestion. One of my copies will be given to my Congressperson. Mitakye Oyasin Moon
This CD rocks!

Reviewer: carol j.It made me feel as though I were sitting in the cell with Leonard and listening to his every word. The whole cd bears witness to what needs to be done! FREE LEONARD PELTIER!
Great stuff - is Leonard getting any help from the proceeds?

Reviewer: Tim - BlueGreenEarth.comGreat stuff - I sincerely hope that Leonard's campaign will benefit from sales. If so, can it be made clear on this page? More will buy if it does...! BTW, if Leonard sees this review - please feel frr to send us any new alerts/messages/articles you want published, as in the past... Good Luck Tim

i feel the painReviewer: Ivyhey i get this site sent to my inbox, would love to hear mre about leonard peltier, as a ntive i love to hear about my people...take care leonard iam behind you all the way..((((HUGS))))

Very Impressive Work

Reviewer: Little Eagle - Earth Citizenhsip NetworkVery impressive work. It will take the listener to a place where most of us will never be but all of us are all familiar with. The place is Leavenworth, Kansas the residence of a Native American and Earth Citizen political prisoner by the name of Leonard Peltier. The spoken words you will hear is from Leonard's personal story and it will ring to your heart, go ahead and buy it. In fact, buy one for a friend and send another to a politician. Free Leonard Peltier!
Sure I felt compassion, I felt anger again for the FBI

Reviewer: Llye K'angSure, I felt compassion but at the same time, I felt anger again for the FBI, there arrogance and unbelievable ignorant ways. "If I can get away with it-why not", kind of attitude. You know what I mean...

Being ThereReviewer: barbaraI can feel myself in that cell with Leonard listening to this CD....
Demand Freedom for Leonard NOW!

Reviewer: John at CD BabyThe powerful words of Leonard Peltier are not to be ignored. This one man has done more to promote Human Rights while unjustly held within prison walls than most of us can ever hope to do outside of them. This CD is a compelling reading of Leonards own words, read by the man (Harvey Arden) who helped him get those words out to the world. A must have for anyone who cares for the future of the generations yet to come and the realities of a man currently being denied freedom due to a gross miscarriage of justice.

Go to http://cdbaby.com/cd/harveyarden and listen free!
