Powerful message - channeled predictions for the coming year - 2/2/06[This is not a very positive, uplifting message but one that should be heeded -- I can see a lot of truth in predicted upcoming events if changes are not made - by us. - Ellie M.
Virginia -- Many things in this message, particularly the framework are excellent. I do not agree with the Hilary Clinton/Rudy Gullliani message however. Not at all. I've left it in. Perhaps their souls will show some new forms of empathy but .... if the message is "get your life right, these two have not necessarily been outstanding example, IMHO. No one person is the answer to the world's problems. There are no Messiahs, just all of us finding our ONENESS.
David Reid Lowell trance channels Michel
If you want an authentic life you must consider the best way to love yourself, by accepting yourself.
There are many things shaping your society and it is becoming a more global society. Every aspect of your life rests on one thing. ONE thing. How you view yourself.
It is awkward for us to speak about predictions. It is not something we find of interest but we do get these requests from time to time. For our view it has all fairly much stayed the same. Those who initiate the replay make it somewhat different, but we will guarantee you that 2006-2007 will stay the stay, without much other than that which is already playing out. There are greater concerns. Far greater. Indeed.
But we will tie these predictions into a useful framework.
On real estate, your lifetime investment which you work hard to earn and sustain and that you take pride in, there will be a cooling period and a rise in interests going, on average, from 6 percent to, in some areas, slightly over 7 percent. Short term rates will increase up to 5 percent by the end of this year and there are GREAT concerns for inflation in 2006 so there is an attempt to slow your converging markets down. Yes, indeed. Predictions.
Housing and home appreciations [depreciation?] will be at about 10 percent to 12 percent, especially on coastal, urban areas. There will be increased home sales in California, Massachusetts and some areas of Connecticut. The midsection of The United States will be about where it is with modest increases. France will see an increase in pricing and more trouble with employment statistics. In England there will be complications to pensions and payouts and the infrastructure will see an event that will impact its interest rates and investments. Indeed.
Now that we have said this, we say to you that there will be more statutory laws regarding lower tolerance on certain crimes, but more so "red-lining" of the populaces that are judged for them. There will also be more outsourcing and employment figures will decrease while unemployed figures will increase. You will need to get ready to tighten your belt if you are middle-class or lower within demographic guidelines. This will improve in 2008-2009.
Who to predict for and what to predict about? When it is, what it is, or already is, is nothing more than energy which is already in play. It is not predicting but observing. Rarely, if at all, does anything arise on a yearly impart that has not already been put into play. You are responsible for allowing these occurrences to happen.
There will be an increase in inflation potential but long term inflation will remain controlled. A lot of this has to do with the current Presidential Administration in The United States. The American Dollar will remain about the same with slight depreciations. It will be after this administration's effect, which will linger internationally and for some time, that there is GREAT cause for concern. All that is being balanced and floated will become increasing apparent. You have been through this before but this generation has forgotten what it is like. You forget your history.
In 2006 we are concerned about the increased potential for cataclysmic events in Asia, especially in Japan and China. This year there will be an increase for earthquake activity and flooding in this area. There will a closer alignment of space bodies during this year going into 2007 that will have greater impact on the Earth and its natural forces. In the spring of this coming year, 2006, there will be a total solar eclipse where the moon will mask the sun in equatorial areas and people will see it as a prophecy of doom - this is not so - it is nothing more than an alignment period. But it may and will likely coincide with Earth events in these areas.
The mid-summer sea quake within the Asian basin is of concern also but may be mitigated. Indeed. Predictions. It is likened to bird watching. Seen from above and through time, it takes reoccurring form.
In these areas, populaces will experience new flus. We have spoken much on this. It has been being shaped and ignored for some time. Another noteworthy occurrence. Indeed.
There will also be a great change in the coming 2006-2007 time line, in linear expression, concerning the Asian markets which will strengthen greatly as they purchase more of the traditionally American controlled industries.
Just as an economic union was formed to establish the Euro for economic markets, we see Japan and China merging into an economic union followed by Korea at a much later date, but Japan, Taiwan and China will form a union and gain an economic control through the establishment of an economic monetary unit of the international economic marketplace. This will not play out in 2006 to 2007 but the seeds for that formation and foundation will be founded in the latter part of 2006 with more control of the economic markets going to China.
This is of great concern and it should be to you all. Flus and new strains of viruses concern us because they are already out and among you. They have been allowed to become what they are. These flus and viruses are hybrids that you do not have ready available treatments for. There are treatments, not cures, but this is about pharmaceutical industries profit making. The medicines are available but due to licensing issues they are being storehoused by some countries and not by others. HIV still concerns us but because of these issues there is a way to go regarding this. It seems that there is thought that it, the HIV virus, is treatable and curable. This virus is MORE deadly than ever. There is a global spread of this virus and a mutation of it that is causing it to be masked with 'common' symptomology. The youth of all countries should be more prepared for it as should the elderly. Abstinence is NOT an alternative that is practical.
If you think it is, then you are sadly mistaken. Indeed. Disease is not only a disease of mal-aligned energy, it is also of a communicable type of virus that is spread through physical contact. Viruses mutate and adapt. The strain or types of viruses become immune to treatments through this process of adaptation. If you repress the natural inclinations and biochemically induced urges of a person, that which is natural to them, then you are repressing that which is necessary for their development. That which is suppressed will come out and up in another manifested form of dis-easement.
Those in La Principaute del Monaco should brace themselves for another social impact of torridness within their elite. Common as common may be, all men are driven by the flesh and the errors that rule that flesh. This insulated part of the world will always be so but it is the human aspect of the rich with idle time that hallmarks the inquires of events that shape their daily routine. Monotony of the wealthy. Indeed.
An aspect of reflective, problematic issues that escape everyday men and women and are far worse than those who would dream would ever care to experience.The experiences you have are shaped by that which you covet and you covet that which you see every day and are denied access to. This has occurred throughout your common history. We would say to you to watch where the two flowing tributaries of rivers and commerce merge. Hmm, Indeed.
We have spoken to you about that which is hidden, coming to the surface. Here will be another of that - Switzerland will have hidden banking issues that they thought they had been clearly rid of since the war years and the Holocaust brought, yet again, to the surface. Indeed. Also this is where pharmaceutical research is being done and held. Treatment not available in other areas of the world WILL be available here. But then again, this is an insulated part of the world.
It is a part of your reality that you forget your past and in so doing, repeat it, because, of course, it can't happen to you! Soon, those who are in their eighties and nineties and recall what happened during the years of the persecution of races and religions, otherwise called The Holocaust, will be forgotten as they will have faded from memory by their passing. And mankind WILL repeat this.
Right now, ask your children when you have time if there ever was a Holocaust and what it was about. More than likely many will look at you and not even know what you are taking about. Now think about what else they are not prepared for. What is will be the events that will teach them about life because it is not being taught to them now.
In Acts 2:17 of your Christian Bible it says that, "'And it shall come to pass in the last days,' saith God, 'I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream.'" And in this is the truth of God. All is connected to the whole and to its history. But then to what avail? Predictions and prophecy are nothing unless they are useful tools to guide those who are living on the Earthly Third-Dimension to a higher way of being.
Parlor tricks are always fun when you have guests over who seek to be entertained. The heavy velvet drapes are pulled back, the medium moans and goes into a trance, there are rattles and a dead relative speaks. Such out and out foolishness. Contrivances for entertainment. The spirit gift of a guide is to do just that, guide. Indeed.
More to the point - there will be and are currently about sixteen states that are democratic within The United States of America and the demographics of your country are being reshaped in an attempt to secure a more conservative infrastructure. But herein is the face of occurrence and it is they who are empowered, who have already seeded a move from conservatism to a more fairly democratic representation through their extreme decisions which have not worked out. Look at where this country is at. Look at what is being done. As long as you have the modest comfort you will do nothing and then you will be 'in the mix'. As long as you hear what you need to hear, you are satisfied. Indeed.
The light has already been shown and people who were repressed socially will rise up again in demonstrations against such political contrivances. We will tell you that equal rights to marriage will be gained and more states, provinces and more countries will recognize that. In so doing there will be strengthened economies and improved health rights of people. Already within societies there is a decrease in the amount of manpower and force that the government needs to maintain its 'false' stronghold over and within other nations. This is especially true in The United States.
There, to replenish that supply, the 'back-door' draft will become more and more apparent. It is not until it is reinstituted - and this is closer than you would care to believe - that those who have never known anything but comfort, electronics and the computer will face their own mortality. You as a nation, in 2006-2007, will suffer greater losses than you have yet known for in the darkness of a man's soul, his anger will lash out and a new religious war will be lost. The path you are being led down is one that is being led by an ego-based man who has no loss to consider and whose family is insulated by such impacts. Why, then, should he be concerned with your losses? Unfortunate.
The growth in foreign economic aid due to the increased debt ratio of The United States of America will slow down. Impacted global investments will worsen international economic strategies. In other words, you all are over extended. The Euro will remain very strong against the American Dollar and the Canadian Dollar will grow as will their urban economies.It will become increasing difficult for those in The United States of America to see a long-term increase in their investments. This 'war on terror' has created new areas of recruitment that never existed before.
This should concern you all for the more that is displaced and the more that goes without, the more there are who have nothing to gain. These disposable people will do anything to secure better 'tomorrows' for their families and future generations, even at the cost of their life. Africa is an area to watch regarding this.
There will be a decline in trade due to the increased prices in oil and natural materials and metals. Africa is a continent with many untapped reserves of oil and minerals. This area will be more closely looked at in 2006-2007. We have spoken to you before about Africa and its importance as a mirror to the world for here is the place the seeds of all civilization came to be. From Lemuria to the magnificence of the Egyptian Empires, this is the cradle of your civilization. These are the faces of your ancestors and what happens to them will happen to you. They are your litmus test. Indeed.
There will be a shift in money trade and investments. Greek banking and banks backed by 'the Euro' will have increased profits and become much larger international players.So much is placed upon this information, but what will you do with it? Will you see the patterns we are showing you?
This is not about eclipses or planets, or randomness of occurrence. It is about an interlaced connection that exists between YOUR choice of action and your shared responsibility in creating it. Look at what has happened since the New York attack. You turned your independent reason and self-empowerment over to a radical thinking man who followed his own agenda, blaming the axis of evil. This phrase alone has a tone of religious superiority to it. No one person, or one society, has an exclusive right to impose religious ideologies on another. You have allowed individuals to be detained in cells at Guantanamo Bay for years without representation. You have allowed your children to die for a cause that one man said was necessary. It is what YOU do that matters. It is what you do that matters, dear ones. This is nowhere near its end and it will take your voices and collective reason in 2006-2007 to make all this right.
Right now is your time to begin. We have spoken to you on this before. You are to watch Rudy Giuliani who started his political life in the trenches and worked though the New York City attack. Also watch Hillary Clinton as she is in energetic alignment to make further political inroads. In 2006-2007 these two are watch contenders for consideration in the Presidential nominations.
There are problems with the current Pope in Vatican City and he will set the church back in his own limited sight throughout 2006-2007 to undo the civil right gains and equal access gains the prior Pope had made. This will go out all over the world. This man should watch his health during this time. We had spoken to you before and told you 'that the smoke would rise and change in color would hallmark a shift in direction'. Much of this goes back to his ties to and with The German War years. The next Pope will lead his faithful to a more enlightened and positively inspired church.
Call these predictions or prophecy, if you will. We would share with you that these are a connected string of events that you each, YES, indeed, you each allow to occur.
What you feed into and what you allow to occur by turning a blind eye to it by giving your power to someone else who says they know better, by forgetting your ability to reason, shaped these very events. You, my dear children, can delegate responsibility but you can NOT delegate accountability.This Katrina Tragedy on the American Gulf coast is about very much the same processes. Herein you have most, or the greatest percentage, of your own internal defense mechanisms, the military - not unlike the body's own white cells and defenses - deployed overseas in a 'war' that will come to hallmark this President's historical legacy. Indeed. If your body is fighting an infection in one place within your body, how effective will a treatment be for another infection or injury to another part of your body? Then the bureaucracy within your own government was shuffled and changed so independent agencies like FEMA, which had its own Congressional abilities, no longer does. Herein is the part of the process you do not connect with.
As long as you can go on with your life untouched and unhampered you do nothing, with little thought to the possibilities that could arise. Then, dear ones, you find your coastlines restructured through storm and natural disaster and you are helplessly waiting for others to help you. You must begin to think proactively. You must take more responsibility.
Here is a part of your world, not a third world nation, which you viewed in a very exclusionary manner. Do you not hear what is said? Then you go on about your life and you give a few dollars to ease your conscience. As long as it doesn't happen to you! Indeed.In Thailand on Dec. 26, 2004, there was a Tsunami where over 5,000 people died. This Tsunami impacted India and other land areas. But that was them. 'They' still have not recovered and now it is YOU and you will not recover for sometime beyond 2006. The devastation and its impact will not impress your beingness for long, as you forget. There is a likelihood that yet again there will be further impact. There will be.
What does 2006 hold for many? For those new homeless that are in the thousands, it holds the hope of a new future based in nice rhetoric, flavored with a decent smile and a promise of 'coming together' while those who make those promises go to their own homes comforted within nice warm beds, awakening to another day in their life. It holds the empty dreams of children who will no longer have the friends they grew up with, the family they knew, or the roofs over their heads they called home. With budget constraints tighter, the 'war' looming on indefinitely, the economy straining - those who have will flourish and those who 'get by' will tighten their belts and take up the slack helping those who are truly helpless. Ah, yes - you are thinking, what positiveness is there in this? Indeed. If you ask that, then perhaps you are part of the problem.
It is how you realize how you got to where you are, not reassigning blame once you are there but fixing the issues at hand. In 2006-2007, there will be further polarization of economically based classes. But in saying this you NOW know where your work is at. It is at the turning point. It is coming to the time when Divine Intervention has placed before you such contrast that you can see clearly where the problems are. If this had not happened would you have known how disposable the poor are or how they are viewed with hidden prejudices within your own society, not unlike the caste system in India? Would you have believed that because someone is of color or because they are elderly they can be forgotten and cast aside? Oh, NO! Everyone will say, Oh, No. And we would say to you, as with any child, growing up hurts. It is through loss you learn to value the power you have and how you can make a difference in your life. You make this difference by coming together and becoming one and using that voice to say that there was an imbalance and it needs to be righted.
There are those who stole to survive. They took shoes to cover their feet when they had none. They took food to eat when they had none. And others just took, like any child who is angry and hurt. But like all abused children, they readily forgive those that abuse them out of fear - the fear of further loss, the fear of being trapped.
Open your homes in 2006-2007. We will see a shifting of demographics and ethnicities. Many areas will benefit from an influx of artists, cooks, chiefs and businessmen. These areas will be enriched and grow into newer, diverse areas.
Those that choose to help themselves and meet God half way will have God meet them the other half way and in so doing they will be fully restored to a place of betterment, a place further improved than where they were.But more so, what this event did was to remind ALL of you that you are not immune, that you are not above reproach and that you are each other's keepers. Take care of yourselves at home and STOP involving yourselves in places and in other society's lives where you should not be involved. There is a saying that charity begins at home.
The energy of land resides within that land and consumes it. Land, like time, endures. You cannot permanently affect it. It will outlast you. It will endure. For like with all things greater than yourselves and the impressions of ownership and entitlements you think you have, you cannot own something outside yourself. Your personal accountability and responsibility for being caretakers of this planet must be seen as a universal obligation.
The energy stays within. It is focused and remains. Nature will pull at that energy and tug at it until it gets noticed and its force will remind you to take accounting of your actions.
Be of resolve to become interested in your life and lead an individualized, authentic life. Do not be passive. Take interest and question authority. Know you are one with all that has been and in this you are not alone. ONE voice, perhaps it will be your voice that will make the difference.
Yes, indeed. It is all nothingness. Indeed. It will all pass. It will all come to dust and be forgotten as generations pass away and times move forward. There will be stories and moments of recall by grandparents or professors, or storytellers, and these stories will fall on ears that will hold those thoughts for a moment and then they, too, will move on to newer thoughts.
God wants you to be purposeful. God wants you to be successful. There are no limitations with God and therefore you can achieve whatever you dream of.
But you put limitations in front of you each time you become complacent, for all it takes is but ONE person not to do the right thing for evil to take root. Your ONE voice can make a difference. Use these thoughts, these preponderances, these predictions to see the importance you can make in their resolve. Be that ONE voice that dares to believe and dares to have the faith in their own resolve to speak out and express reason.
Much of nothingness is silliness. For in time all turns to dust and what remains is the belief of hope.
When you focus on YOU and your voice, the ability to resolve becomes a reality for all of humanity.
You are not alone.
Believe in yourself and remember where you come from for in this there is pride and strength.
Stand on the foundation of your faith and see the generations of all your ancestors standing there with you and crying out together.
February 06, 2006
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