The Earth’s Wobble Has Resumed Motion
The Polar Motion Anomaly of 2005/2006 About six weeks after the beginning of the pause on about
~January 5, 2006,
the Earth resumed its wobble motion straight down the X Axis beginning about
~February 10, 2006. The wobble still has no net motion on the Y axis aside from very minor quivers such as are typically caused by atmospheric and tidal conditions. Because of the length of the “pause” during January 2006, which was probably created by a “lock” on the Sun at Earth’s perihelion moment (closest approach to the Sun during its annual orbit), it is likely that a major phase shift has occurred in both the 14 month wobble cycle and the primary 7 year cycle in the “Chandler Amplitude”, known here as the Primary Axis Cycle.
As well, it is likely that graphs of polar motion during the next 10 months will demonstrate that a relatively large shift has occurred in the average location of the Spin Axis.(ECB – February 22, 2006, MWM)
About six weeks after the beginning of the pause on about ~January 5, 2006, the Earth resumed its wobble motion straight down the X Axis beginning about ~February 10, 2006.
The wobble still has no net motion on the Y axis aside from very minor quivers such as are typically caused by atmospheric and tidal conditions.
The latest graphs from the IERS (International Earth Rotation Service), which is the only authoritative source of information on the motions of the poles (and earth’s crust) shows a reversal of the path which the Spin Axis took during November-December, when the current anomaly began. After a radical shift in the path for approximately two months, something paused the normal spiral motion of the Spin Axis during January and early February, 2006.
Normally at this time in the spiral motion of the wobble, the track of the moving Spin Axis would be moving to the right hand of the graphs of polar motion, (see the Wobble Tracker graph below). The track should be nearly at the lowest point it would reach this year (on the Wobble Tracker chart) and should begin to slowly spiral back up towards the top of the graph no later than about the beginning of May at the latest. For the latest Wobble Tracker graph of Polar Motion as of February 21, 2006, see
In the Wobble Tracker graph the small red “tip” is where the wobble “paused” during January. The small blue line headed south coming down from it is the motion of the wobble since ~February 10. The spiral black line is the track of the wobble during 2005 (until January 5, 2006)
This anomaly is still on-going though the wobble is obviously beginning to recover part of its old pattern. Quite obviously we can deduce that there is a relatively large, developing anomaly in the spiraling motion of the spin axis, including a major phase shift, a shortening of the length of the normal 7 year cycle, the tightening of the spiral motion into an exceptionally small spiral, and a major acceleration in the drift of the Spin Axis (secular drift of the poles, or so-called True Polar Wander).
Examination of other anomalous periods in the wobble (1932-38 and 1958-1964) clearly reveals that this record breaking anomaly portends major changes in tectonic activity during ensuing years, including a dramatic increase in volcanism during 2006/2007, continued increases in global warming effects, with a dramatic upsurge to commence during the summer of 2007 and carrying onward into 2008, as well as several periods during 2006/07 of greater than normal swarms of large earthquakes in the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim of Fire, ranging from Central America through California to Alaska and down into Japan and the Philippines. None of these projections are based on intuitive arts, they are based completely on comparing historical profiles, such as are revealed in the 2006 revised edition of “The Prophecies”, which is Book Three of the “Return of the Phoenix”. See the background and previous reports on the pause in the wobble at the website
For the latest IERS waveform plots of polar motion which show a flat line motion (no relative motion) rather than the spiral waveform of the Earth’s normal wobble, scroll down the following page to find the X and Y Plots..
For a graph which shows several years of normal polar motion with the current pause and how IERS computers project that the wobble will restore itself later this year as of February 9 data, see:
This predicted plot from IERS data (very speculative at this moment and any projections will likely remain so for at least another eight weeks) shows a radical shift in the average location of the pole which far exceeds any recorded during the past two centuries of scientific measurements.(How threatening this next item is to those who think they know, without looking, what is happening).
Have the Earth Changes begun? I believe the answer is yes, the long predicted/prophesied changes in the earth have begun. Actually, they began in 1999 with the start of the current seven year wobble cycle (which has apparently abruptly ended more than six months early). After more study this past week with the data files and methods of analyzing polar motion, I believe that the wobble flew into this current radical shift during the Indo-Trench Rupture on December 25, 2004.
We may be headed into a period now of chaotic wobble motions as the Earth seeks to regain a balanced “path’ for the wobbling of the Spin Axis. But “Normal” may never return, the changes in the earth may continue to escalate in frequencies and magnitudes periodically during the next 21 years, or so. During this escalation, the tropical zones will be progressively fractured and broken to a greater and greater degree (such as occurred in 2005 along the western coast of Sumatra) and global warming will rise dramatically and severely impact all climate and biome regimes. Already, the drought conditions which began to severely impact many zones from 1999 through 2004 are rapidly setting in again.
Solar MIN conditions are dominating the Sun more and more. After another brief surge up to about 30, the Sunspot Count now again is at 0. Flux is 76 and fairly flat line. About the 20th, there was a sharp brief pulse in the magnetic “A” index up to about 20.
Usually these pulses are connected within a day or two with fluctuations in the Sunspot Count, accordingly one can suspect that soon to come is another brief rise in the Sunspot Count, perhaps for a day or two, possibly as high as 30.
There were two Major magnetic disturbances on the Fluxgate Monitor about 18 to 36 hours ago as of this writing (UTC 1900 hours February 22, 2005). These disturbances were doubtless connected with the magnetic pulse in the A Index. Both were likely produced by a very brisk solar wind stream which has enveloped the Earth. NASA is reporting that it is quite choppy. Large auroras were produced yesterday by these “chops” and more are expected during the next two days. Although NASA reports on a 1% probability of any significant solar activity, this solar wind stream is predicted as likely to produce major geomagnetic disturbances through Feb 23.
Solar MIN could happen anytime this year, most likely it will not happen until after the next transit by Mercury of the other inner planets during March. Conditions on the Sun and thus in Earth’s weather could change rapidly at any time and major new peaks of activity are possible through March, especially after the beginning of March.
On February 25 Mercury Mars and then begins a quick success of alignments every several days with Saturn, Earth, and then finally on March 21 Mercury will be in very close alignment with Venus and Jupiter to choreograph what is likely to be a major affair of sunspots and storms on the Sun.
Expect Sunspot Counts to fall increase into a modest to strong blip about the end of the month for the Mercury Earth alignment, to be followed by a major peak on about March 14 for the Spring Equinox Three-Way between the two inner-most planets and the giant, near-star Jupiter.
When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. As the sky fades to black, you'll see Mercury pop out of the twilight.” Check it out if you live in the desert zones, it ought to be easy to spot this rarely seen but nearby planet. Naturally it is popping out now because it is rapidly approaching the Earth as it heads towards a straight line alignment on March 21. We are between syzygies but not for long. The next New Moon is February 28 and is virtually at Perigee. It will be very interesting to observe the influence on both tectonic activity (quakes and volcanism) and polar motion.
Here is the list of the remaining “Super Moon” Syzygies for 2006, meaning a New of Full Moon at Perigee or within 90 per cent.
JAN 29, 2006 02:15 PM NEW MOON
FEB 28, 2006 00:31 AM NEW MOON
MAR 29, 2006 10:16 AM NEW MOON
SEP 07, 2006 06:43 PM FULL MOON
OCT 07, 2006 03:13 AM FULL MOON
In accordance with my correlations of tectonic activity with the past motions of the pole, IF standard dynamics of the past now govern despite the current anomaly (and I cannot be certain that they are), one can predict the following for California and Japan for this coming New Moon Perigee: since major quake outbreaks for these areas do not usually occur when polar motion is moving UP the positive numbers of the X plot from the current location of the Spin Axis in this relatively high positive range, the New Moon Perigee will NOT be productive of any record breaking activity.
BUT, from historical quake statistics on a worldwide basis, several 6.0 plus quakes and one 7.0 plus would be within normal expectation during a New Moon Perigee Syzygy or close to it.
In accordance with Hotno’s remarks, the October Full Moon may be the deadliest during 2006, esp. through the Medit-Himalayan Belt.
The La Nina condition is weakening already. But a warm spot in the Pacific near the International dateline a little to the northwest of HAWAII is still acting to channel the Jet Stream and set the condition for marine air flowing onto North America. Dry cool air flows into the Pacific Southwest from the South. Wet but cold marine air flowing into the Pacific Northwest. These collide somewhere variously in the middle of the Great Plains states to produce the weather for the interior and eastern coasts.
What we are seeing is a classic global global warming weather pattern in the La Nina extreme. During the latter part of January La Nina developed dramatically into one of its deepest patterns of relatively cool water on the Equator. This generally dries up Pacific Marine Air and always makes for a dry year in the PSW. Within the global warming trend, this means that the drought pattern in the PSW has returned with a vengeance. The drought pattern of the past six years has returned and will destroy both the monsoon this year as well as help burn up more of the pine forests of the region. This pattern will continue to persist for the foreseeable future under the global warming trend. There will be occasional short-lived relief, as in late 2004 and early 2005, from El Nino wet air, but most of this wet air will probably end up far to the North and to the East, producing extremes of flooding and large numbers of tornadoes in other areas.
In other words, the new normal is there is no normal at all, just a deepening of chaotic extremes.
The solar storm and sunspot ionic impact on the Earth's weather should be negligible now through to about the ides of February to reach a peak by February 20 and again about the end of the first week of March. Expect Spring Equinox to be a very wet, very intense stormy period, by not as extreme as has been typical during the last several Springs. All weather will be more mild this year than the last several years but the weather
PATTERNS will continue to be non-normal because of the chaotic mixing effects which Global Warming Syndrome is inducing into the flow of air. All local regimes will continue to be perturbed and this perturbance will gradually get more and more surreal through this time of the rapidly accelerating Change In The Earth. No normality will be seen for at least the next four millennia. All biomes will relentlessly migrate and transmute. Catastrophic impact of the weather in some regions, such as the Carib Basin, will ebb and flow in severity in response to the modulation imposed by the 7 year cycle in the Wobble, (the Primary Axis Cycle. In general, the coast lines of the Gulf area, including Florida, are in process of being destroyed and this process will accelerate.
Over all seismic activity has remained relatively low in frequency and magnitude in a random pattern during the past seven days BUT, five shape-shifters struck in the Great Rift and activity in Latin America was higher than normal.Otherwise distribution appears random throughout the Earth. The USGS World Chart shows 166 quakes for the past seven days (up from135 last week) (for all quakes in U.S. and Imperial Possessions at 2.5 plus and for all other areas at 4.0 plus). Volcanism is simmering without relent and appears once again to have increased this past seven days.
In summary, world volcanism began a vigorous seasonal upsurge during early December the surge slowed down during January as the wobble ground to a halt, but during the first three weeks of February has picked up considerable steam, pun intended.
The SWVC counts are now 6 restless, 64 alert list, and 30 active eruptions. This adds another two new active volcanoes onto last week’s list and we could still see a major increase on top of that during the next 120 days. Overall activity during the past two weeks is at least 10% greater than during the first week in February. Activity now widely includes ash, steam, gas, lava, and occasional pyroclastic from almost all volcanoes on the active list. The current lava flow from Kilauea is considered by John Seach to be record-breaking, the greatest in the last 500 years. Etna is mute at the moment and Popo is tepid with only a dozen or two puffs per day for the last two days. Carib plate volcanism probably still leads the world activity. Kamchatka Peninsula is producing a lot more ash from its three most active and suddenly two volcanoes in Japan and one in Ecuador have began ash emissions. St. Helens is still cooking but is not responding so far this year to this “volcano season”.
In the normal flow of things, I believe that we now are seeing the upsurge in heat release which will build through 2007 to create the next El Nino and accelerate the Global Warming Trend to new records. World volcanism will continue to build to new records during 2006-7, and then begin to drop off the pace of increase in later 2007-8, depending up the dynamics of the Earth’s Wobble. The response in the atmosphere, oceans, and biomes will be felt in 2007-8 as a significant INCREASE in the current upward trend of chaotic record-breaking changes. This Earth Changes trend will of course increase Global Superstorms and major destructions of coastal areas. The lack of U.S. ability to respond appropriately to Katrina is likely only the beginning of institutional over-burden and breakdown. Katrina is a marker of change, it represents the beginning of a long term trend of progressive abandonment of coastal zones while spoiled little rich kids continue to play their smarvelous game of “Empire” on the deck of the Titanic. This phenomenon will become more worldwide is scope during the next dozen years in fits and starts in various periods.
- as previously reported nothing new this week
No change. All bears are more loaded than ever waiting to bag the fools. Conditions will continue to deteriorate through the year. The only surprise has been the remarkable durability of the Imperial Smoke and Mirrors Palace. They appear to have the mass media totally “bedazzled” by their puff and huff routines.
The numbers are cooked and the swings in all the prime variables are now obviously manipulated by hidden levers and trip wires in the hidden innards of the Cabal. It is now obviously so well choreographed I doubt any of the primary numbers used in the economy are real. They are ALL now manipulated values designed to confuse. So traditional economic reckoning from the entrails of statistical series no longer works very well.
Nonetheless the flood of doomsayers is becoming overwhelming and they are progressively spooking more and more of the world. The flood of analytic books and cycle arguments is apparently growing exponentially from month to month. A browse on the topic now truly makes one’s brain lobes twitchy from all the data overload.
The most impelling information at the moment is the tremendous wave of price inflation which has begun to roll. Reports are now just beginning to circulate. You’ve seen it in gas, and the Cabal is not yet finished in that department. But just wait for what you will see in Safeway, Walmart, and the Malls, etc.
Expect minimally another 15% rise in gas prices this year on average, and that is a dyed in the wool holding onto my behind ultra conservative guess. There are good odds of $3.00/gal for 87 proof throughout much of the middle of this year, with a courtesy roll down in October and November so Bush can brag during the elections process how well the PublicRats are doing fixing the banana gunboat.
They’ll be fixing it, all right. Odds of elections and counts which we can respect are not very good.
The hard news is the 30% general price rise which is going to roll through practically everything for living during the next two years. Food especially. Not so much medicine, they have already gouged that into the stratosphere, I believe they will mainly just let that area cook. I could already see the numbers climbing on many items during my monthly family shop at Costco, where we bulk up in most food categories.
The next category is consumer items…WallChinaMart has to pay its gas bills too, so the Palace of low prices – always - is going to be climbing this year - always. From the point of view of China, the goods will be cheaper than ever…it is just that Americans are going to lose the subsidy on the value of their dollar. Nobody wants to pay the Imperial Tax anymore, having come to full realization that the American system is now run by putzes who mainly are pimping for the hidden hands of an Aristocracy of greed who only know how to profit from wars.
Just know the trend, the price of oil is being used to re-value the dollar. The rate of inflation now appears to be in the 20% range, OOPS, many are now saying 30%. It will only take another three years to destroy the “exuberance” in the real estate bubble through such heavy inflation, thus I think you can conclude that the bull money is all betting on this inflate.
– The main event in March (which many prognosticators and psychics are picking up on) is probably a context change forced by the sudden perception that Bush has “lost it” (most especially his control over congress). He has, as is his foolish want, once again tried to play his dominance game with the Republicans in congress over the “Dubai Port Managers” and Congress is not buying. He is now feeding the frenzy that sees Bush as seriously deluded and out of balance with his own party.
This is on top of the NSA wire tap scandal, about which Bush is demonstrably guilty of committing a crime, lying about it, and then covering up the lying. This is about the least significant of Bush’s crimes, in my humble opinion, but it is clear cut and Bush has pushed it in everyone’s face in the manner of a bully who says “whatcha gonna do about it you little sissie”.
With this, the Imperial Faction coalition, after severe savaging and progressive loss this past year, is now disintegrating before our eyes. The only fig leaf left to Republican office-holders as legitimate representatives and office-holders is the impeachment of the President. Sissie, it’s high time to boot him out of office. .
You know how people create “waves” in huge stadiums? We need to create a massive wave: IMPEACH BU$H. It’s already forming, we just need to add energy to it.
AS PREVIOUSLY OPINED:TOO MUCH HYPERVENTILATION ABOUT WAR IN MARCH 2006. Take a deep breath, relax, the big dramas will cook slowly in March and unfold later. There is much preparation to be done before the manipulators will feel the timing it right.
China and Iran are the main problems to Imperial Hegemony mainly because they can precipitate a massive shift away from use and thus the value of the dollar. This will weaken the control of the Cabal over the dollar and thus the world economy. As things stand, the world is flowing inevitably in this direction. The main speculation in the world today is that Iran’s ability to leverage this shift will destroyed by an Imperial assault on Iran’s industrial infrastructure. A massive bombing campaign, in short. I agree that this is a clear and present danger.
The consequences will be nothing less than the economic, military, and political destruction of both Israel and the U.S. during the next 20 years, perhaps portions of Europe as well.
Many people are hyperventilating about catastrophic military and political events coming during March of this year, or perhaps later, such as in June. I doubt any major actions during the next six months. The new government of Israel will be elected in March and it will take them several months to recover from the loss of Sharon and organize support for their next-wave strategy. Aside from this, it will take at least six months of maneuvering on the U.S. Security Council to build a rationale for a destructive assault on Iran. As well, I strongly suspect that the U.S. Military wants to finish building up a large local Iraqi military force to have the manpower to attempt to block a potential massive assault on the ground from a million really pissed off Iranians (which will almost certainly be one of the main Iranian counter-offensives).
It prevented the U.S,. Russia, France, Britain, India, Pakistan, Israel, China, and North Korea from using nuclear weapons. MAD works and will work very well with Iran. The Iranian people are as rational as those in the West and have a future which they wish to build because they think they can build it. What happens when the school ground bully comes around and stomps all over your sand castles? Tells you that you have to start all over and then only in the way which he allows, and by the way you had better coff up your lunch money to pay for his attack.
This is the emotional IQ Age level at which all of this is occurring. You can count on a million really hostile Indians, err, wrong century, ahh, that’s Iranians, swarming into Iraq, plus many more into Afghanistan.
In other words, any argument proposed seriously for war, attacks, military action, occupying foreign lands, bombing, and so forth in today’s world is purely the fantasy hallucinations of eight year olds.
The only danger I see for this year is in the late summer. The Imperial Faction may attempt to manipulate another ramp-up into fear, loathing, hysteria, violence, and patriotic fervor sometime in September…hmmm, what a timely month for manipulating the mass mind…to create such a hue and cry and tension that they are able to close down nearly any discussions in the mass media about election criticism, fraud, crooks, the past failures of the Bush Junta, etc. Onward Christian Soldiers, type of thing…They may actually begin bombing before the elections, but I suspect that they will wait until after the elections, unless they think they are loosing control. Then they will pull out all stops to demand that the mass mind ride tall in the saddle with the gipper. But this is doomed to failure, this will only accelerate the polarization against Bush. That is why the Bushiters must be sand-bagged at all levels in all ways conceivable. The impeachment focus is a good focus.
Virginia: I agree with the bulk of this assessment. Only I think a focus which is "anti" something is never a good one.
It is time to be Pro peace, Pro choice, Pro sanity and vision ...
It's easy for people who are still shopping at Costco and Walmart to think in terms of impeachment instead of in terms of justice building.
I gave up on this reform the system stuff when I became an unwitting victim of The System, which I was pushed out of for the rest of my days.