February 06, 2006

Hey, ever seen an Orb? I have. A giant red one just outside Glastonbury.

links page at http://www.orbsbybeans.com/

DOWSING Here are a few links to help you get started Dowsing: -

"A Letter To Robin" by Walt Woods at the ASD site - "Learn How To Use A Pendulum" by John Living - Jackie Reid's Digital Dowsing Page - Chris Godzik's Divining Mind

If you want to join a Dowsing discussion group check these sites out: -
International Society of Dowsers -
American Society of Dowsers

Here is a page with a lot of dowsing links: - Divination - Dowsing Top Links

For some interesting ideas and information on dowsing, leylines and cropcircles:-Leylines & Dowsing

Expanding our knowledge of our universe through established science and innovative new ways of looking at and exploring the mysteries of life around us.-

Here is a great new site, very fun and fascinating! We did an email interview for their first issue on Orbs and dowsing. - The Night Watchman Chronicles

We highly recommend to everyone the video made by Hope & Randy Mead - "ORBS: The Veil Is Lifting". A truly magnificent piece of work, this video revealstheir experiences with the Orbs and Others connecting with our reality at thistime. Our experiences led us to many of the same conclusions that they observed. Here is their website:-
Hope & Randy Mead's Tools For Transcendence

For those of you wanting to find out more on how to photograph your own Events an excellent book was released in January 2005 - "How To Photograph the Paranormal" by Leonore Sweet, Ph.D. Here is her website, which includes photos,tips and other valuable information:- Photographing the Paranormal

Joe and Ginny's photos of light tubes are something so beyond anything we have ever seen before! Their approach of asking questions while photographing has produced some amazing results!- Orbs Unlimited's Online Journal

Michael Lightweaver has a very delightful site with an interesting account of his experiences and photos taken of Beings and Orbs! - Mountain Light Elves

Below are only some of our favorite places to view Orb photos:
- Jitzle's Page- Connecticut Ghost Research Society- The Orb Hunters!- James Gilliland's ECETI- Pine Bush, NY- Yvonne Moore's Home Page - Rich & Mary's Paranormal Page - Paranormal Investigations of Texas - Chris the Wizard's New World Millennium Tour- The Shadowlands - Spirit Lights Paranormal Research in the UK- Evergreen Paranormal - Washington State Ghost Society - Cathe's Ghost Encounters of the Civil War Kind - Chris' Page O' Weird & (Ghostly?) Photos - Jim Eaton's Ghost Study - Dave Oester and Sharon Gill's International Ghost Hunters Society - Diana's Orb Web Page - Haunted Fort Lauderdale - Dusty's Pages (please click Reload if these don't come up right away) - Daytona Beach Paranormal Research Group - Haunts of the World's Most Famous Beach (ghost tours) - Coast to Coast AM - Project Hessdalen - Cosmic Conspiracies

These folks are doing some great research with crop circles and orbs. Very interesting information in both Dutch and English. See their photos! -

Ed Vos Ed's Homepage - Ed Vos Dutch Light Orbs - Rudi Klijnstra and Karin Hoogesteger - Elfenland
- Ed & Kris Sherwood's Crop Circle Answers

Also, there were discussion groups on Orbs. The Orb Research Group was the first group created, on September 11, 1999, which the Universal-Orbs Group below it is a continuation of. Here it is closed for posting because space was running out, the Messages used to be open to the public, but it appears the owner of the list has set that feature for members only. You will have to register with Yahoo and sign in with your user name and password in order to access the Messages in the left column. The photos that were attached to these posts can no longer be opened because Yahoo dumped all photos that were in the Messages Archives.

However!!! Ed Vos, the owner of the Universal-Orbs Group, currently has put up a website with all the photos that were saved!!!- Orb Research Group

While there, you will now have to join to read the messages. If you want to join in the current discussion copy and paste the url on the Orb Research Group home page that will take you to the Universal-Orbs home page, or click on the url below. Just follow the instructions to subscribe to the Universal-Orbs Group, which is continuing the discussions, photos and experiences. (See UPDATE below) It was activated March 10th of 2003. Photos as attachments do go out the majority of the time to all members who have their email set to Individual Emails. Those attachments are no longer stored at the Yahoo site and cannot be opened. The owner Ed Vos is striving to put a website up with those photos that can be accessed by comparing the message number. He has all past photo attachments up already and for the newer posts you'll need to give him a week or two to get those up.

UPDATE!!! Because of unforseens, the Universal-Orbs Group has been shut down to further posting, though all the messages can still be read and Ed is maintaining the photo website.Information will be on this site:- Universal-Orbs Group

UPDATE September 10, 2005 The Universal-Orbs Group is closed for members by invitation only. Sorry. The group Orbs_Around_The_World, which had taken over the discussion after Universal-Orbs had closed, has been deleted as of yesterday. We find it curious that this happened almost to the day that the Orbs Research Group was started six years ago. All we can say is to just keep on photographing and possibly another group will appear that is compatible.


- Truth Seeker TV hosted by Jimi Petulla, this is an all new Reality Show that dares to go where other shows fear to tread.


- Al Jacobs' Gadget Meister - explains how to make your own rechargeable battery packs to replace AA batteries for flash and some cameras. We are in the process of assembling one to use with the 283 Vivitar and will report on how it works for us. Al has other nifty things for photography on his site.

Update: we use these with our Epson camera and with all the Vivitar flashes (all use 4 AA batteries) and they work great! Slightly on the heavy side, but you can put it in a pocket or put it in a small tape recorder case to attach to your belt. We got extra batteries for spares. No more worrying if you've got enough AA's to take you through a night time photo shoot! No more buying and throwing away AA batteries!

- Schumacher Electric - where we bought the MC-1 battery charger for the battery packs - The Battery Terminal - where we bought the 6 Volt 4 amp batteries


- White Wolf Gallery - Fred Stern - The Rainbow Maker - Masaru Emoto's Messages In Water- Original Wingmakers Home Page- Wingmakers of the 21st Century - how to make energy balls, levitation, portals


- Harvey Robinson's Years To Your Health - herbs and many other items, also an extensive listing of different subjects (including dowsing!) on his Links page. -
Earthcam - 1st Site Free - 1,000,000 Paranormal Links - The Spirit Search Directory

Url: http://orbsbybeans.com/links.html
Date created: May 25, 2000
John and Jan Young
Copyright 2000 through 2005
