Several famous psychics and prophets have predicted a cataclysmic pole shift in the near future
It’s a balmy July weekend. The cicadas are buzzing in the trees as you flip hamburgers on the grill for a Saturday afternoon cookout. The kids are splashing and laughing in the pool, trying to keep cool in the 92-degree heat. Suddenly the air is still. The cicadas fall silent. A moment later the ground beneath you starts to rumble and shake. The kids stop their playing as they notice the water in the pool getting choppy. The intensity of the quake increases and you are knocked off your feet. The kids scramble out of the pool, screaming as water sloshes in waves onto the surrounding deck. A fierce wind races over you as you lie on your back on the shaking ground. You try to hold on to something... anything, feeling as if you’re going to fly off the face of the earth itself. The sky and clouds are boiling above the violently swaying trees. Birds are being tossed around chaotically as they struggle to fly.
Shadows darken and lengthen, and you watch the sun speeding across the sky tothe horizon. The shaking stops in an instant and there’s an eerie silence, broken only by the sobs of the frightened children. The day has turned to twilight. In a matter of seconds the sun has shifted from its high noon position to just a few degrees above the horizon in the southwest. A bitter, cold wind blows in... and it begins to snow.
A shifting of the Earth’s poles has been predicted to occur within the next few years by a number of psychics, including the renowned Edgar Cayce. This certainly is not a scientific prediction, but some scientists believe that it is at least possible that this could happen at some future date, and perhaps has happened many times in our planet’s past. Whether or not we could survive a physical shifting of the Earth’s poles is open to debate; it could be much more cataclysmic than described above.
“There will be upheavals in the Arctic and Antarctic that will cause the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and pole shift.” There are two ways of considering what is meant by a pole shift:
A geological or axial shift in which the Earth’s crust literally slips around its molten core – like a loose peel on an orange – altering the positions of land masses with respect to the planet’s rotation on its axis. This could happen by a few degrees or by many degrees. Antarctica could wind up at the equator and Miami could be the new North Pole. The effects on our civilization could be devastating.
A shift of the magnetic poles only.
As it is, the Earth’s magnetic north (the north that compasses point to) is not exactly the same as the true North Pole. This magnetic pole is not fixed and can move. In fact, scientists are fairly certain that it has shifted by as much as 180 degrees several times in the past. This change may be sudden or it may be gradual, taking place over hundreds or even thousands of years. The effects on life on the planet would probably be minimal, affecting perhaps the migratory or homing instincts of some animals.
Unfortunately (if you put stock in such things), Cayce was referring to a shift of the first type. He wrote: “There will be upheavals in the Arctic and Antarctic that will cause the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and pole shift.” And when asked what great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2000 to 2001 A.D, he replied, “When there is a shifting of the poles. Or a new cycle begins.” Interestingly, there has been much in the news lately about the drastic receding of Antarctica’s glaciers and ice shelves.
Psychic Ruth Montgomery also foresaw a pole shift. In her book Strangers Among Us, The Shift, she wrote about what certain spirit guides had told her: “If the Guides are correct, the survivors of the axial shift... will number in the millions, rather than the billions. The shift will have its warnings. The weather will become increasingly violent. Eruptions of ancient volcanoes, earth tremors of major proportions, and tidal waves of monumental scope. Some will recognize this as the time to remove themselves from the seacoasts. Some will remain, disbelieving that a shift will occur, and some will refuse to leave their homes.”
“As the core of the Earth attempts to align magnetically with the giant comet, there is a pole shift with continental rip, mountain building, and sinking and rising land.” Even extraterrestrials are warning us about an immanent pole shift, the people at ZetaTalk would have us believe.
The Zetas, whoever they are, say that a polar shift will occur as part of the millennial transformation. First, they say, a comet’s tail will sweep the Earth, actually stopping the planet’s rotation for a few days, resulting in violent lightning, wind, and fire storms. “Then, as the core of the Earth attempts to align magnetically with the giant comet, there is a pole shift with continental rip, mountain building, and sinking and rising land; how gigantic tidal waves and climbing water assault the coasts, though water movement began when rotation stopped, and an ocean vortex can form; how plate shifts can result in a sinking Atlantic floor, affecting the surrounding shorelines, and new land near Antarctica.”
Eileen Lakes, who says she was sent to Earth as a messenger for the Elohim, says that the pole shift was to occur in July, 1999. The Utopia Network quotes Lakes from her book The Future Pass: “While, on the distant left side of the earth, the very big, red and brown Jupiter is located and its magnetism joins that of the sun, the Pole Shift happens at 7:00 a.m. on the morning of Wednesday, July 7, 1999, at the World Greenwich Mean Time.
Because of the very strong magnetism with the rotation of the axis of the N Pole of the Jupiter group and the sun, the rotation of the axis of the N Pole of the earth repulses to their strong magnetism. The Arctic area on the earth, turns by 90 degrees very suddenly to its right side. And the Arctic Point (N Pole) jumps and changes into the South Pole point (S Pole) momentarily.”
So what about it? Is a pole shift really possible? According to A Pole Shift is the Least of Our Worries, an axial shift is possible, but “only if another planetary body – such as a ‘rogue planet’ or similar cosmic anomaly – passed in close proximity to the Earth, providing enough torque for such an event to occur.”
More likely is a magnetic shift of the poles, although there is no scientific expectation that it will happen anytime soon. But it has happened more than 180 times before, as detected in the paleomagnetic record of rocks on the ocean floor and in some lava flows.
These magnetic reversals take place every 100,000 to 25 million years, according to Scientific American, and may take as long as 5,000 years to do so. So don’t let all of this millennium madness ruin your plans for your New Year’s celebration... or your Fourth of July holiday.
"Baba Nam Kevalam"