June 12, 2008

WAR CRIMES DOSSIER: Remove Nancy Pelosi, end the infowarfare

I want to put in some additional information right here on top.

Nancy Pelosi can also be removed by state legislatures. This activity has been going on "behind the scenes". An unusual move to be sure, and it's never been "tested" but is entirely within the Constitution. With the release of the DoD emails and McClellan's book, the legal activity is feverish to get out all the relevant indictments.

While other petitions calling for Pelosi's removal can be signed only by US citizens, I offer the following information .. Anyone can sign Scott Creighton's petition against Nancy Pelosi.

The moment is ours - let's now seize it!

- Please circulate widely -

Now that the Articles of Impeachment (H Res 1258) have been read out clearly by Dennis Kucinich, a good time for a reminder that we must REMOVE Nancy Pelosi, and keep calling the states' Attorneys General throughout the day .. This is what must be done as we wait for more whistleblowers to confess and for more cosigners to come forward to co-signers of the resolution.

We know that PELOSI will attempt to block impeachment proceedings and this would make the United States a FAILED NATION that cannot police itself.

Pelosi must NOT be allowed to serve as President as the Constitution stipulates.

http://www.petitiononline.com/ev...n/ petition.html

Above is the link to sign the petition for Pelosi's removal as Speaker of the House and can be signed by non-US citizens.

Those state Attorneys General who do NOT pursue WAR CRIMES prosecutions will ALSO be guilty of war crimes very soon. They MUST uphold Geneva or ELSE. And remember: what has happened must NEVER be allowed to happen ever again. That is the legacy of Nuremberg.

Many of them are reading the notes on prosecutions NOW and lawyers from the ACLU and the NLG have filled them in on details in the past few months.

The lawyers for We the People continue working hard on the prosecutions leading to WAR CRIMES convictions ..

My entire blog has all the relevant information available http://ladybroadoak.blogspot.com/2008/02/special-prosecutor-information-plz.html

and a free swicki on war crimes and Constitutional criminality is available, and the link includes the free .pdf on Bush's international war crimes, applicable to ALL the global war criminals in the GWOT.

Did Nancy Pelosi just think everyone sat on their backsides for the past eight years ???

She will find out there is NO statue of limitations on WAR CRIMES (as if she didn't know that - she has access to legal advisors.
She may be the most despicable female on the planet after Condi Rice, Harriet Meiers and/or Karen Hughes .. although someone mentioned Madeleine Albright recently. )

As you go about your business of the day,


1 million Irakis are assumed to have died
4 million more are refugees - many undocumented
(children are being used as prostitutes !)
The war in Afghanistan continues
The kangaroo courts in Guantanamo Bay are illegal
In the vast archipelago of black sites the torture continues
Depleted uranium weapons are illegal
9/11 TRUTH has yet to be exposed
The US economy is in a nose dive and must be fixed
Palestinians have a right of return
The War on Drugs is a total failure
Earthchanges are upon us
US Elections are still rigged

The human suffering must be stopped
and it is NOT "business as usual"
after a war that has lasted longer than WWII !
just to name a few of "The Problems"
and We the People have the power, really.

Don't be so "pre-occupied" like Nancy you don't sign the petition;
it's not "business" as usual now that the DoD emails have been released
and Scott McClellan's book has come out.

. . .

Genocide is the Supreme international crime.


We the People should have our WAR CRIMES indictments finished by June 16th or so, that includes the information on how INFORMATION WARFARE was used against us..

(The videos of the Kucinich and the other presentations are available on youtube.)

Meanwhile, can you have your friends discuss this new solution as what has happened can never be allowed to happen to the American democracy again
. . .

State Legislatures Moving To Remove Pelosi As Speaker

"How's the effort to remove Pelosi as speaker?", you're wondering . .

1. Identified the legal precedent to have her removed:

http://www.gpo.gov/congress/hous...text/ hrm14.html

"Speaker may be removed at the will of the House, and a Speaker pro tempore appointed, 2 Grey, 186; 5 Grey, 134."

2. Identified the mechanism by which the state legislatures can review the charges against the Speaker; and pass a resolution calling for the House to remove her.
House Rule 603 Permits the States to Pass resolutions calling for changes in leadership:
http://www.impeachbush.tv/impeac...each/ rules.html
Also, note this:

"A resolution for the removal of an officer is presented as a matter of privilege (I, 284-286; VI, 35), and a resolution declaring the office of Speaker vacant presents a question of constitutional privilege (VI, 35).

http://www.gpo.gov/congress/hous...text/ hrm14.html

2. Draft indictments against the Speaker have been written: Charges, allegations against the speaker warranting her removal as Speaker:

- A. Allegedly aiding and abetting enemies of the Constitution: Assenting to agreements which are not the Supreme Law, but acting is if those alleged agreement were Supreme, in defiance of her oath of office.

- B. Alleged breach of her oath of office: Having mental reservations about whether the Constitution is or is not the Supreme Law, as evidenced by the decision to allegedly thwart, block, and not permit review of evidence related to impeachment; and

- C. Allegedly bringing discredit upon the house -- failing to enforce the Constitution; blocking investigations into illegal misconduct.

Please forward the above links to your friends, State Attorney Generals, and Legislatures. This will form the basis for the removal for the Speaker; and for your State Legislatures to debate a proclamation calling for the House to remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.


links to the list of state attorney generals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are crazy. She should be impeached for treason for single handedly opening her big yap and causing the bail-out bill to be defeatd; for lack of leadership; for lack of listening to her fellow Dems and her constituents.
