June 18, 2008

Earthquake update, N. America

BULLETIN ITEM: Frequency Of Quakes Up Sharply In Northern Hemisphere: Medit-Himalaya, Coast North America Special Heads UP

As predicted:

For Class 4+ world quakes,

frequency up substantially worldwide, esp. in the Medit-Himalaya Compression Belt and the western coast of North America.

Average Magnitude is not up so far, most quakes in Class 4 and 5 ranges.


Take note that the incidence of Great Rift quakes is not up, which suggests that there may be nothing exceptional about quakes during this Sygygy (which ends about June 22/23).

Also take note that the majority of activity is in the subduction/compress ion zones in the Northern Hemisphere, reflecting the extreme location of the Sun in the north for the Summer Solstice. The Moon is near its orbital Apogee currently, diminishing its pull on the Southern Hemisphere, even though it is about 27 degrees below the Equator.

Expect especially more quake activity in the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim of Fire, from Taiwan through the Aleutions to the Carib Plate. Watch for Great Rift quake activity in the Arctic and Atllantic and East Pacific as such shape-shifting activity probably will portend increased activity in North America and Far Eastern Eurasia.

18-JUN-2008 17:05:27 6.64 -72.99 4.3 171.9 NORTHERN COLOMBIA
18-JUN-2008 16:30:51 49.19 -128.74 4.0 10.0 VANCOUVER ISLAND REGION
18-JUN-2008 13:23:59 36.25 1.11 4.7 10.0 NORTHERN ALGERIA
18-JUN-2008 13:13:09 1.98 128.48 5.5 55.5 HALMAHERA, INDONESIA
18-JUN-2008 11:01:34 -31.77 -69.20 4.5 113.9 SAN JUAN PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
18-JUN-2008 10:53:25 44.22 -129.24 4.0 10.0 OFF COAST OF OREGON
18-JUN-2008 10:17:27 43.78 86.40 4.6 26.4 NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA
18-JUN-2008 09:30:11 -12.21 166.71 4.9 185.7 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
18-JUN-2008 09:04:34 39.16 140.86 4.8 10.0 EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN
18-JUN-2008 08:12:14 33.20 91.99 5.2 10.0 QINGHAI, CHINA
18-JUN-2008 07:10:33 33.15 91.95 4.9 10.0 QINGHAI, CHINA
18-JUN-2008 05:23:32 35.28 91.17 5.1 10.0 QINGHAI, CHINA
18-JUN-2008 04:38:40 13.06 -88.99 4.4 99.3 EL SALVADOR
18-JUN-2008 01:58:42 37.71 22.80 5.4 65.8 SOUTHERN GREECE
