June 18, 2008

Countdown to Changing of the Guard, H. Res. 1258, H. res. 333

Yes, it's closer than you think. We can all now connect the "dots."

Those who have the fantasy it's going to take until November had best think hard about the consequences of NOT pursuing impeachment NOW have a chance to now look at the overwhelming evidence of the folly of such a plan.

Each legislator, including state attorney generals, takes a sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Under the rules of Geneva, any nation that does not police itself is considered a failed state.

It is fair to say that the United States has been more than lax at that fundamental nationstate requirement.

- Due to the mistreatment of POWs (detainees) - and for information's sake here, it is alleged that those Boeings were used to transfer drugs and the POWs used as a cover for that illegal activity - we can read about this situation here, here, here and here. A great place to put a face on the victims can be found at freedetainees.org. Consider: when the US does the torturing, our soldiers are at risk under the rule of reciprocity. We need to realize that the Military Commissions Act has grave implications.

- involvement in an ILLEGAL war of aggression and continued illegal sabre-rattling at nations from the highest levels of government and even our presidential candidates,

- Russia and China have been chomping at the bit to come to North America and take over.

Medvedev has been in Europe (unhappy with the installation of the US missile shields themselves - the news on THAT leaked out at the last G8 summit, while scores of nations moved frantically to distance themselves from participating in the WAR CRIMES imposed by tyrant BuZhCo.)

The Russians are writing scores of articles on the state of the impeachment effort; they know how to do the "spin" on their efforts to ensure human rights with the use of ngo's (non government organizations).

Now consider this statement following the Supreme Court decision in

The US strategic interests have been threated by the creation of legitimate terrorists,

says Alberto J. Mora, former General Council of the Navy, following The Supremes' decision on habeas corpus. The imposition of lawlessness by The Decider and his CONgressional enablers needs to come to a screeching halt. A reorganization of US intel operations (mostly outsourced and privatized now) is URGENTLY required.

While McCain has been excoriated already, the pro-AIPAC stance of Obama, his ties to organized crime and Rezko, his alliance with Zbig and the failure to be a unifying force in following the US Constitution should have been a testiment to why impeachment must be pursued now. His advisers are nothing about CHANGE; they're just post Clinton Mach 2. There are unions are already upset with his economic "policies". Perhaps it will take time for those in the adrenalated love trance to wake up, but that's an eventuality.

What is needed is a campaign for a new foreign policy.

What is needed is a more realistic economic program: something Dennis Kucinich offered up with his economic advisor, Dr. Michael Hudson.

To get personal, I have a real problem reading "liberal"/"progressive" threads suggesting we must wait for Obama to come to everyone's rescue.

As has been noted over the course of the last eight years of horror, there are NO MORE MESSIAHS. The power lies in We the People.

Our imperative as citizens is to the United States Constitution, not party affiliation ! Geneva is the Supreme Law of the Land - it's been so through the last eight bloody years.

The nexus of the arguments for impeachment was laid out last night on Keith Olbermann's Countdown. I was, unlike many others, not surprised to see this installment of public denunuciation of The Decider's ruthless flaunting of the law and morality.

GENOCIDE is the Supreme International Crime. Two nations have been turned into sand/glass - at least 1 million dead, (1 million before that under sanctions, mostly innocent women and children), 1 million declared refugees, and at least 2 million displaced persons .. real numbers aren't kept so estimates are necessary. This, too, is an international violation.

Regardless of what people think those who do not uphold their oaths are subject to WAR CRIMES prosecutions and subject to death and imprisonment.

Finally, this nation has woken up for it's nightmare and refuses to be victims of the information warfare!

Lawyers for Guantanamo "detainees" left for Guantanamo Bay yesterday.

When they return (and remember they all KNOW THE LAW and have seen the suffering) - they've all learned the real laws of GENEVA. The military JAGS who warned of the illegality of the war and counselled against it are going to make it clear that it's time to get this Constitutional crisis/international humiliation "on the table".

As for us citizens, We the People, our lives our totally threatened by the breakdown of law and order - the market is going to crash by October which is a done deal - BUT the market manipulations continue unabetted without a single piece of oversight. In fact, OUR gold is missing. Chalmers Johson has made the point it was military spending that brought America to its knees. Yet have a little run through of Tom Murtha's proposed 2009 budget! We don't need a police state, martial law depleted uranium and other radiation nor BIOWEAPONS.

Many have been deceived as to the true nature of the obstacles that we face as the earthchanges set in. Our energy must be going towards having the manpower to rescue our fellow countrymen.

There have been so many lies proliferated during the information warfare directed against We the People it's been hard to verify the truth of the realities of our existence. And while the MSM has been complicit in the CRIMES, we have established our own networks and will do fine, as long as we realize that "dots" must be connected and we must find the patterns that have not been reported in this era of mis/disinformation.

Yes, impeachment (an investigation) is going to take awhile to process, but without an immediate return to the RULE OF LAW, there is so much more to lose.

I believe Conyers has been persuaded to save his own neck, that republicans will quickly jump the Decider's ship if they want to retain any chance of re-election. In fact, I am sure within the halls of CONgress all this has been widely discussed already. A full 50% of republicans are ready to revolt according to recent polls. They need a new candidate ... (and it's sure not gonna be Jeb BuZh!)

On my blog, I have provided links to every document relevant - to be downloaded - for your convenience over the course of the past few months.

International WAR CRIMES suits are being filed in other nations, but let's get our house in order, keeping the focus on our nation's own complicity first.

This is our last chance as a civilation to avoid NUCLEAR WAR.

The moment has come! This CAN be done! It shall be done !

We had a problem; now we move to the solution. No more playing with matches! Time to bring the infantile deceptors to a court of LAW.

A special prosecutor on torture will be appointed.

What has happened must never be allowed to happen again.

It's time to planetize.

We can face the truth about global warming, about "peak oil", about AIDS, and move on to being truly global citizens at last.

Sure the right wing and the evangelicals are going to be rabid for a time, but it's our job to convince them by providing the information that will undo the information warfare that's been used against us, We the People.

It's time for a changing of the Guard

and yes, dreams really do come true.

We'll sing our songs and bang our drums instead.
