December 10, 2007

NYT editorial on (some) mortgage bailout. Love that Hank!!

or, the capitalist system is not the place to be looking for answers,
ditto the US government

When the - teehee - august New York Times gets riled with the US federal government on domestic issues you just know that things have to be (1) pretty dire, or (2) being covered up and/or, (3) their editorials aren't like to lose them advertisers.

But the NYT is clearly riled up with the plunge protection team, in the face of Mr. Hank Paulson. I don't think Hank is getting any good "publicity" these days and perhaps he should hire Hill & Knowlton very soon; he can afford it.

Hank has been a very dirty boy in handling the mortgage bailout for the BuZhistas, who thought tracking, studying and enforcing strigent regulations on Wall Street was for the boirdz, as we say in NYC. Now we are looking at nearly 2 million Americans about to lose their homes and they are not all deadbeats, I can assure you. The majority used up all their savings buying their homes only to find out they were being 'played' at every level - real estate agents, real estate brokers, mortage financing utfits, banks, insurance companies, the whack. (Plenty of info on it on this blog, just run a search using "mortage" or "fiscal crisis 2007")

So far IF a person had paid every single mortgage payment on time (every single one), then the US government would bail out around 85, 000 of them in the first round of US government "concession" after BuZh got crucified for saying he'd do nothing.

I think the NYT's is overstating here, the new number to be 'bailed out' - and that's if things "go well" is actually much closer to 185,000 TOPS I've read. Less than 10% really have a chance of reprieve, and who is going to monitor that?

I'll give you a clue - no one: no one at all. Why? There simply isn't the personnel in place to do that - to keep the "numbers" straight. Never was before, when times were 'good' and not now that financial companies are laying off in huge numbers. That of course is being kept very, very quiet. There are however tons of marshalls, sheriffs, and other law enforcement to come and get these people OUT - just like there was in NOLA.

The NYT's is being more than a bit cheeky when it suggests that CONgress is the answer to the Paulson/BuZh idiocy, eh? We know that. but this editorial looks good - does it not? Oh, such concern! Someone at the NYT's brother-in-law must be losing a home, eh? But the editorial is just another swipe at a huge problem with no known solution. I believe in solutions to problems, but I can clearly see that the obvious ones -- the homeowners banding together is not a likely occurrence in any place but California. (There's some good info on that also on this blog, btw.)

These NYT's guyz aren't losing their homes ... YET.

The media had ample time to see this coming and make suggestions as to steps to be taken, as clearly not one person inside the Beltway has any interest in the affairs of "ordinary folks" - the trillions in US debt, the casualties of the young in insane illegal wars and the havoc wrecked on families because of it, the breakdown in ordinary justice, ALL of it - what can be done to help Americans keep them homes? Who really knows.

The labor unions should never have been dismantled is all I am going to say; they might have helped out this entire mess.


Show Us the Mortgage Relief

When he announced a new plan to try to stanch the foreclosure crisis, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. said that the officials, lenders and investors involved had been working toward it since August. That start date is a useful benchmark for measuring the plan’s inadequacy.

Only an estimated 250,000 borrowers, at best, are likely to benefit from the plan’s main relief measure — a five-year freeze on certain adjustable loans’ introductory rates. Yet, from mid-2007 to now, some 800,000 homeowners have entered foreclosure. From 2008 through mid-2010, when the last of the potentially eligible loans would otherwise reset to sharply higher payments, there will be an estimated 3.5 million loan defaults.

The plan is too little, too late and too voluntary. Mr. Paulson and his boss, President Bush, have left it to the private sector — the mortgage industry — to protect the public interest, without any negative consequences if it does not. That is not the way the private sector works. And it is not how government is supposed to work at a time when Americans are facing mass foreclosures that threaten entire communities, financial markets and the wider economy.

Many mortgage servicers — lenders and private companies that collect mortgage payments on behalf of investors — have been reluctant to modify at-risk loans, even though the alternative is to foreclose on thousands of homeowners. That is because they fear being sued by mortgage investors. For some investors, letting a troubled borrower default would actually be better business, for others not. It all depends on how their particular security is set to pay out.

The new plan establishes guidelines that lenders can use to determine which troubled borrowers might qualify for a rate freeze. But even lenders that stick to the government-brokered guidelines have no guarantee that they cannot be sued.

The criteria for who gets relief and who does not are also a problem. Some are reasonable: borrowers must live in their homes and have a good repayment record on their mortgage loan. Others are far too restrictive: borrowers can be disqualified if they have improved their credit score during the loan’s introductory period, a move that is intended to weed out anyone with even the smallest probability of being able to afford a payment that is set to explode, but which could subject homeowners who need help to delays and denials.

Investors may simply be too self-interested to pull off the aggressive, broad-based loan fixes that Mr. Paulson has said he wants — and that the nation needs. Rather than standing up to Wall Street, Mr. Paulson is hoping that the interests of investors — to make money — will magically align with the interests of homeowners, to keep a roof over their heads.

Mr. Paulson should be prepared to choose sides. If the voluntary efforts are not much more successful than expected — and soon — he should support the tougher approaches being called for on Capitol Hill. One bill would help shield lenders who modify loans from being sued by investors. Another would allow troubled borrowers to restructure their mortgages under bankruptcy court protection. Both would give the industry a strong motivation to ramp up loan modifications — or watch the courts take over. If the industry drags its feet, that is exactly what should happen.

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