December 26, 2007


Because I get a good amount of survivalist information, and it gets lost amongst the other postings here, today I am declaring a day for starting an easy to find assortment of information, urls, philosophy, explanations, and a place of others to place their helpful comments.

I have already signed up to distribute what I think is some very fine information on surviving the coming economic crash - how to live when your financial troubles tap you out. I'm just waiting until I get my own ducks in a row before I paste that on here. Hopefully, it will prove useful to people coming by the blog (or for those who know someone it CAN help) .. if nothing else, as in any good win-win, it will help ME to consolidate all this.

We often talk about sustainability - BUT helping humans survive is part of sustainability. Not being totally humancentric, I am not talking about articles that insist on us as merely the MOST important species that needs to survive obviously. But I have noted that during the past year lots of people have some pretty strange ideas about how to go about surviving in the tough times ahead, as they simply do not take into account such things as shortages in ammunition, as they grow hysterical about gun control. What possible good is a shotgun if you don't have any ammunition to shoot! So this is a survivalist scrapbook with a DIFFERENCE. It's going to be about how do you survive where you ARE, wherever you may find yourself.

There's PLENTY of good information on this blog already, and it's nifty to have the search box so you can find it, but I thought today is the day when I go to it full tilt and set this information aside. George Ure (, your first stop in the survivability game!) has special cut and clip sections now. This is a sane person's first $40 investment in their future. A subscription can easily pay for itself in a matter of DAYS. They also have a great book you can buy - How to survive on $10,000 a year.

So all this said (and there is plenty more TO say) - I hope you can get where I think 2008 is taking us as a species .. as Greg Palast quoted the elder as saying after the sinking of the Exxon Valdez:

We are all natives now

but how to live well, with a distinct change in our "lifestyle" is going to determine whether as a species we make it or no.

This is my attempt to HELP.

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