December 05, 2007

Natural healing

I've posted about my experience with the detoxifcation patch before.

It really does get the gunk out ..

By going to the link you will really learn much about what to do to stay healthy, you really will.


Natural Detoxification

Herbal detox patch

The human body becomes toxic or polluted from both external (exogenous) sources and internal (endogenous) sources. The most common external pathways of toxicity are from inhalation (smoking, air pollution, dental amalgam fillings, sick buildings), ingestion (chemical residues on food, chemicals in water, drugs) injection (vaccinations, flu shots, tattoos), absorption (chemicals from synthetic fabrics, paints, plastics, pesticides and chemical fertilizers sprayed on lawns) and irradiation (medical x-rays, nuclear power plants, bomb testing, uranium mine tailings, cell phones and towers, computer monitors and televisions, microwave ovens, and power grid and radio and satellite transmissions). The internal sources of toxicity are from fermentation, putrification, and rancidity from undigested foods consumed, and from dehydration, malnutrition, and toxic thoughts and emotions. This endogenous toxicity can also be caused from the effects of exogenous toxins contributing to malnutrition, and inhibition of digestion through damage to the nervous system, immune system, and enzyme systems.

There are 70,000 chemicals being used in commercial production in the US. The EPA has classified 65,000 of them potentially, if not definitely hazardous to human health. Over 6,000 new chemicals are tested in the US each week! Three thousand chemicals have been identified as intentionally added to food supplies and over 700 in drinking water. During food processing and storage, more than 10,000 other compounds can become an integral part of many commonly used foods. One of the major symptoms of chemical toxicity seems to be a breakdown of the immune function, which encourages all kinds of symptoms in the body. Another major symptom is damage to the nervous system and nervousness. We aren't rewarded immediately with good health and radiant well-being as soon as we change our "evil ways." The vast increase of chemicals in our environment, foods and medicines has greatly altered the body's ability to rid itself of toxins. Often, the recovery of health and improvement of the diet cause unpleasant symptoms. People truly seeking health have to decide to sacrifice their old comfortable diet patterns and habits to be rewarded by good health. It doesn't take long before they discover that after improving their diet, they sometimes feel much worse (temporarily). A common complaint is, "Do I really have to go through that?" They're going through what is called detoxification. Poor health and illness is progressive; it does not occur overnight. Good health and well being is also progressive; it may take weeks, months, or years.

More at the link above .... lots more ..

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