October 07, 2007

Post apocolyptic culture

A post from a popular culture blog

TrekMovie.com is reporting on a new post apocalyptic zombie tv show called Alive which is slated for summer or fall 2008 and is written by a couple of Enterprise writers. It also will be starring many of the folks from Star Trek, so it feels very Roddenberry. Haha, that was just a bad joke, I'll shut up now and report.

"Alive is set in a world that has faced a ‘zombie apocalypse’ where just a handful of people are holed up in a continuity of government bunker called ‘Falcon Rock.’ A global pandemic has converted the rest of the world into the brain eating undead."

Here is some related website with some flash stuff, but no further explanation:

To build buzz they are doing ‘pre-pilot’ short teasers in the form of fictional video podcasts from the survivors of the apocalypse at Falcon Rock. Soldiers have weapon cams and helmet cams and they share what they learn with other survivors. The first one went live today and two more will be available later this month leading up to Halloween. Afterwards FalconRockCommand.com will be updated with new info on the show including blogs.

At my last count, this is now 3, yeah that is THREE, upcoming post apocalyptic zombie television series, ahhh life is good. I have yet to see this yet, it's so clogged and I've tried all night, dang!

UPDATE, they have the first podcast on youtube, here it is.

Podcasts etc..

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