October 30, 2007

Great economic, financial speedlinks ... STAY CURRENT!!

You shall be glad you did.

Again, thanx to "anonymous" at ICH. WOW! It is so great to encounter someone who "gets" it. It just gives me a feeling of JOY.

**Watch this link** It's regarding Japan & US dollar.

http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/...JAMIN- TOKYO.wmv

William Clark talks about "Petrodollar Warfare"
http://video.google.com/videopla...earch& plindex=3

Forex Market Drivers
http://www.forex.com/ forex_fund_...d_analysis.html

Recycling Petrodollars
http://www.ny.frb.org/research/c...sues/ci12- 9.pdf

Petrodollar Recycling
http://www.un.org/esa/ffd/Multi-...vid% 20lubin.pdf

Petrodollar Recycling And Global Imbalances
http://www.imf.org/external/np/s...006/ 032306a.htm

The Petrodollar Tsunami Is Here
http://www.portfolio.com/views/c...rs-Buying- Spree

http://www.321energy.com/ editori...llie042107.html

In conclusion, stop sitting on your ego and do a bit of homework. We buy foreign goods to receive a barrel of oil. US has no purchasing power with the current dollar index.

Tomorrow, expect to wake up on the oil price story. $93 - $95/bl

As I type, dollar is trading @ .7694. Click to see.
http://quotes.ino.com/chart/?s=N...s=NYBOT_DX& v=d6

1 comment:

RoseCovered Glasses said...

Good article. Here's the email adress you requested:


Yours wasn't listed or I would have mailed you direct. Thanks for the comments on the Hastings Bridge.

