October 15, 2007

Midday report - what I am up to today

I found an EXCELLENT blog to check out on a google alert, which somehow, some way, I missed out when doing my checks on Blackwater, Garda, Greystone and other dangerous FOOLS with gunz and terrorizing pointy heads.

Now if you are truly INSANE, you can read all the items posted here and destroy your eyes glued to a computer screen



Or you can wait until I finish posting all the the items into google docs and print them out or at least read them in the regular format in which such material is better read.

It gets highly messy reformatting all thi material when it's online and I am growing frustrated as I do it, so I am taking a break to tell you what I am up to. Maneuvering blog entries entries into a printer-friendly format is no easy task.

Usually Mondays I prognosticate on WHAT IS TO COME THIS WEEK . what's gonna be HIGH ON THE RADAR. I am so preoccupied with this little project, I couldn't care less. This is the real goods gathered since March of 2004 on the rise of private mercenaries and intelligence contractors - an issue LONG ignored in the mainstream (MSM) media and it has so many ramifications you, to be trite, you can't shake a stick at them all. I've done some things on this blog about the repercussions to INJURED MERCENARIES' families, but that's all.


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