June 04, 2007


The NAU is about cheap labor and cheap resources to keep the oil cartel
going as LONG AS possible, and put into place what is now referred to
as StraussISM. The NeoCON label is a misnomer - it's all about the
Bushista StraussISM cronies. You know, the ones who have brought you war 24/7 since 9/11 2002.

See http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55830

IT's about continuing abuse AND keeping America empire building ad
infinitum. Those who champion it will be LONG gone before its devasting
effects are fully experienced.

Read Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast; it's not treason to do so - it was a NYT
bestseller and you won't look "foolish" reading it. Instead, in a
humorous (??!!) and delightfully frank way, Greg Palast will give you a
FRAMEWORK to base your observations.

Most of the comments I have read here, are Murkan. Where are the
Canadians ..? We could lead these people away from the abyss, that PAUL
MARTIN inked while in office. HE signed it and then ran for Prime
Minister in a big bait and switch .. saying America was a danger to
Canada, to stop the Calgary upstarts. But now the Straussites from the
West are well entrenched.

This is NOT an official body folks, the NAU is a corporation. Like what
corporations have already done to YOUR environment? The damage they
will do is exponential when the NAU takes affect. (Interesting side
note, ONY Indiana has filed suit against the highway fearing the
environmental damage it will do.)

I posted long and hard about the leak of CSIS documents about the
selling off of Canadian water rights and found very little uptake. This
is BIG NEWS. HUGE, in fact.

Reported on DIGG by me and also at
www.Canadians.org, www.eausecours.org.. Other news at
www.truthout.org/docrs_2006/042607G.shtml and

All this was followed up at http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news/story.html?id=bd9c0d47-7d68-4965-bd3a-4530cd4fc6f6.

If the links don't work, don't blame me.

Date for the Ottawa Citizen Article is Friday, May 11, 2007, as on THAT
day, for the very first time in Canadian Parliamentary history, a
commitee head ended a parliamentary hearingf DESPITE the vote of its
members. Give a google on Leon Benoit, Tory MP and see what YOU get.

Who do you think should set a country's policy .. the voters or a
corporation. That's the bottom line. And are you gonna put up with a
government that tries to silence debate on these topics ..?

Why is Center for Strategic Studies writing our future .. NOT to be
confused with Canadian Security and Intelligence Services (also bearing
the CSIS acronym) and doing its damned best to win the turf wars with
the RCMP's intelligence unit. They are actively recruiting .. and
atempting to influence policy without being elected.

This follow up was to point up how "convenient" it is that Canada has
NO, and I mean NO, policy to deal with future exports, and has no
intention of getting one.

The world is at a TIPPING POINT .. (think Paris 1919)

The US is actively provoking in the
Gulf and the Straits of Homuz.  This  huge pile up (and Canada is there, too) and the constant roar of jets, is to ensure the world it knows that the US is a HUGE, unchallengable NAVAL power.  Yup, we KNOW.  We wonder if it is worth a nuclear holocaust to make that point, however.  In this area, watch the RUSSKIS rush around trying to make alliances.  They do not want their arses blown up into smithereens - or the economic dependence on OIL threatened.  Putin must be very very busy these days figuring out .. WHAT TO DO ...?

The near and middle east news sources
are NOT available on line, so it is hard to gauge just what the
reaction there is. (Try to find the Kaabul Times, folks - even Wiki has
that wrong).

Canada goes to the G-8 with Prme Minister Harper on
tenderhooks. Why ..? he cannot RIG elections as does Jeb Bush can and
Harper will lose his western power base if the facts become known. He
must get trade concessions to take back to his power base in the West
of Canada. Eventually, the complete fabrication of extracting oil from
the oil sands -- and the inevitable social rot-- will expose itself.
Naomi Klein is "on" this, but I don't have the url handy. I have written
my comments about the inevitable collapse of western Canada on here already.

WATCH carefully, the Canadians wil be using a crowbar at the G8 .. the Conservatives (who nobody really trust) do NOT want to hand back Ottawa and need some breathing space to keep their western base.

And to close, Europe is pouring NEW GOLD into its reserves as a hedge against global economic collapse.  If you are an individual investor this is GOOD.  If you are dependent on the world to maintain your life style, this is BAD.  Time to start honing your skills at doing without ...

And lastly, the US has a choke hold on the world and its various "faces" in other nations. The TURKS have about had it, which is WHY the Bilderbergs met there to discuss the invasion of Turkish airspace and how it makes the Turkish government "look bad" and they have a loss of "face".

The lack


diplomatic "initatives"

on the part of the US in the Middle and Near East


a profound problem. 

No way to show your electorate progress is being made in these "troublesome", problematic nations , at least for the crook$ and liar$.  There are no smoke and mirrors to hide behind as things stand.


No wonder the race is on by Henry K & associates .. They had better do something NOW, even if the populace is still too stoned, too lazy, too materialistic or must go to work to support a family -- or just plain doesn't speak English ... to keep on top of everything.

The NAU is NOT an extension of NAFTA, it is a global economic "weapon"
planned by the ELITE (which just met in Istanbul) planned for DECADES.

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