Sacred Lifewalk 2007
A journey of a thousand miles
Aboriginal Mother and Grandmother from the Kulin Nation,
(Melbourne, Australia)
in her fiftieth year
will set off from Kaurna Country (Adelaide, South Australia), to
walk a journey of 1,500 kilometers to Uluru
in Australia’s Northern Territory
to bring world-wide focus on
Mother Earth changes
and the continued deplorable treatment
and living conditions of
Aboriginal Peoples
in the homelands of her Ancestors.
that we are all connected,we no longer listen to our Mother Earth and
each other in a healthy manner.
In setting out upon this peaceful journey, my intention is to promote
awareness of and better our relationship with our Mother Earth and each
other. We, each of us, cannot continue on the course we are currently
on and just hope everything will be ok. My people have sought always to
maintain balance and its restoration through reciprocal relationships
with all things. This is expressed through our shared values, beliefs
and practices.
There must be a shift in attitude. We must become conscious of our
relationship with each other and our Mother Earth. We are all
Each of us is responsible. We cannot continue to close off our ears and
eyes to the continuing plight of my People and our Mother Earth. This
time of ignorance, greed and complacency must end.
I look forward to sitting down with people in communities along the
to share our stories and to see how we can all work together to bring
about peaceful change for the betterment of all people and all life.
All life is sacred. I am walking this ancient earth as my Ancestors have
done from time immemorial. I walk it for all those who have brought us here
and for all those still to come.
People who can make it to Adelaide are encouraged to come down to see
the walkers off and share a farewell BBQ Breakfast
DATE: Saturday the 07/07/07.
TIME: 6am Depart by 7am
WHERE: Tauondi Aboriginal Community College
11 Lipson Street Port
Adelaide South Australia
Alternatively, people can share art, music or words of support online
at: or
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It is of humble heart and spirit that I seek your elders consent to
pass through your homelands on our journey to Uluru. We hope to with your
consent to sit with the elders and community members in exchange of
sharing in our future visions together by running work shops as we go
through each community. We will send a copy of the media release as
well as sending a runner or PR person into each community ahead of us to
establish connection with the local elders and community members.
We will be needing the elders and communities assistance in where will
be the most appropriate camping place to stay while we establish
connection with your communities and to enable us to run the Work shops. It is
with much respect and appreciation for your support that I ask for your
guidance and consent to work and share in our visions,to which I
believe that we have a common thread and that is the sacredness of life itself
and the preservation of mother earth for our future generations to come. In
much repect and appreciation,
/Susan Charles Rankin
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